World's in Chaos

"Wait, what! I thought they spent so much time in there? My friend Parker is not that selfish not to open it. Give me space let me see for myself." Arnold grunted with so much anger and gave the touch light to Isabel before putting his hands on the door. He pushed and pushed and when Peter saw he was not giving up, Peter joined him not because he believed it was going to open but because he felt his own friend, Perry did not die in vain and that he actually saw Perry lift his hand as a sign to let him know that something must have been done before he died in the arena. It took three more forceful push as Peter had his hands in support of Arnold's for the door to break open and the moment it did, all of them started laughing and chuckling with tears of joy rolling down their eyes as they saw blood stains on the other side when the door was opened. They needed no one to tell them that it was the blood spills from either Parker or Perry — must have been Parker's blood because Perry was
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