Just as Alexander stepped outside the hall, he scanned the area for Blessing and saw her standing in the distance.

He also saw some students talking to her but from how bashful and uncomfortable she looked, he could tell that the conversation being had was something she didn’t want to talk about.

“Hey, Ble—“ Alexander called out, raising his hand to get her attention but was interrupted.


Alexander stopped and groaned after hearing his name.

He turned in the direction he had heard the voice come from, already knowing who it was because he recognized the voice. After all, it hadn’t been more than an hour since he last heard it.

“Princess” Alexander said after looking at her from head to toe, wondering what she wanted.

She was leaning on the wall of the exam hall, legs crossed and arms behind her back.

“So you remembered my name after hearing me tell it to the invigilator” she smiled.

“I have a really good memory so remembering wasn’t a challenge. Also, it’s an easy name to
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