Author: Fave writes

"Get out of the house, boy!" Esther, Ethan's mother-in-law, yelled and threw a worn-out bag out of the house.

Ethan was her son-in-law and had been married to Sophia for four years. He was never treated like the son-in-law he was; instead, he was treated like a cur.

"Mother, please." "I promise to work hard and earn more money." Ethan pleaded, but his pleas went unheard. 

"Just let me be with my wife." Ethan added to his remarks.

"Which wife?" How dare you acquaint yourself with my daughter?" Esther fumed, venom sparkling in her eyes. "Because of you, my daughter was demoted from CEO to an ordinary assistant marketing manager. Because of you, my daughter will no longer be able to be the heir."

"Divorce my daughter, and I will pay you $50 as a compensation f*e." Esther spoke with a confident expression on her face.

She was aware that Ethan was poor and had limited funds. He would not even hesitate to accept the money.

"Mmm..." Ethan sighed.

"All I want is to see her one last time. I would like to know if Ruby wants to divorce me.

"Why will not I divorce you? Are you even worth a spoon?” A sweet voice came from behind, distracting Ethan.

Ethan turned to photograph the irresistible figure of a blonde, slim, and curvy woman, descending the stairs in an elegant manner. She had her lips painted red and her brows arched perfectly.

Her name is Ruby, the most beautiful woman in Atlanta, the most sought after flower who was trapped by Ethan in a marriage.


The news of her wedding to Ethan, a useless man, spread throughout the city, causing widespread chaos. 

The marriage was decided by Ruby's father, Seth, prior to his death. He was once a beneficiary of Ethan's family before they were wiped out of existence.

Back then, Ethan's family was an A-list billionaire in Los Angeles; they stepped on the tail of a big bull and were wiped off the face of the earth, leaving a ten-year-old Ethan to fight for his life.

When Ethan reached adulthood, Seth felt compelled to repay the Albert family's kindness by marrying their only heir to his daughter, Ruby.

Nobody dared to bully Ethan while Seth was alive. Following Seth's death, the pampering treatment ended abruptly.

After Ruby's father, Seth, died, Ethan became an object of ridicule in the eyes of Esther, his mother-in-law. 


"Darling," Ethan called, ignoring their temper tantrums.

Ruby gave him a murderous glare and sneered. "How many times have I warned you to stop calling me darling?" she asked, her tone condescending. She sounds like she is about to nag him again, like he was a baby.

But why? Ethan inquired soberly. "Are you not my wife?" His voice sounded genuine.

"Erm... Ethan," Ruby called, as if she were about to say something important. "Is the sun and the moon compatible?"

Ethan paused, giving no response.

"Well, since you are too dumb to respond, I will tell you right now that we are not compatible and that you are out of my league. Today, you are leaving this house; I do not care if you sleep in the gutter or under the bridge.” Ruby addressed Ethan with a harsh tone.

Ethan hung his head for a brief moment, his mind racing with wild ideas. Where would he sleep tonight? Everyone had already written him off like a bad debt.

They no longer wanted to associate with him because they were afraid he would bring them bad luck. 

He looked up to see his wife still engrossed in her chaldrum, her face flushed with red. Her mother was dragging his little assets out and handing them over to Ruby, who did not hesitate to throw them in his face.

"Get out now, or I will call the cops or shoot you and claim self-defense." Ruby was adamant about her decision as she pulled out a gun.

When Ethan caught a glimpse of the gun, his eyes fluttered shut. His heart became heavy from her actions, and he never thought Ruby would dare to pull out a gun and point it at him for the next five years.

"This must be a joke, Ruby. Take that thing away from my face." Ethan said.

"If you do not take your worthless bag and leave, I am afraid I will pull the trigger." She caved, her voice tinged with danger.

Ethan hesitated briefly before succumbing to the threat. He was not afraid to die, but he loved Ruby and did not want her to rot in jail simply because of him.

He decided to leave for peace's sake because his wife was upset. He will return when she is calm to beg her mother to please pacify Ruby, and he will work hard to put a smile on her face.

"If you dare to return," she said, catching her breath. "Then don't blame me if I do the unnecessary to you. Meet me tomorrow at the magistrate's high court to sign the divorce papers." Ruby spoke as she returned to her room.

Ethan's legs remained stuck to the floor beneath him for a while before swirling to walk away.

"My daughter's wedding is tomorrow at 1pm, so please be on time at the magistrate court," Esther yelled, throwing a stick at Ethan.

Ethan was unable to dodge in time, so the stick struck his head hard, causing red liquid to flow down from his head.

Tomorrow is ruby's wedding? When he has not even signed the divorce agreement?

Was Ruby cheating on her while he was still living in the house as her legally married husband?

"Ruby, why is Mom talking about you getting married tomorrow?" Ethan inquired as if he were a dunce.

Ruby cackled into pedals of laughter and spoke condescendingly. "If you want to know what my mother meant by that, meet me at the magistrate court tomorrow at 9 a.m."

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