Ethan sat in front of his wife's mansion. It was winter, and everything was freezing; he was not even wearing thick clothes.

His hands and body were freezing and shivering as a result of the extreme cold that had penetrated his heart.

Ethan never imagined his wife would chase him out of the house into the cold to freeze, but he understands her feelings and concerns.

He was not the best husband, but he promised to look for a higher-paying job, which was not easy to find.

While he was thinking, a Bentley Maybach parked beside him.

Ethan did not bother looking up at the Maybach because he suspected it belonged to Ruby's visitor.

His teeth clattered against each other as the cold pressed harder against him, turning his knuckles white.

He felt warm and looked up to see a woman's face smiling at him while a blanket was used to cover him.

"Young master," he heard the young lady call, but gritted his teeth and turned behind him to see who the crazed woman was talking about.

“Young master, If you do not mind, could you please get into the car?" She spoke with deference, a sweet smile on her face.

"Young Master?" Ethan muttered, arching his brow as he gazed at her.

The young woman in her mid-20s nodded and parted her lips at the same time. 

"I am so sorry, young master. Allow me to introduce myself." She said this while placing Hef's palm on her chest.

"My name is Evenly, and I am the personal assistant to Mrs. Coker, CEO of Stark Conglomerate. Madam asked me to bring you home.” 

Ethan grimaced. 

Mrs. Coker? Madam? Stark Conglomerate? He has no idea who they are. 

‘This young lady before me may have mistook me for someone else.' He pondered inwardly while staring intently at the lady.

"You are mistaken, ma. I have never heard of Mrs. Coker or the Stark Conglomerate. Neither did I want to know." Ethan stood up and removed the blanket that was wrapped around him.

He handed it to the woman and said. "I am not the person you think you could trick with such a small prank." He glared, raising his voice slightly.

He turned away from the young lady and walked away. His steps faltered as he heard her speak again.

"But you are familiar with Rosabelle and Frank Albert." The woman spoke at the top of her voice.

Ethan spun around quickly to glare at the young woman. He could not help but wonder how this woman had known his family's name.

His mother's name was Rosabella Albert, and she has been missing for the last 15 years. His father, Frank Albert, had passed away. He died a long time ago alongside the rest of the family on a cruise ship.

He was the Albert family's sole surviving member. He did, however, remember his mother rescuing him and putting him in a safe boat before diving into the ocean.

His hands trembled at the moment, anger and fear rising within him. 

"How did you happen to know my parent's names?" He inquired in a firm tone, glaring at her.

"Young master. If you want to learn more about the boat incidents that have claimed your family's lives and your mother's whereabouts, please follow me."Evenly expressed in a pleading tone.

Ethan hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Following you to where?” He enquired. 

"To Mrs. Coker Estate," she answered simply.

"Well, if you think you can woo me by mentioning an Influential name, I would advise you not to waste your time because I am broke. And if you are doing this to harvest my internal organs, I assure you that you will fail miserably.” He said, pointing his finger in the air.

"Is that a yes, young master?" she asked with an even smile on her face. 

Ethan ignored her question and walked toward the Bentley maybach. Curiosity has eaten through his veins for so long, and it still does.

He has been yearning for answers to his family's tragedy, which claimed the lives of so many people, including his father. 


He begged his parents to let him sail in a more private boat, but since he was only 10, his father refused.

He burst into tears, and his mother, unable to bear his wailing, begged his father to let him sail.

"He is only ten years old. "How could he be allowed to sail alone when he can't even swim?" his father asked when his mother tried to persuade him.

"He will put on a life jacket, Franklin," his mother said in her usual soft tone and strong British accent.

"Even the life jacket, if tampered with, can cause him to drown. I know you are aware of this.” 

Ethan had watched his parents debating in silence. He knew his mother would eventually win over his father.

His father, Franklin doesn't joke with either of them.

If a life jacket is not worn properly and an accident occurs, the individual may drown.

"Okay, Frank," his mother says as she walks up by his side. "I will accompany him and make sure he is safe."

"Rosa," his father's brow furrowed. "No, you are supposed to be with me at at the grand entrance," his father objected.

"Frank," his mother said as she ruffled Ethan's hair. "It will only be for a short time, thirty minutes, and we will be back." she said glancing over her wristwatch.

His father took a moment to pause before nodding.

Little Ethan was overjoyed as he watched his mother walk closer to his father, kissing and hugging, before approaching him. 

"You said thirty minutes, Rosa; do not keep me waiting and panicking," his father warned, jokingly.

They boarded the private boat before the thirty-minute mark and sailed away while the rest of the people were having fun.

Ethan and his mother had been stargazing for thirty minutes when the ship exploded.

Every scene and thing at that moment felt like a film trick, an illusion.

"Mother," Little Ethan cried, clutching his mother's dress.


"Young Master, wake up..." Ethan felt a gentle tap on his shoulders, and his eyes fluttered open.

He was dreaming. Even though it was a dream, everything still felt surreal.

Ethan nipped at Evenly. 

She smiled, "You have been sleeping since. We've arrived at the Coker’s estate, please let's go in.” She said.

"Mrs. Coker," he said, pausing. "Who is she to me?"

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