Mr. Richland stood there at the doorway, glaring at the girl who had nowhere to go to now. There was no way she could escape and before she could even try it, because he would teach her a very bitter lesson if she attempted. His mind was already made up and nothing was going to stop him from doing what he wanted to do now. Then for the third time that morning, he spoke to her again in the same cold and menacing voice that he had used previously.

She was more than scared as she heard him tell her that again and she knew that there was nothing she could do to salvage the situation she had been caught up in. There was nothing she could do to escape, which was even more terrifying than what he was asking her to do. She wondered what he was going to use against her if she tried to force her way through. Did he have a gone, she thought, or a knife, or was he going to use his hands.

She had no idea but she knew it would be a good idea not to tempt him into using any of those because she didn
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