Cage stood outside his house, pacing back and forth like a caged beast. He had been very worried, ever since he got the call from the agents some minutes before now. He trusted their abilities, but hearing that Chloe had been rescued was everything he could ask for. He couldn't wait to see her come back to him again. As soon as this was done, the Gedan Family would be shooting themselves in the foot.

They had made a very big mistake the moment they decided to take her away from him so they could manipulate him into giving her up. He was going to make sure they suffered and got what they deserved. There was no mercy here. The silence was heavy where he stood and it was only broken by the occasional rustle of leaves in the breeze.

He couldn't shake the images of Chloe's terrified face haunting his mind. He continued to stand there, patiently waiting. It wasn't long before he heard the sound of an approaching car. It pulled him from his thoughts as he walked to the direction. A black S
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