"Hey, Adam! We're done shopping!" Julie said happily and she and Oliver brought a lot of shopping carts.

"O-oh. Yeah. S-sure." Adamson is nervous about the safety of his friends but he makes sure they are safe despite his mission. After paying for everything they took around the mall. He drove his friends back to their respective apartments.

"Did you guys enjoy the things you shop?" Adamson asked, he could see in their faces that they were happy to have some new clothes and some items.

"Thank you so much, Adam, I appreciate your treat. I finally have nice clothes to wear." Julie was so happy with her new dresses and she hugged the stuffed toys she won in the machine.

"I suck at playing that machine. I didn't get any. But you're the one who likes stuffed toys, that panda is cute, can I have it?" Oliver asked but Julie who couldn't let go of the stuffed toys pouted, "Sorry but no. I've worked hard to get these stuffed toys, and they will sleep beside me tonight." She was like a kid t
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