"He's a rapist!" the blonde girl accused, everyone was shocked and angry to hear it. She was faking her cry and pointing Oliver to make people hate him even more.

"This jerk shouldn't have entered our company because he's targeting an innocent woman!" Their accusations were exaggerated while Oliver had no idea that the place he entered would lead him into a mess that would be difficult for him to escape.

"Beat him up! Until he dies!" Martin ordered and they beat Oliver who groaned in pain because of the strong punches and kick he receives.

It was pitiful to see Oliver lying on the floor, his face was bloody with punches and all the people around were making fun of him, they were throwing bottles and food at him.

Someone secretly stabbed him who wear gloves, Oliver felt the knife inside his gut and he was bathing in his blood. A police siren can be heard outside and everyone ran away when the police came.

Everyone was sent away and Oliver was left on the ground unable to stand, he was
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