Chapter 9

  The news that the wonder student of the first year had learnt another spell spread across the entire university like wildfire and for the first time in over a year people were talking about him but not in a gossiping manner.

  For the next few days, Rex was relieved because nobody came to bother him or bully him as before, and it was nice walking along the halls without having the fear of someone setting out their leg for him to fall, or going to his seat to find little pins scatter around it as a way of booby-trapping it for him. This was because all of his bullies were cowards who were actually just jealous of his gifts and so now that you have learnt a new enchantment and had executed it so nicely for his first try they were afraid that he would continue unlocking more enchantments.

 but as the days passed they watched him like vultures that wanted to swoop in on a corpse waiting for him to pull out another out and enchantment but then they realize that that was not happening anytime soon.

 "I'm so sick of hearing about that idiot everywhere I go!" three of his bullies gathered in the hallways

 that connected to the lecture halls.

 "Since the first day we came to the university, it's like nobody can ever stop talking about him Rex this Rex that... even when he became a useless nobody people were still talking about him he's such an attention seeker don't you agree?"

 The other two, a boy that was shorter than him and a girl with pink hair nodded.

 "You are completely right, it's as if you can't stand being away from the spotlight for even a second. It makes me sick to my stomach..."

 she said, making a disgusted face as if she had just eaten rotten fruit.

 "Someone really needs to put him in his place. The rest of us have already learnt about 4 to 5 enchantments in the past year and then he learns one more and the entire school goes crazy. What the heck?"

 the shortest member of the gossiping bullies nodded in agreement with what she said.

 "Tell me about it, the professors did not even care this much when we were gaining more enchantments..."

 "Look here the moment I see that idiot again I'm going to squash him to the floor where he belongs, who does he think he is?"

 said the tallest male in the group and then after saying it the girl with pink hair nudged him.

 "It looks like we won't have to wait for a long time to see who's coming along the hallway..."

b she pointed her sharp fingernails towards the direction that workers who were unaware of their gossiping were coming from. They pretended to be discussing something else until he came toward them and then they formed a wall to block his way.

 "Hey, Reggy was it? we are from the same year as you, you might not know us since we are not as popular as you..."

 the girl said sarcastically.

 "You know my name is Rex right?"

 he said looking at all of them without an ounce of fear in his eyes.

 "You guys pick on me every day so you should at least know my name right?"

 The other boy among the bullies that were shorter than the girl threw his hand over Rex's shoulder.

 "Buddy I don't know what you are talking about but you better not go spreading that lie to the professors that we pick on you. Come on, we're just messing with you as friends do..."

  Rex immediately shrugged off the hand of the other male with a scoff.

  "That's a very interesting dream you must have had because I think that is the only way any of us here can be friends..."

 As soon as his words came out of his lips the other male grabbed him by his collar as if he wanted to strangle him.

 "You have a lot of nerve, do you know that? So what are you saying that you are too good to be friends with us?"

 The pink girl was panicking when she saw that this was about to burst into a fight. It was one thing teasing him and making fun of him because that was something that they could cover up with jokes but physical violence was something that if a professor saw they would get in big trouble.

"Just let go of the rat, he's not worth it..."

 she said to her friend but he looked hesitant about it and then Rex said something that totally tipped him over.

 "I don't think that I'm too good to be friends with you guys, I just feel like all of you are too low for me..."

 At this point, the other male grabbed Rex off the floor and slammed his back into a wall.

 "We are the ones that are too low for you? you must be really out of your mind just because you learnt one new enchantment..."

  A crowd had already begun to gather but nobody was coming forward to help Rex and he was not surprised because this was something that a friend could help out with and if he checked last he had no friends.

 The moment he stopped being the one that students were when their interest in him died, nobody would check on him if he didn't come to a class. Nobody cared if he was sick and nobody invited him anywhere. He was a total social outcast so he was not expecting what came next.

 "so you are not going to apologize for what you said?" said the tallest among the three bullies

 "Why should I apologize for telling the truth?"

 "That's It I'm turning your face into a pancake..." just as he was about to do so the entire house shook when a loud voice yelled.

 "you better stop right there!"





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