"Shit! The stupid company..."
The sound of the door being slammed can be heard throughout the whole office. It was so loud that some people take a peek to see what it is. As soon as they saw who making slamming the door, all of them immediately continue doing their work as if they were scared of something.
It was Ibuki that slammed the door, everyone knew that he has a bad temper and easily punch someone if he get irritated. The truth was he doesn't want anyone to get involved in his matter cause people tend to give some life advice that was pretty stupid as they never went through the same thing.
"I should know that it was Ibuki that causing the problem."
"That's why he never had friends in the office, I wonder why the chief still didn't fire him..."
"Hahaha! It's because he is a hard-working guy that's pretty dumb about how life works..."
Ibuki just walked by holding his anger inside of him, he know that this is how society works. When he is with them they will talk nicely but when you were not around, they will start bad-mouthing him.
He went to the smoking room to release some of his stress. Cigarettes were the only thing that could calm Ibuki down in this situation. He then took one cigarette and lit it up. While he was smoking he rant about his problem alone in the room.
"I have been working hard for almost 2 years in this shitty company yet I never get a raise and that girl that just enter this company gets an instant raise plus a promotion... It's all because she was a girl!"
When Ibuki just about to take another cigarette from the cigarette pack, he notice that the light in the room kept flickering. He thought that it was just broken but he doesn't know that it indicates something.
He was just lighting up his lighter as the office floor began to shake around, and his lighter drop because of that. Ibuki then realized that it was an earthquake, luckily there was a table in the room and he quickly went under it. Some of the debris fell around the table.
It was so strong that the lights were cut off as the room ceilings break apart and some of it fall into the office floor. Ibuki could hear the whole office filled with screaming noises, all of them were panicking.
The earthquake still has not shown any sign to stop Ibuki hear the sound of ceilings nearby collapsing. Finally, the earthquake stopped and Ibuki had to crawl out from the table as the debris has fill up around the table.
After he managed to crawl out from there, the room was pitch black as the light was off. Ibuki couldn't see much of the smoking room, he regretted to left his phone on his desk as it would be helpful in this situation.
He was still able to get out of the smoking room even though it was dark but as soon as Ibuki get out. He hears the office staff screaming for help in the other room, Ibuki hears it carefully as the sound comes from the Chief Office.
Ibuki quickly went to the chief office, some of the lights in that building still work as he saw blood coming under the ceilings on the ground. It seems that the workers must get crushed by the ceilings and die.
Along the way, Ibuki encountered many more dead bodies. He realize that it was weird that all the workers were dead just because of earthquakes. Ibuki rushed to the chief officer when he arrived there.
The chief was still alive but his lower body was crushed by the ceilings, he immediately shouted for help when Ibuki was in the room.
"I-Ibu-Ibuki! Help me ... I'm stuck..."
Ibuki then realized that no matter what he does now, the chief was already on the verge of dying. He just stood there and listen to his chief screaming for help, he knows that all the people on the floor were dead and no one will put the blame on him for not helping his chief.
"Wh-Why... You just st-stand there! Help me you fool..."
He was just laughing at the chief as this might be his chance on revenge for all the stuff his chief does to him. Ibuki stepped on his chief face as he wanted the chief to apologize for everything that he has done to him.
"Pl-Plea-Please just save me... I pro-promise that I will give you money."
Ibuki laugh as he said, "Money? Is the pain making your ear break... I didn't want money! I wanted to apologize to you..."
"I never did anything to you! Wh-Why should I apologize..."
It's been a few hours since the chief begged Ibuki to save him, but with every pleads the sound kept getting smaller. Ibuki just stood there watching and laughing. He rants about his problem with society and how everyone should die.
With tears, the chief said his final word "P-ple-please sa..."
Ibuki looks into his pitiful chief one last time and a grin comes on his face as he saw that his chief already died. "You think because you are already dead, I can't make your life worse... YOU'RE WRONG!"
He then took a damaged fire extinguisher nearby and started to smash the chief head. It looks only three seconds before the chief head is completely smashed by him. Ibuki then smile and started to laugh loudly as he saw blood coming out from it.
Even with that, he still kept smashing it as he rants about society again and again. Ibuki didn't seem to feel guilty about what has he done, he just seems to enjoy doing it. After he feels bored, he left the room and sees whether there is something he could do next.
He wanders the floor to find the exit but he failed as all of it was blocked by the fallen ceilings. Dead bodies are everywhere as he knows that only he survived the earthquake. Ibuki also realized that he was stuck on that floor, he then walked back to the chief to take the damaged fire extinguisher.
He doesn't know how long he has been stuck here but it must be a few days but still, there was no rescue team. He began to assume that the rescue team doesn't want to save someone that isn't part of society. Ibuki's mind started to go mad as he kept smashing.
With that he began to smash all of the dead bodies around, the reason he does that was to become everyone there was the same as the chief. But every time he smashes, he seems to enjoy it more and more.
When he is about to smash the seventeen corpses, the earthquake appears again as the ceilings on top of his fall down. He looked up and realized it was too late to evade it, he accepts his death and the final words that came out from him were "I will kill the rest of the Society..." Ibuki then gets crushed by it and dies.
Suddenly he hears two voices talking to him, "Wake up! You insect..."
Ibuki then opens his eyes and realized that he was not on the office floor anymore but in this weird place. He searches for that voice but as soon he saw it, he was surprised by it. That voice was coming from that huge thing.
It was not human as it looks like a demon but far different from how humans described the demon.
"You are awake! I'm Avaricex, The God Demon, or what you humans called Master of both Hell and Underworld... What you do before you die was extremely good and I like it."
Ibuki's face seems unhappy with it, "And you called me here just to tell me that! Avaricex or what... You're just like my chief."
"Don't compare me with the human you insect! I'm far more powerful but I like your attitude, but let's cut the small talk. I will grant your wish and bestow you my blessings."
A black hole then appeared near Avaricex as he put his hand in the black hole. He then pulls out a reaper scythe and throws it toward Ibuki. "I will give you Soulcursed Scythe, with that kill everything and destroy everything."
Ibuki catches the scythe and as soon he takes it in his hand he feels different and hears some words in his mind that said "kills! destroy! Annihilate! Obliterate!" But still, he seems very unhappy about it.
"And? Is this all..."
"What a greedy human! I will bestow you my blessings and reincarnate you back in another world and give you a power similar to mine." Avaricex then opens a gate out of nowhere and told Ibuki to walk through it as it will make Ibuki reincarnate.
Ibuki doesn't know whether he should walk through the suspicious gate or not but something in him tell him that he should do it. It was because he could restart all over in another world and the society there would not be the same as the old one.
He then walked through the gate and the gate glowed in red. Avaricex laugh as he said something, "Good choice! Remember... The Demon God Avaricex despises everything! Destroy Everything!"
Ibuki's body started to become ethereal and slowly his consciousness faded away. He started to drift away from that place as his vision becomes blurry until all of it was gone.
When he opened his eyes back...
Related Chapters
RIPPER SYSTEM Chapter 2: Into Another World
Ibuki was already in a different world, it has much more green scenery than his old world. He looks around as he realized that he was at the top of a hill, and he notices something weird. There were big pillars scattered around all the places, the pillar reach the sky and the pillars were so high that even with his current viewpoint, he can't see the end of the pillars. When he was about to descend from the hill, Ibuki saw a huge thing flying on passing his head. It seems like some sort of giant bird but it was kinda different from it, he realized that there was a human girl on that giant bird's feet. That girl seems to be shouting for help but Ibuki just doesn't care about that, he just continues to descend from the hill. He just sees that there were no benefits for him to saving that girl. While descending he notices that there was no route for him to descend from the hill, he just saw a steep that could help him descend. With the scythe in his hand that he used it as a walking
RIPPER SYSTEM Chapter 3: Testing Out Strength
"All my stats were maxed!" Only that moment, Ibuki had forgotten about the cursed Avaricex had given him as he was thrilled to see his max stats.He began to think about this current world he was reincarnated to, he could do everything he wanted, and no here could beat him. That's what been thinking about but then he realized something that could destroy his current dream.Ibuki worried that there might be some people in the world that could overpower him. His realization has made him have a purpose in this current world besides killing the demon god Avaricex."It's like killing two birds with one stone! Hahaha..." He laughs but he didn't even realize that his laugh was making a huge demonic sound in the forest. There were some natives in that forest and when they heard it, the native's scout quickly check it out.Tracking that demonic sound, the native people finally found an undead that was Ibuki. they realized that to make that kind of sound, the undead must be pretty powerful. The
RIPPER SYSTEM Chapter 4: Unlocking Skills
Even with the huge explosion, Ibuki was still standing there unscathed. They're not even tiny scars or injuries. Ibuki didn't even feel any pain or damage because of that explosion. He then began to laugh again and mocked Oldham that his attacks were weak.Oldham was surprised to see Ibuki was unharmed even after taking that explosion. He then realized something weird about Ibuki. Oldham looks closely at Ibuki and he saw something around him. An aura that he was familiar with, a demon god aura."You aren't a normal undead...""Sadly I'm not...but the same can be said for you. You aren't just a human.""HAHA! This man is nearly my vessel to greet you, my real body was elsewhere."Ibuki now knows why this man has a godly vibe in his voice, Oldham was already dead by the strike he landed before. There is someone else using Oldham's body and continuing the fight with Ibuki.There is no wonder why he unleashes that kind of spell that kills many of the people in this village. He wasn't Oldh
RIPPER SYSTEM Chapter 5: God Of Death
Instant Scout*| Use it on the map to scout the area.After reading that, Ibuki reopens the map and uses the instant scout on the area in which the shovel was coming from. The section of the area now can be seen on the map, he realizes that there was some red dot moving on the map.Ibuki clicks on the red dot and surprisingly another pop-up appears, the pop-up was about the red dot he just clicks on. The red dot means the enemy, it was also able to display their level. Ibuki realizes that all of the enemies there were just levels 10-15.He would crush them easily but there was this one red dot that was far from the rest. Ibuki checked on the red dot and noticed that this particular person had a level much higher than the rest as this one was on level 50. Despite that, Ibuki knows that he could beat the enemy easily.When Ibuki was just about to use the instant scout again, three shovels were coming his way. He already knew that something was coming to him as he could see it clearly on
RIPPER SYSTEM Chapter 6: Another God
His opponent's effort to block was completely useless. He couldn't even block the incoming attack from Ibuki anymore.Still, Ibuki's opponent was imposing to stand up despite being hit numerous times in three minutes. His opponent refused to give up and kept taunting Ibuki that he doesn't hurt that much at all.This makes Ibuki kind of irritated as he wanted to make sure that his opponent yields as soon as possible. Ibuki hates to hear his opponent tell him that he is weak.It leaves Ibuki with no choice but to stop attacking with his bare hands. It would take quite a long time for his opponent to give up. All because his opponent has the spirit to not yield even in a difficult situation.Ibuki then decided to grab his opponent and lift him from the ground. It makes his opponent surprised as he didn't think that Ibuki will use this method.His opponent struggles to escape from Ibuki's grasp. Ibuki didn't take any time at all, as soon as he reached a good height distance. He throws his
RIPPER SYSTEM Chapter 7: Fight Between Gods
Ibuki knows that he could beat his opponent as he has defeated him before. Ibuki realized that his opponent might have additional power-up due to the resurrection. To make sure that his opponent does indeed have the power-up, he needs to check his stats while engaging in combat.[CHARACTER]>Ubram>HUMAN>LEVEL: 55>HP: 3200>MP: 2000>Physical [Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]Strength: 40Dexterity: 40Stamina: 40>Mental [Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]Intelligence: 70Perception: 59Wits: 81>Social [Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]Charisma: 54Manipulation: 77Appearance: 56When Ibuki saw the stats, he realized that he had never seen his previous stats before. He couldn't compare so Ibuki could assume that Ubram might be a little powerful than before.Still, Ibuki didn't think it would be that hard to defeat Ubram. He doesn't take any time at all as Ibuki speed a bit more than usual, he then lands a several hit onto Ubram body.Ibuki doesn't show any mercy at all as he slashes through Ubra
RIPPER SYSTEM Chapter 8: The Extend Of My Power
Ibuki managed to land a hit on God Cahysus but he felt that something was wrong. It was too easy as it's like God Cahysus didn't even try to evade Ibuki attack just now. Ibuki then backs down if that God Cahysus let himself get attacked, it's like the God wanted that Ibuki is in God Cahysus attack range. Because of that, Ibuki instinct told him he needed to back down or get hit instead. His instinct was right, after all, the moment Ibuki back down. A chain of lightning appears in Ibuki position earlier. Ibuki knows that he had been lucky and realizes that he should not let himself be trick or get some damage. "You're good undead. I thought you would be stupid and let yourself be struck by my lightning..." God Cahysus said that. "Of course, who wouldn't notice your dumb plan anyway. Still, it's a good try for a coward God like you. I thought you would fight me honestly." Ibuki said that towards God, Cahysus. Ibuki thought that God Cahysus would remain calm but as soon as the God h
RIPPER SYSTEM Chapter 9: God's Magics
The invisible magic use by God Uvel deflects the attack. Ibuki was not able to land an attack as God Uvel had saved God Cahysus.God Cahysus aware that and he didn't seem to like the help at all. "What are you doing, you know that the attack would not be able to harm me!""You're fool Cahysus, did you not notice the scythe of the undead... That isn't an ordinary scythe" God Uvel said that.God Cahysus look closely on Ibuki scythe as he then realizes it for himself, he was quite shocked when he sees the scythe. "Undead! Where do you get that weapon from!" God Cahysus said that."Do you think I would tell you where I obtain my SoulCursed scythe, you have to beat me if you really wanted to know," Ibuki said that to taunt God Cahysus.God Cahysus didn't reply as somewhat become much more serious right now. The spear that penetrates Ibuki skeleton body disappeared, God Cahysus stare at Ibuki as more lightning spark around his body. Ibuki knows that God Cahysus was going all out for this on
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Chapter 13: Monster Evolver
"Please! I would do anything for you… just let me out from this cage." The monster said that.I didn't care that much but for a moment, I had some idea in my mind that could make this a lot of fun."If you really would do anything, I do have a request and only if you agree to it, then I will set you free."Even before I stated my request, the monster quickly agreed with it. The beast didn't even know what he had put himself into. Still, I don't care as long I would have some enjoyment out of this.As I am a skeleton of my words, I break the monster free from its cage. I thought that the beast would betray me as soon as I break him open. But it seems that this monster honors my request."What do you want from me?" The monster asks."Easy, kill the human here, of course. I want to see them scream in terror as you slaughter each of them." I laughed after I said that."Are you out of your mind? I would simply be captured again by them… There's no way I could beat them as their master of t
Chapter 12: Getting Captured?
I was then caged into the same spot as these people kept the rest of the skeletons they had captured. I was so surprised that these people actually caught many skeletons and put them in a cage.I tried to talk with my fellow skeletons but none of the skeletons here was replying back to me."Are you dumb? I am talking with you…" I pushed one of the skeletons in front of me as I felt a little bit irritated that all of them were ignoring me.The skeletons didn't react at all as all of them began to stare at me with their dead eyes. I don't why the skeletons just stare at me. Do all of them don't have any intelligence at all?I am sure that all of these skeletons do have some intelligence, as the monster before did tell me there was an undead king in this world. It would be impossible for the undead king to rule all of the undead type monsters if they don't have even a tiny bit of intelligence.How could all of the undead monsters unite under the undead king then? It must be that these sk
Chapter 11: Effect Of Being A God's
I had just realised that I had some item that could be used for levelling up. I got a bunch of that exp stuff in my inventory and with that, I will be in max level in no time.Should I use God Exp or the Hero Exp, each item's name was different and it must lead to different effect while using it. At least that what I have been thinking in my head about these exp items.But it didn't take long for me to make up my mind, I ended up choosing the God Exp. God was much better than Hero and I guess it would make my level up to max much faster. Still, I could select the Hero Exp but I'm trying to see whether I could reach God Status using the God Exp.I then take out all of the Large God Exp and use it all at once. When I had used like 600 of the Large God Exp, there's a notification telling that it couldn't be used anymore. It says that I had already reached the max level.[CHARACTER]>IBUKI KEN>UNDEAD>LEVEL: MAX>HP: MAX>MP: MAX>Physical [Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]Strength: MAXDexte
Chapter 10: Escape God's
The problem was God Cahysus was already dead and God Uvel wasn't in this area anymore. With that, Ibuki couldn't get the information he needed. Ibuki was getting frustrated as he doesn't want to stay here any longer.Frustrated as Ibuki was right now. There's nothing he could do in this situation. The only thing he could do now was to play with God Cahysus corpse. But soon Ibuki was bored as God Cahysus body had been chop into tiny little pieces."I'm so bored, how do I escape from this empty white place!" Ibuki says it in a loud voice.He then remembers that he unlocks an achievement and still doesn't know what skill he had right now. Ibuki checked his skill.[Skill Menu]-Instant Scout*-Quick Fist*-Engulfing Flame*-Pain Absorption*-God Authority*"God Authority? What does this skill do..." Ibuki then clicks on the star to see the skill description.God Authority*| Granted the user the Power Of God*"The power of a god? I guess I had to test this out and maybe I could use it to
Chapter 9: God's Magics
The invisible magic use by God Uvel deflects the attack. Ibuki was not able to land an attack as God Uvel had saved God Cahysus.God Cahysus aware that and he didn't seem to like the help at all. "What are you doing, you know that the attack would not be able to harm me!""You're fool Cahysus, did you not notice the scythe of the undead... That isn't an ordinary scythe" God Uvel said that.God Cahysus look closely on Ibuki scythe as he then realizes it for himself, he was quite shocked when he sees the scythe. "Undead! Where do you get that weapon from!" God Cahysus said that."Do you think I would tell you where I obtain my SoulCursed scythe, you have to beat me if you really wanted to know," Ibuki said that to taunt God Cahysus.God Cahysus didn't reply as somewhat become much more serious right now. The spear that penetrates Ibuki skeleton body disappeared, God Cahysus stare at Ibuki as more lightning spark around his body. Ibuki knows that God Cahysus was going all out for this on
Chapter 8: The Extend Of My Power
Ibuki managed to land a hit on God Cahysus but he felt that something was wrong. It was too easy as it's like God Cahysus didn't even try to evade Ibuki attack just now. Ibuki then backs down if that God Cahysus let himself get attacked, it's like the God wanted that Ibuki is in God Cahysus attack range. Because of that, Ibuki instinct told him he needed to back down or get hit instead. His instinct was right, after all, the moment Ibuki back down. A chain of lightning appears in Ibuki position earlier. Ibuki knows that he had been lucky and realizes that he should not let himself be trick or get some damage. "You're good undead. I thought you would be stupid and let yourself be struck by my lightning..." God Cahysus said that. "Of course, who wouldn't notice your dumb plan anyway. Still, it's a good try for a coward God like you. I thought you would fight me honestly." Ibuki said that towards God, Cahysus. Ibuki thought that God Cahysus would remain calm but as soon as the God h
Chapter 7: Fight Between Gods
Ibuki knows that he could beat his opponent as he has defeated him before. Ibuki realized that his opponent might have additional power-up due to the resurrection. To make sure that his opponent does indeed have the power-up, he needs to check his stats while engaging in combat.[CHARACTER]>Ubram>HUMAN>LEVEL: 55>HP: 3200>MP: 2000>Physical [Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]Strength: 40Dexterity: 40Stamina: 40>Mental [Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]Intelligence: 70Perception: 59Wits: 81>Social [Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]Charisma: 54Manipulation: 77Appearance: 56When Ibuki saw the stats, he realized that he had never seen his previous stats before. He couldn't compare so Ibuki could assume that Ubram might be a little powerful than before.Still, Ibuki didn't think it would be that hard to defeat Ubram. He doesn't take any time at all as Ibuki speed a bit more than usual, he then lands a several hit onto Ubram body.Ibuki doesn't show any mercy at all as he slashes through Ubra
Chapter 6: Another God
His opponent's effort to block was completely useless. He couldn't even block the incoming attack from Ibuki anymore.Still, Ibuki's opponent was imposing to stand up despite being hit numerous times in three minutes. His opponent refused to give up and kept taunting Ibuki that he doesn't hurt that much at all.This makes Ibuki kind of irritated as he wanted to make sure that his opponent yields as soon as possible. Ibuki hates to hear his opponent tell him that he is weak.It leaves Ibuki with no choice but to stop attacking with his bare hands. It would take quite a long time for his opponent to give up. All because his opponent has the spirit to not yield even in a difficult situation.Ibuki then decided to grab his opponent and lift him from the ground. It makes his opponent surprised as he didn't think that Ibuki will use this method.His opponent struggles to escape from Ibuki's grasp. Ibuki didn't take any time at all, as soon as he reached a good height distance. He throws his
Chapter 5: God Of Death
Instant Scout*| Use it on the map to scout the area.After reading that, Ibuki reopens the map and uses the instant scout on the area in which the shovel was coming from. The section of the area now can be seen on the map, he realizes that there was some red dot moving on the map.Ibuki clicks on the red dot and surprisingly another pop-up appears, the pop-up was about the red dot he just clicks on. The red dot means the enemy, it was also able to display their level. Ibuki realizes that all of the enemies there were just levels 10-15.He would crush them easily but there was this one red dot that was far from the rest. Ibuki checked on the red dot and noticed that this particular person had a level much higher than the rest as this one was on level 50. Despite that, Ibuki knows that he could beat the enemy easily.When Ibuki was just about to use the instant scout again, three shovels were coming his way. He already knew that something was coming to him as he could see it clearly on