“Perfect,” Adrian rubbed his hands together and leaned forward. “ I’d like everything to be arranged with the utmost care—from the restaurant to the service to the food. It all needs to be impeccable. But there’s one more thing; when I arrive with my wife tonight, she’s going to wonder how I could afford such a luxurious dinner, considering my cover up identity as a jobless average joe. We’d have to come up with a believable explanation that quells her curiosity. Is that understood?”

“Clearly understood, young master.” Leon replied confidently. “I’ll have the staff reserve the entire rooftop restaurant for your dinner. And I’ll personally ensure that everything is perfectly set in place, so your dinner can be a memorable one.”

“I expect nothing less,” Adrian said seriously as he picked up the teacup and sipped his tea until its last drop. “Now, tell me more about this hotel. I want to know everything.”


About half an hour later, Adrian was done with his
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