Author: Ahvikki

Adrian Muller made his way to the Muller mansion with a conflicted expression on his face as the weight of his circumstances crashed down on him. His girlfriend had left him to be with a richer man and now, he desperately needed $100,000 for his mother’s surgery. All the money he raised by working odd jobs day and night, had not even been enough to cover her chemotherapy treatments. Currently left with no other choice, he decided to ask his estranged father for help.

As he got to the gates of the mansion, he was halted in his tracks by the buff security guard on duty. “Where do you think you’re going? You lost…or something?” The security guard named Jared sneered, his thick southern accent dripping with disdain as he took in Adrian’s worn out clothes.

“I’m here to see Mr Robert Muller. It’s very urgent.” Adrian replied, his voice laced with desperation.

Jared scoffed as his eyes narrowed at Adrian with revulsion. “You ain’t allowed to see him. Leave before I rough you up!” He ordered dismissively.

“Please.” Adrian pleaded. “Let me see him…just this once. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t urgent. M-my mother’s life is on the line.”

Jared remained unmoved by the pleading expression on Adrian’s face, and only regarded him with a cold look as he shrugged emotionlessly, “Not my problem. Orders are orders, now get lost.” He spat as he began to shove Adrian away.

Ben, a lanky middle aged security guard with a wiry beard who had been watching their interaction from the guardhouse came out and said, “Hold up, Jared. You’re being too hard on him, don’t you think? Life or death’s no joke.”

Jared huffed in disbelief as he turned to Ben with a look of annoyance in his eyes. “Are you trying to get us in trouble because of this bastard?!”

“If your job is no longer important to you, mine still is so I won’t be letting him in.” He added defiantly.

“As your superior,” Ben countered in a firm tone, deciding to play the superiority card. “I say we give him a chance to see the master…he is his son after all.”

Jared stared challengingly at Ben for some seconds before he reluctantly yielded. “Fine… better hope this doesn’t backfire on you. This loser would only cause problems.” He muttered through gritted teeth before begrudgingly stepping aside for Adrian to pass through.

“Thank you very much sir. I won't forget this.” Adrian said in gratitude to Ben before hurrying past the gates of the mansion.

As he went further into the compound, Jared glared at his retreating figure with malicious intent. He couldn’t wait for Adrian to be thrown out by the Mullers so he could deal severely with him.

Liam Muller, Adrian’s step brother was sipping some wine and admiring the view outside his bedroom window when he caught a glimpse of Adrian’s disheveled figure edging closer to the house. His fingers tightened around the glass cup as he smashed it across the floor and with an ugly scowl etched on his thin lips, he dashed out to confront him. There was no way he would allow that bastard into his father’s house.

Adrian was about to press the doorbell when the door suddenly flung open. “What are you doing here, you useless piece of trash!” Liam sneered as he leered at Adrian with hatred filled eyes.

“I-I want to see Father. There’s something-”

“He’s not your father, you revolting bastard!” Liam landed a slap on Adrian’s face, effectively cutting him off. “Go back to the gutter you crawled out from and ask your slut of a mother who your real father is!”

Adrian’s expression shifted from that of desperation to anger as his face jerked to the side from the effect of the slap. He clenched his fist as he contemplated punching Liam in the face for slapping him and calling his mother a slut but, he restrained himself at the last minute.

“Liam…it would be best if you don’t talk about my mother like that. Show some respect.” Adrian spoke in a calm voice despite the anger simmering within him.

Liam's face twisted in further rage. "Shut your fucking mouth! What gave you the guts to threaten me in my own house. It seems you no longer want to live!"

“Guards!” He shouted and all the security guards in the mansion including Jared and Ben immediately rushed to the scene.

“Who let this fool into this compound?” Liam thundered at them as he gestured towards Adrian, his whole body shaking with rage at this point.

“I did sir…he said he needed to see Master Robert urgently.” Ben spoke up cautiously with his hands crossed behind his back as he awaited Liam’s reaction.

“You dare disobey my orders?!” Liam roared as he reared his hands backwards and landed a heavy slap on Ben’s face.

“I apologize for flouting your orders sir. I just wanted to help young master Adrian.” Ben replied calmly, his head still lowered despite the stinging sensation on his cheek.

“Are you mad?!” Liam seethed as he landed another hot slap on Ben’s cheeks. “I’m the only young master in this household! How dare you call this bastard young master! You’re fired! Disappear from my presence this instant!”

“As you wish sir.” Ben sighed in defeat as he bowed respectfully before taking his leave. He had loyally served the Mullers for over twenty years now but if doing the right thing meant that he would be cruelly dismissed then so be it, he had no regrets.

“Serves him right” Jared mused satisfactorily as he watched Ben leave. Now that Ben was gone, he could finally get the position of the head of security which he had coveted for a long time.

To further kiss up to Liam, he rushed to his side. “Young master Liam, let me take care of this piece of trash for you. He won’t dare step his foot into this place again after I’m done with him.” He offered with a menacing look at Adrian.

“Good. Get rid of him this instant!” Liam ordered, then glared ruthlessly at Adrian before adding, “Ensure to cripple him for daring to threaten me in my father’s house.”

“Yes sir!” Jared responded in obedience as he forcefully grabbed ahold of Adrian’s shirt.

Just as he was about to drag him away, an authoritative sound boomed from the doorway behind Liam. “Let go of him now!”

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