The air in the boutique crackled with a silent tension for a moment before everyone broke out in murmurs and whispers.

“This is absolutely humiliating for these people. I would cover my head in shame if I were them.”

“Being banned from the most luxurious boutique in Wibston? That’s truly too unfortunate.

The customers remarked and gradually continued with their shopping, no longer concerned with the drama.

Adrian hadn’t been this entertained in a while. He loved the way the manager had put Tatiana, Tiffany and Jamie in their place. It was so satisfying to behold.

Jamie looked like a deer caught in headlights. Not only had his reputation been damaged, but he had lost face in the eyes of his girlfriend and her mother.

Tatiana and Tiffany couldn’t bear the weight of the embarrassment they were facing. It was just too much.

“Helen, I won’t forget this.” Tatiana gritted out, her tone laced with an underlying promise as she, Tiffany and Jamie were escorted out of the boutique, each led by
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