Sliding some cash into the cab driver's hand, Adrian exited the taxi and hurried towards the Lifemate Hospital. Immediately he opened the solid doors, he was greeted with the familiar scent of sterile bleach and drugs. He quickly approached the counter where two nurses sat gossiping, their faces plastered with animated expressions.

Adrian cleared his throat to gain their attention. “Good afternoon, Please I'd like to see my mother.”

The two nurses on duty stopped mid-chat and simultaneously turned in their seats to look at Adrian, an irritated expression instantly settling on their faces at the sight of him.

“Are you sure your mother is in this hospital?” One of the nurses with the name tag, Kate asked dryly.

“Yes I’m sure.” Adrian confirmed. “She’s been here for about a month now and I’ve even visited her several times.”

“Then why haven’t I seen you before even though I’m always on duty?” She asked with narrowed eyes before shifting her gaze to her colleague. “Amy, have you seen him here before?”

“Nope.” Amy, the second nurse answered, popping the ‘p’ for emphasis.

Kate gazed back at Adrian with pursed lips before leaning forward. “To give you the benefit of the doubt,” She drawled. “Tell me your mother’s name and I’ll confirm if she’s on the patient list.”

“Irene Peterson.” Adrian replied curtly.

Kate’s eyes darted to the computer screen, her forehead creasing as she typed in the name. A few seconds of silence went by before she spoke in a snarky tone. “Your mother has a lot of outstanding bills and her name is highlighted in red on our patient list. It’s no wonder I didn’t know who you were. I don’t pay attention to freeloaders.”

“I equally despise freeloaders.” Amy muttered in disdain as her eyes raked over Adrian with an unpleasant glint.

Adrian’s jaw clenched at their rudeness, “I’m here to settle all the bills and pay for her surgery.” He stated. “But I want to see her first. Kindly confirm if she is still admitted in the same ward.”

“Ward.” Kate scoffed. “Wards are only for patients who don’t have a truckload of outstanding bills. Debtors like your mother are dumped in the general room. Unfortunately, the general room is currently filled up, so she might likely be in the hallway.”

Adrian’s eyes narrowed into slits as he gripped the counter tightly, “You mean you moved my mother from her ward to the hallway because of outstanding bills?”

Kate rolled her eyes at him dismissively, “And if we did?” She challenged.

Adrian didn’t reply, instead he dashed towards the direction of the hallway. The rage in him increasing as he glanced around until his eyes landed on a lone figure— his mother. His mouth immediately became dry as he rushed to her.

Irene sat hunched over on a wheelchair with her head resting against the white hospital wall. Her bald head which was a side effect of chemotherapy treatments glistened under the lighting of the hallway, her cheeks were sunken and her skin, shown with a sickly pale shade. Tiny drops of tears strewed down her wrinkled cheeks, even though her eyes were closed.

“Mom!” Adrian choked out in a pained voice as he crouched down in front of her, his eyes filled deeply with pain. “Are you okay?”

Irene’s eyes fluttered open at the sound of his voice. “A-drian?” She whispered fondly, a weak smile forming on her blue-tinged lips. “I’m fine son. Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you.”

“I went to get the money for your surgery. How could they remove you from your ward and leave you here like this.” His fists clenched as he muttered in a cracking voice.

Irene sighed, a look of sadness etched on her features. “A rich patient needed the ward so they moved me out. It’s just the way things are for the poor, son.”

“No.” Adrian spat, his voice hardening. “That’s not right. I can’t let this happen. Don’t worry mom. I promise to get you the best ward in this hospital and the best treatment too.” He vowed with clenched fists.

“Hold on mom, I’ll be back.” He said softly and with fierce determination in his eyes, he marched back towards the counter.

“I demand to see the director of this hospital now!” He declared in an icy tone.

Kate and Amy who were now attending to another customer exchanged mocking glances before bursting into a fit of giggles.

“You’re joking, right?” Kate snorted, her voice dripping with ridicule. “You can’t even afford a common hospital bill and you think you have the right to demand the presence of the director? Stop dreaming, fool.”

"Yeah" Amy chimed in, her voice laced with disdain. "You're nothing but a delusional freeloader trying to act important. It's really pathetic."

Adrian was unflinching as he gritted out, “You both have one minute to call the director here or you’ll be sorry.”

“Enough of this rubbish!” Kate slammed her hand down on the counter as she shot up from her seat, her nostrils flaring. "Get your sickly mother and your disgusting self out of this hospital before I call security."

“We are truly sorry that you have to witness this sir.” Amy sweetly said to the customer they had been attending to as she twisted her lips. “We usually don’t encounter… riff-raffs like him here.”

“Didn’t you hear what she said! Get your mother and your smelly self out of here!” She added, glaring at Adrian disdainfully.

Adrian gritted his teeth so hard that they nearly shattered. “You’ll be eating this words very soon.” He swore as he retrieved his phone and dialed Jonah’s number.

Jonah picked up with a single ring. “Hello. Young sir. Is everything oka—”

“—Jonah, what do you know about the Lifemate Hospital on Harmony Lane?” Adrian cut Jonah off with his question.

“Well…” Jonah’s voice echoed through the receiver. “Lifemate Hospital is owned by the Dorian family, but is managed by someone named Arnold Lawson. Is everything alright?”

“I’ll explain later.” Adrian said in a firm yet urgent tone. “For now, I need you to buy more than 50% of the hospital shares listed on the stock market. Get it done within ten minutes.”

“Of course sir.” Jonah replied without hesitation before Adrian hung up the call.

“Stop putting up an act. We know you’re only bluffing.” Kate and Amy muttered mockingly. “Do you really expect us to believe that a loser like you can afford to buy the shares of this hospital. What a load of crap.”

“Fine then.” Adrian replied in a cold voice as he leaned on the counter with a confident smirk. “Wait till after ten minutes then we would know if I’m putting on an act or not.”

The customer cleared his throat, his gaze flickering curiously between Adrian and the nurses. “Young man, I think it would be best if you leave to avoid causing a scene.” He chimed in tentatively.

Adrian stared at the man intensely. “This isn’t about causing a scene.” He replied curtly. “This is about getting justice for my mother. So please stay out of it.”

“Look at him being so rude to someone who can buy him ten times over. Such an arrogant nobody.” Amy huffed in annoyance.

“I know right.” Kate concurred. Just wait…he won’t be feeling so confident very soon.”

The man spared a final glance at Adrian in pity before shrugging and walking away.

Before the ten minutes elapsed, Adrian’s phone rang—it was Jonah. “It is done sir.” Jonah announced firmly. “Lifemate Hospital is now under your ownership. The director has been informed of this change and is currently on his way to meet you.”

A satisfied smirk spread across Adrian’s face as he said in an impressed tone. “Thank you, Jonah. Excellent work. I’ll talk to you later.” With that, he hung up and turned to the nurses who now exchanged nervous glances.

“The both of you have sixty seconds to apologize for your behaviors before the director comes and I’ll consider a lighter punishment for you.”

Regaining her boldness, Kate scoffed, her voice filled with sarcasm. “Oh spare us that pretense. If the director comes here to meet you, I’ll lick the floor.”

“So will I !” Amy added smugly.

“As you wish.” Adrian shrugged indifferently and within seconds, a man dressed in shirt and trousers with a white lab coat rounded the corner and rushed to the counter.

When his eyes fell on Adrian, he immediately stretched his hands out for a handshake. “Good day Mr Muller. My name is Doctor Arnold Lawson and I’m the director of this hospital. I just got informed that you are the new owner. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He said with a wide smile.

“What!” Kate and Amy gasped in unison as all the color drained from their faces.

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