Chapter 0003

In the interrogation room at the police station, Charles sat in handcuffs on a chair, anxiously looking at the police officer across from him.

“Charles Collins! You are under arrest for breaking and entering, intentional harm, and attempted rape.” The policeman stated, causing Charles to fall into panic.

“But sir, I’m innocent. It’s a false accusation. I’m the victim.” Charles explained, and his hands tightly clenched.

"But the evidence remains that you were in the victim’s house and assaulted him. Furthermore, both ladies have accused you of intentional rape." the officer reminded him indifferently, showing little concern for the truth of the case.

Charles also understood that it would be difficult for him to explain. If Bob was determined retaliate against him, he would not only be expelled from school but also might end up in jail. His future would be ruined in an instant!

"No, I can't go to jail!"

“If you want to get out of here, the only way is for the victims to drop the charges and for you to pay a fine of $5000.” The policeman spoke again.

Upon hearing these two conditions, Charles fell into silence.

$5000 was quite expensive for him, he couldn’t afford it! Maybe David could help him.

However, the other condition was difficult, nearly impossible for him. He didn’t think Bob Klein would forgive him and drop the charges.

After consideration, Charles slowly released his fists.

He had compromised! He would apologize to Bob in order to gain his forgiveness!

"Excuse me, officer, I'd like to see Bob Klein," Charles pleaded.

A hint of amusement flashed in the officer's eyes as he smiled and replied, "Just wait a moment, I'll inform him."

Charles didn’t notice the anomalies of the policeman, his body slumping to the chair, and his gaze being glued to the front without blinking, and his memory also replaying the scenes he had experienced in the villa.

The pain of Rachel’s betrayal was immediately felt again. Moreover, his mind was also frantic about his future, threatened with destruction. He buried his face into his arms.

At this moment, he felt so lonely and helpless.

Before long, the police officer brought Bob into the interrogation room, and Charles looked up at them.

His eyes were red, clearly from crying.

"Hey hey hey, 'Boxing King' Charles, why are you crying? Are you a crybaby?" Bob mocked immediately as he entered, his smile pulling at the wound on his face, causing him to grimace in pain.

Charles lowered his head, saying nothing in response. He clenched his fists tightly, his fingernails digging into his palms, blood seeping out unnoticed.

“How is it? Do you like the jail? If so, you can stay here as long as you want, tell me how many years you’re willing to stay here. Five years? Or ten?” Bob asked arrogantly, feeling victorious for putting Charles in such a dilemma.

“ should apologize to me.” Bob spoke again. This time, he approached Charles and squatted next to him.

“Kneel down and apologize to me! if you don’t, I can get you expelled from the college and imprisoned for years.” Bob’s threat was like a dagger that inserted into Charles’s heart.

He stared at Charles, waiting impatiently.

“You don’t want to, huh? Well, I’ll speed up the process.” Bob stood up and threatened before leaving.

“Alright, I apologize!” After saying it, he seemed to have lost all his energy.

A satisfied grin appeared on Bob’s face as he turned back to look at Charles, like a landlord waiting for an audience from his slave.

Charles could only gave in, even though he was humiliated by this. Still, he could not let his future be destroyed just like that by Bob. He will swallow all the man’s insults for the sake of his future.

“Kneel and apologize!” Bob said again.

The request was like a shard of glass that scratched Charles’ pride. Charles let out a rough breath and then slowly lowered his body. Bob grinned, satisfied to see Charles obey him.

“So...sorry, it’s... all my fault...”Charles apologized with great humiliation.

Then Bob lifted one of his legs and stepped on Charles’ shoulder.

“Now, kiss my shoe.” Bob arrogantly ordered.

Charles stared at him, his eyes full of anger.

Not yet satisfied with the humiliations he was doing to Charles, Bob lowered his body and got closer to Charles’ ear.

“Rachel is so hot and wet!” Bob smiled proudly.

And then he continued saying, “By the way, now that you’ve apologized to me sincerely, I want to remind you. I didn’t promise to forgive you as long as you apologize. So...enjoy your life in the prison, fool...”

Eventually, Bob’s words completely reignited his pent-up anger. Charles bit one of Bob’s ears, which made him scream in pain.

His screams attracted the police’s attention, who then tried to separate them.

However, during the struggle, Bob's screams became even more miserable, and the injury to his ear got more and more serious, until... a policeman used a stun gun to knock Charles unconscious to end the farce.

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