Forty five

Tricia, paused immediately, she saw a lady, walk down from her car. She dressed in blue senator gown. Her curves were pretty placed and she has the shapes and the boobs everything was all set properly.

She couldn't look away from her, not because, she had those curves or has a pretty face, but because, that was the lady she saw a few moment ago. She stood, unable to know what to do. The Lady, elegantly, walked into the office and Tricia, knew this is the worst this situation can be.

She took out her phone and called Gapore, unfortunately, he was not anywhere in the company. Tricia, looked at her map again and discovered that she is indeed at the Pablo's company. She would bet to have come to the wrong place if she didn't see it boldly imprinted as the Pablo's company.

She looked around and couldn't get anyone to go inside,she must do something. Quickly, she went to a nearby supermarket, and got an hijab. She wore it, as that is the only thing that can hide her statue and change her
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