Forty nine

She got in only to see Andrew, on towels. She was taken aback as she stared at his bare chest and gulped down.

“It is now or never Tricia,”

She spoke to herself as though, she is trying to win an important game of her life.

“Here! I will help you.”

She quickly, walked towards him and said. She was wearing a silk red night gown which had a tearing in the left leg. It is a short gown which tearing started from the hip down to where the length ended.

“What?” Andrew, asked surprised he wasn't expecting her to return maybe he was though but didn't believe it.

“You left some soap in your hair. Were you going to bathe with them later?”

She chuckled and that sent some fireworks in Andrew's heart. He still doesn't know what this girl keeps doing to his soul.


She said, softly, and Andrew followed. She turned on the shower and washed off the soap softly, while she gave him a soft massage on the head. Andrew, loved it. He always love when she treats him like a baby. He had never gotten
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