Thirty five

Stanley, zoomed out of his car immediately, Andrew, walked down the stairs and rushed towards him, holding tightly to collar of his shirt.

“Why are you being rude? Do you want me to feed your body to the dogs?”

Andrew, threatened calmly and Stanley, let go of him. He didn't let him go because, he threatened him anyway, he just found it a bit uncultured to start a fight at his home.

“You bloody demon!” he cursed

“ If anything happens to my father and nephew, then trust me, I will make sure to feed your corpse to the vultures.”

“Done?” Andrew, asked calmly, he won't let this boy trigger his anger, Stanley, should be a least of his problems right now.

“My father is struggling for his life in the hospital.”

“How is it connected to me? Your father…”

“No! You pushed my Father, knowing fully well that he isn't that strong anymore are you this shameless?”

“Watch it Stanley, I won't stand you rain insult on me in my own house.”

Andrew, interrupted him and Stanley, boiled in great anger. Andre
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