Thirty three

“Andrew, how miserable do you want Maryanne and Alex,to be before you support them? What are you doing in my mansion isn't your wife and son in the hospital?”

Mr. Marvin, walked down majestically, asking those questions to Andrew.

“Hospital huh? Wife? Ohh goodness! I do not have a son in this life time.”

“Let's forget these old stories and stop going around matters like little children. What brought you here? Hope Alex, is doing great?”

Mr. Marvin, questioned Andrew, who stared daggers at him. It annonyed him to what extent Mr. Marvin,is faking this. It is so tempting to his spirit, because, he would pick up a gun and kill the damn man.

“Why pretend like you don't know? Why did you choose to do something as cheap as this?”

He questioned him and Mr. Marvin, was taken aback. He couldn't place a finger to anything he is talking about.

“Pearl, did you welcome him with liquor?”

“I didn't. I can't stand a dog as he.”

Pearl, insulted and Andrew balled his fist.

“You liars! You want to ridi
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