thirty seven

“Maryanne? Where have you been?”

Mrs. Felicia, quickly, ran towards her checking her body, but, Maryanne, was more concerned about the information she just got right now she equally, stares at her father, being worried why he has to be in the hospital at that state.

“Father!” she called as she separate herself from her mother's hug and went to sit beside her father's bed.

“Are you alright Father?” she asked concern full in her eyes.

“Yes daughter, are you okay? Did anything happen to you?” Mr. Marvin questioned his daughter.

“Where have you been?”

Mrs. Felicia, questioned again. The constant question annonyed aunt Pearl, that she hissed and left them in the room.

“Are you really going to undergo surgery?”

she asked and Mrs. Felicia as well as her husband, stared at her in surprise. No one told her the father was in the hospital, not alone that he is going to undergo a surgery.

“How did you know about this? Pearl, informed you? Didn't I tell her to keep it at a low…”

“No mother she di
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