The Mysterious Caller

Tyrone stumbled out the hospital bed, his vision blurry as he fumbled around. Blood dripped from his chine, staining the white and blue patterned overall the hospital gave out to patients who were admitted. The hospital ward exit loomed before him, in his painstaking state.

"Sir, do you need help? How and why did you get out of bed?" A concerned voice pierced through the mist of his thoughts.

Tyrone tried to respond, but only managed to moan. He was in serious pains. His legs gave way, and he felt himself falling. Strong arms caught him before he hit the ground.

"We need a stretcher here!" The voice called out, urgent and authoritative.

As Tyrone was lifted onto the stretcher, the events of the past few hours flashed through his mind. He was already getting better, what happened to him? Today just can’t get any better.

The fluorescent lights of the emergency room ceiling blinded him as he was wheeled inside. Nurses swarmed around him, their voices saying medical terms he definitely co
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