
Tyrone’s phone rang continuously by his bedside as the morning sun rose up. He groaned and reached for it with sleepy eyes, while Judy slept peacefully next to him. Reading the message urgently which was from his CFO made him wide awake instantly.

"What is that?" Judy muttered softly, shifting next to him.

Tyrone's fists tightened as he responded, "Issues at work." Serious problem.

In less than an hour, Tyrone was walking heads up through the lobby of the company he inherited. Staff members loitering around, and looking at him mysteriously. He walked into the boardroom to find his executive team already seated, their gloomy faces fixed on him.

"Tyrone took his place at the head of the table and insisted, "Speak to me."

Maria, his CFO, coughed to break the silence. “Tyrone, it’s not looking good at all.” Our third quarter reports are terrible. In the past week, we lost three significant contracts, and reports also came in a few minutes that Apex Coro is trying to steal our clients.
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