Chapter 8: The Silence Before the Storm

In the large room of his parents, Rowland sat in silence, his head spinning from what had happened over the last few hours. He could not stop the dialogue with Amaya from replaying itself in his mind like a shattered record. Her harsh remarks, Clinton's chuckles, and the Jones family's laughter were all too real and raw.

Mrs. Fence, his mother, sat opposite him, trying not to show her rage with her piercing eyes as she studied his face. Mr. Fence was visibly furious at what their son had been through as he paced the room in a deliberate and agitated manner.

"They made fun of you in front of their family? That little Jones girl dared to treat you in that manner?" Mrs. Fence spoke in a tight, barely controlled rage.

With his fingers tapping lightly on the chair's arm, Rowland maintained his composure despite having just lost someone he loved to Clinton.

"I want to deal with them in my own way," he stated, his tone firm. "I do not want them to discover who I truly am. Not just yet.”

In that instant, Mr. Fence looked up at his son instead of continuing to pace. "Rowland, I understand your desire for vengeance, but why hold back? You are the rightful heir of the Fence empire. One word and you could have them at your feet. When you can demonstrate who you are to them, why go through all of this pain?”

Rowland believes that showing them is not the priority right now. It is watching them squirm as they realize everything they have mocked him for was wrong. When they realize that he, the man they humiliated, is in control of their future.

Even so, his parents were unable to fully comprehend why. His mother's expression was anything but happy, particularly with Clinton in the picture.

With an intense determination in his eyes, Rowland abruptly leaned forward. "I want to be the project manager at Clinton's company," he stated.

Mr. Fence and Mrs. Fence looked at each other in shock. How could the legitimate heir stoop so low as to ask to be hired as a project manager?

They would have come to the conclusion that Rowland was insane if they had only recently met him.

"Project manager?" Mr. Fence inquired, disbelief in his voice. "Rowland, you own that company. You could become president tomorrow if you wanted. Why settle for so little?"

Rowland grinned, a chilly, sardonic smile. "That is precisely why I want the position. I want to be perceived as such. It does not really matter what role I play in the business because I still own it.”

Mrs. Fence's expression softened a little as comprehension started to show in her eyes. "You wish to take a long-term approach."

With a nod, Rowland acknowledged. "Exactly, mother!"

Mr. Fence, obviously torn, rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "We will support you if this is how you want to play it, even though it is risky. Rest assured, Rowland—the entire Fence family will support you when the time is right. Do not hesitate to contact us."

Rowland met his father's gaze, seeing determination and thankfulness in his eyes. "I am grateful, Father. I will not let you down.”

Although his parents initially did not think their son's actions were necessary, they will respect his decision.

Mrs. Fence hesitated a moment before pulling a sleek black card out of her bag and giving it to him; the card felt like a promise in his hand.

"With this card, you will have access to everything you require," she asserted firmly. "Use it responsibly. You can buy or do whatever you need to keep your cover, but do not forget who you truly are."

Rowland took a look at the card; this was something he had never in his life imagined being in possession of. A black card!

He tried again for a moment before slipping it into his pocket. "I will not."


The Jones family prepared the divorce documents the next day, and Rowland made plans to meet Amaya at the courthouse. He was aware that the Jones family would be present and excited to witness his final humiliation.

On the morning of the divorce hearing, Rowland dressed with great care, selecting the tattered and most worn items of clothing he could find. He had to appear to be the defeated, broke man they believed him to be.

The Jones family was waiting for him outside the courthouse in a small group when he got there. Clinton arrogantly stood next to Amaya, his arm wrapped around her waist, as Mrs. and Mr. Jones lingered close by, their expressions contented and smug.

Amaya was the first to notice Rowland, and as he got closer, her eyes narrowed. She smirked as Clinton leaned in to whisper something in her ear, causing her to laugh.

"Nice of you to show up, Rowland," Clinton said, his voice full of mockery. "I thought you would gotten lost on the way here. After all, this is probably the nicest place you have visited in a while."

Without replying, Rowland merely shot Clinton a chilly look before focusing on Amaya. He said, simply, "Let us get this over with."

With a triumphant gleam in her eyes, Amaya grinned. “Gladly.”

There was a lot of tension in the courtroom. Seated behind a massive wooden desk, the judge cast a detached gaze down at Rowland and Amaya. The judge got right to business as soon as the divorce papers were presented to them.

"This should be a quick proceeding as both parties are in agreement," the judge stated, dividing his gaze between Rowland and Amaya. "The divorce will be finalized if you both sign here,"

Reaching for the pen, Rowland signed his name on the line, his hand steady. That was it. One chapter comes to an end and a new one begins.

Amaya also signed rapidly, showing a look of relief. It was completed.

Clinton leaned over and whispered loudly enough for Rowland to hear, "Do not worry, Rowland. I am sure you will find another poor soul to sympathize with you. Perhaps you could make a living as a street performer. You appear to enjoy the role of a fool."

Refusing to yield to the temptation, Rowland held his ground. With a steady and composed voice, he glanced at Clinton. "Enjoy this moment, Clinton. It will not last forever.”

Clinton's smile wavered a bit, but it returned quickly, and he laughed off Rowland's remarks. "We will see about that."

Rowland heard Amaya's voice calling after him as he turned to leave the courtroom. "You are pathetic, Rowland. This was the best decision I have ever made. I hope you finally understand your position."

He left the courthouse without saying anything more, leaving the sound of their derisive laughter resonating behind him.

However, a tiny smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he stepped outside into the clear morning air. The stage had been set. The real game was about to start!

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