
His words stung, they hurt like every other insulting word anyone had ever said to me but I couldn’t possibly let him get to me, I knew better.

“Why did you hit me? I didn’t do anything to you, so why—”

“And what are you going to do?!” He cut in before I could finish talking, “I’m going to be the CEO of the company you’re going to be a cleaner at and you think you can talk back to me?!” He sneered.

My fist clenched and my teeth gritted as anger stirred inside of me but I wanted to do everything I could to avoid this situation, I wanted to remain calm until all of my doubts were cleared.

Everyone on the floor laughed at my misfortune while Simon took sheer satisfaction in seeing people laugh at me. My throat bobbed as I swallowed and I turned to leave.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” Simon’s voice thundered as he pulled me back with my T-shirt until my feet faltered and I staggered, making me fall to the ground.

“Do you think you can leave while I talk, you useless son of a bitch!” He snarled and I shuddered, wincing as I tried to stand up but he kicked me back down.

I’ve always envied people with physical strength because even though they have no place in the world, they could still defend themselves.

I had none of that and just when I was starting to think that my family might elevate me, not that I care whether my family was rich or not, but I thought I had people who would support me.

Just when I thought things were starting to go good for me again, this has to happen. My stomach sounded tight as pain rippled through me.

“People like you could never have something good in life because you people are meant to be treated like the poor miserable people that you are.” He spat at me.

He really did because I could feel his saliva at the back of my neck and I felt disgusted, “like you’ve heard, I’m going to be the new CEO, don’t you think you should respect your boss?” He asked.

The woman and everyone behind her watched while Simon continued his assault but I was helpless, I couldn’t possibly risk making a rash decision.

“And well, since it’s clear who the real boss is now. I already have tasks for everyone under me.” Simon laughed as I looked up at him.

“And the first person I’d like to order is you, filthy cleaner,” he gritted as his lips curled into a wicked smirk, “my first task for you is to lick my shoe.” He added.

My eyes widened and I could hear bells ringing at the back of my head as I glared at him, he really didn’t just ask me to lick his shoe.

“What?!” I asked in a louder voice than I intended and his eyes only grew darker as his brows raised even higher.

“What do you mean by that expression?” He snarled as he kicked me again while everyone else laughed and mocked me and I could also hear them talking.

“Why did he come here?”

“What was he thinking?”

“Poor people never cease to amaze me.”

“He’s getting what he deserves.”

My blood boiled and anger rippled through me as I bit down so hard on my tongue that I could taste the blood coming out of my tongue but I knew I couldn’t do anything because of the situation.

I’d be doomed if Simon really is the new CEO and not me.

Simon sighed as he crouched in front of me and held my shirt up, “you know what, let’s do this.” He started as he got closer to me.

“I’ll increase your salary if you lick my shoe and that way, you’ll be able to get yourself better clothes, shoes and accessories that don't make you look pathetic.” He added.

“You’re such a nice man, Mr Simon.” The woman smiled flatteringly as she quickly came to stand beside Zade who had already stood up.

“You better do it and save yourself years of embarrassment.” She sneered at me and I coughed, blood spurting out of my mouth and on the floor.

“LOOK AT THIS FOOL!” The woman yelled, kicking my stomach until I was coughing up more blood, “HOW DARE YOU STAIN OUR PRECIOUS FLOOR WITH YOUR FILTHY BLOOD!” She growled.

I lifted my gaze to see Simon having the best time of his life, there was satisfaction in his eyes as he stood there, taking pride in himself with both of his hands in his pockets.

“Lick my shoe or be subjected to years of torment working as a cleaner.” Simon threatened and I felt cold chills run down my spine as I looked at him.

How gullible am I? I was quick to believe that I’m the son of the Cavendish family when Jenna had hinted at it yesterday that Simon is the son of the family, although adopted.

Am I really a Cavendish? If I am then why do I get treated differently?

A painful sting on my cheek and a sudden pull of my hair jolted me out of my thoughts and my breath caught in my throat as Simon forced me to stand up.

I could see my reflection in the elevator, I was a total mess, weak and utterly useless. The thought of standing up for myself crossed my mind but a different thought ruled that out.

What if Georgina and the butler were playing a trick on me and I’m not really a Cavendish?

If that’s the case then I’ll be doomed if I hit Simon because I’ll be doomed to a lifelong punishment and not even Mrs Winkle’s love would be able to get me out of it.

Better not to do anything than do something and get in trouble.

“WHAT. ARE. YOU. THINKING. ABOUT!” Simon roared as he kicked my knee so hard that I fell face down to the ground and before I could blink, I could feel his leg on my head.

“Your pride won’t let you lick my shoe, well then, let’s see how your stupid pride gets you out of this humiliation!” He sneered and I heard people laughing.

I also saw them pulling out their phones to take pictures and videos of me being bullied and humiliated by Simon.

“Lick the floor.” He ordered, pressing my head to the ground with his leg but I stood my ground as I restrained myself from sticking my tongue out.

My eyes closed but they soon flew open when suddenly I heard a loud bang followed by the sound of a very painful slap. I lifted my head to see Georgina and her eyes were red.


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