Chapter 139

Ethan tilted his chin to the roof in disbelief as he heard everything that Silvia revealed to him.

“So the evidence you talked about, where is it?” He asked after carefully listening to her.

“I…I have it hidden in my apartment on Broadway Street! That is the only copy left. I was grabbed by Dahlia's bodyguards while I was trying to deposit a copy at the bank,’’ she explained to Ethan.

“And you are just telling me this now?” He asked her with a frown.

“I'm sorry, I haven't exactly been myself since the incident,” she apologized sincerely.

Ethan clenched his fists.

What if he was too late? What if Dahlia's bodyguards had already found it?

“I don't mean to be hard on you but do you realize the repercussions of you not telling me? It means your sacrifice might have been for nothing because no one would believe a word you say and Dahlia would still come after you!”

Silvia gasped, covering her mouth with her hands.

“Dear Lord! What do we do?” She exclaimed as everything Ethan just told her
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