Chapter 143

Ethan was shocked as he approached the kitchen and found Loretta and Samantha preparing dinner. The aroma of the food was simply unbelievably inviting.

“Hmm….hmm…” He cleared his throat in order to gain their attention.

“What are you girls up to?” He asked grinning.

“We are making dinner!” Samantha announced, still feeling slightly sleepy but opted to spend more time with Loretta.

The two were getting closer and closer by the day.

Ethan narrowed his eyes slightly and wiggled his nose.

“Okay, you can come out now! I know you are there!” He voiced out with a chuckle.

Laura poked her head from underneath the cabinet instantly.

“Damnit! How did you know she was in there?” Loretta asked, laughing.

“Does anything ever get past you?” Samantha asked, disappointed that he had caught them.

“Not when it includes you two and the kitchen,” he grimaced.

“Someday, we are going to take you head-on in a cooking contest!” Loretta threw an open challenge.

“Bring it on girls,” Ethan chuckled.

“But until
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