Chapter 233
“What is it? You sound unusually excited, ” Loretta rolled her eyes at him in a curious manner.

“Yeah, that's a good way to put it. Anyway, I have a really good design that I need you to work on pronto. Here it is,” Ethan handed her a rather detailed rough sketch.

Loretta stared at the sketch for a few seconds and glared at him, “Did you sketch this?”

Ethan simply nodded, unsure of why she was asking.

Loretta glared at him in disbelief. She had seen his sketches in the past and none of them…not even his best could be compared to the one she held in her hands.

“This is far better than anything I've ever seen you sketch before!” Loretta exclaimed.

Ethan grinned, “I've been doing a lot of practice.”

Even though she was still stunned, she didn't make any other comments about it, instead, she sat down to study it.

“This is brilliant! I still don't know how you come up with these things!” She exclaimed after studying the design briefly.

“I'm a business analyst, remember? It's what I
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