TPS's Decision

These were the thoughts of the Thunder Eagle, and it immediately focused its attention towards the Bush were red blood was flowing out.

Feeling killing intent directed at it, the bush where blood was flowing out slightly trembled. A reaction that the person within, felt the killing intent directed at them.

Completely sure of its guesses, the Thunder Eagle burst out at frightening speed, like a bolt of lightning dashing towards the ground at insane speed.

Yet what was even faster, was a sharp kneedle covered by wind strongly rotating clockwise, making it also rotate, giving it more piecing power.

The needle immediately hit the Thunder Eagle upon the head, with clear accuracy, dulling its speed and the lightning flashing around its body.

It then fell down before it could even reach the bush it was intending to attack.


Moments later, from the bush with a tail wagging back and forth, a beautiful woman with slightl
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