No Cheers For Him

"Why did my mother have to die because of you?"

A girl who had a hair that shine finely like silk looked at the boy before her with an enraged expression. Her eyes were sharp, that if gazes could kill, she would have killed the boy in front of her.

"Why did she even tried to save you? It's because of you, she was left there to die... If only you didn't exist!"

The boy remained silent as he let her throw every words with hate. He couldn't afford to tell her that what happened to her mother and him was actually the opposite.


He knew that if he told her that, it might cause her to have a mental breakdown... Adding the fact that she was trying to kill him almost every day, she would be consumed by guilt if that ever happens.

"If only you weren't there, she could have lived enough to see the day tomorrow... Why do you have to become a burden to this family!"

Biting her lower lips, the girl stopped after tasting a metallic taste in her mouth.

"This is all your fault...!"

She gr
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