Weird Students (2)

At the auditorium.

The three of us took our seats together. Kiyona, the vibrant and talkative girl, claimed the center. Kim sat on the left, and I occupied the right.

"There are so many people here!" Kiyona exclaimed, rising suddenly and letting out a loud "woo hoo!" This drew surprised glances from the students in front of us.

"Stop it... You're only embarrassing us," Kim chided her, shaking his head slightly before turning to me.

"I hope you're not uncomfortable with this girl... She's a bit eccentric, to say the least."

Well, I can see that... I thought, glancing up at Kiyona, who was smiling wholeheartedly. Despite her eccentricities, there was something likable about her that I couldn't quite pinpoint.

"Hey, Kim! The principal is making her appearance!" Kiyona pointed excitedly to the center of the stadium.

She added, "She looks young and beautiful! How old is she again?" Her eyes sparkled at the sight of the principal. I rolled my eyes and snorted.

Indeed, appearances could be d
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