Chapter 131

Chapter 131

Adrian walked out of his room nicely dressed, waiting for Martinez before he left for work. Martinez walked towards him, "Boss, Shilla is waiting for you downstairs."

Adrian nodded his head and collected his cup of coffee from Martinez, "Were you able to get to Marvel?"

Martinez exhaled, "No boss, it looks like he has ditched the line he was using, he probably got a new one."

Adrian paused, "Got a new one? Did you visit his residence?".

Martinez nodded his head, "Yes boss, I visited his residence this morning. He has moved out to a new place, according to the information I gathered, he's now living with his family."

Adrian raised a brow, "Marvel is currently living with his family? That's strange." Martinez kept quiet, not saying a word, "I will get going, keep on searching and call me if you find out about something new."

"Yes Master," Martinez replied and they both parted ways. Adrian headed downstairs where he found Shilla seated comfortably with her gaze on the huge
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