Chapter 146

Chapter 146

(Six hours later)

Ethan sat down in Liam's room patiently waiting for him to walk into his room. Liam who was stressed out and happy at the same time due to the news of his father walked carelessly into his room.

He paused when he saw Ethan seated on his bed, with his room in a mayhem.

"Ethan, what's all this?" He gazed around his room.

"An eye for an eye bro, you destroyed my precious laptop and you think I will let it slide?" He chuckled as he got on his feet and walked toward Liam,

"No bro, good luck fixing your room."

He walked past his brother, brushing his shoulder against his, Liam wasn't having any Ethan tantrums, he got hold of Ethan's arm, drew him backward, and landed a heavy blow on his left cheek.

Ethan didn't see it coming at all, and immediately he returned his share of blows. On the left side of Liam's neck, Liam charged towards him and a fight broke out between them. Madeline who was walking to her room heard the crashing of things in Liam's room.

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