Chapter 189

Chapter 189

"Dad, don't lose hope, though things are not going smoothly but it doesn't mean that we can't turn things around," Mason said.

Mr. Hamilton nodded his head, "I am not losing hope son, I am just worried,"

Mason walked towards his father, "Dad, I know you care so much about this company, but you need to keep your composure. Worrying won't in any way solve whatever problem that's on ground. The best thing like I said earlier is to maintain your composure, that's all."

"I am calm son, I am calm, you know what? I am out of here?" Mr. Hamilton stood up and walked out of his office.

Mason had his head bowed to the ground, "Adrian, you are going to pay for this, you are surely going to pay for this. Not only are you planning on running my life and that of my company, but you are also interested in my wife. My wife, when it's possible for you to get any single lady of your choice, you still decide to come after my wife. I thought you would stop making my family and that of my dad
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