Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Elder Jackson exhaled, "Now I am going to bring back the question I asked you a few minutes ago, how do you do the things you do?"

Adrian exhaled also, with his gaze on the floor, he raised his head and gazed into the eyes of Elder Jackson, "I guess I am wiser now, thanks once more Elder Jackson, you are the real deal, a true elder," he paused and continued.

"Well, this is what I do, I make sure to invest my time in the things that are my priorities. When I do this, I end up giving my best, I put everything into it, I mean every damn thing.

You know, when responsibility is being awarded to me, I try to do my best to carry out the responsibility and do it very well with everything in me," Adrian paused, he felt what he was about to say made sense and also tallied a little with the past occupant of his body.

"It's been my desire to do a lot of things, but when certain things came up, I had to put away certain things. Well, with time, it dawned on me that only a few things we
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