

Middleville city

The sun was smiling abundantly in the sky and the clouds were clear off sight, the horning of cars and vehicles illuminated the atmosphere like it was just a brief early morning. The walking of pedestrians on the sides of the streets brought of the liveliness of the small town. On the asphalt road, vehicles sped in and out of the town while some cars were parked at each sides of the road.

Semi-detached buildings could be seen in the middle of the town which faced a heavy forest, each buildings were painted different colours ranging from green, blue, orange, black, white, indigo, violet and molten grey with yellow stripes at each buildings but significantly, i stood before a building which was painted a mixed colour of both green and orange.

At the doorstep of the building, there were decorated flower vases at each sides of the door. I stood on a doormat that says 'welcome' but that seems not to flicker over my face. I was just gawkin
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