Drevox fixed his collar while looking at his whole body reflection on the mirror. He is wearing a black jeans, black turtle neck and brown blazer. He is ready once again to go outside to check if the surroundings is all clear or not. He is living in the forest in human world together with his older brother and his team. Reapers servants are called companies, they're the ones who are helping the reapers to their mission.
Reapers are the ones helping the souls to travel safely in the soul portal leading to the death world.
Drevox Achellious, as the one of the reapers, assigned to guard and guide the souls in Philippines. Meanwhile, his other brothers are scattered around the world.
When he's satisfied to his appearance, he grabs his gloves and wear it, proceeding to the living room.
There he saw his companies Jay and Michelle who are sitting comfortablly on the sofa. He looked at the direction the two are looking at and found the television. They're watching the morning report of the country.
"There will be a rainstorm later, sir," Jay informed, looking alternately at Drevox and the television.
Drevox darted a glance at him and nodded. He listened first to the reporter's other words before he proceeds to his older brother's room.
"Is Daniel awake already?" he asked the two calmly, placing his hand on the doorknob.
"We don't know, sir. We called him earlier but he didn't answer, so just look for him," Michelle answered truthfully, glancing back at Drevox.
"Where are Hanz and Paula?" Drevox asked again, turning the knob. Hanz and Paula are Danielle's companies.
"They're at the porch, sir. They said sir Danielle ordered them to fix the electricity switch outside," Jay replied, eyes still focus on the television.
Drevox nodded, proceeding inside Danielle's room, closing the door behind him. He saw his older brother, sleeping comfortably on the bed while hugging his white pillow.
Drevox winced, clenching his jaw. He went closer to his brother, grabbing a pillow. He then smacked it hardly to his brother's face, making the latter jolt awake.
"What the hell Drevox?!" Danielle hissed, ruffling his messy blonde hair.
"What is that reaction Danielle? It's already 7 in the evening. We need to check the surroundings if there's a wraiths around or if the souls are traveling safely to the soul portal," Drevox stated, rolling his eyes, dropping the pillow on the bed.
"Oh really? It's 7 pm?" Danielle looked at the whole clock hanging on the wall, seeing that his younger brother is right.
"Now get ready and dress, brother. We need to hurry before the sun arise, otherwise humans will spot us," Drevox prompted, striding to the door.
Danielle lowered his eyes, shocked when he saw himself. He's not wearing anything on his top, making her mouth went agape. He probably forgot to wear anything last night because of tiredness.
Danielle immediately prepared his clothes and grab his towel, proceeding in his bathroom.
"Okay bro! I'll follow you there!" He exclaimed, proceeding inside his bathroom.
Drevox glanced at the bathroom door, shaking his head. He then proceeds outside of his brother room, closing the door shut.
He saw Jay and Michelle still watching the television. He went to the single sofa, slumping his butt on it.
"Did you two prepare already?" he enquired, bending down a little, placing his elbows on his knees.
Jay and Michelle looked at him, nod their heads. "Yes, sir. We've prepared already."
"That's good." He then shifts his gaze on the television.
The news is still on air but it has different topic now. It's about a traffic enforcer who got hit and run of a car driver.
The main door opened as Hanz and Paula went inside. They're wearing comfortable shirts and jeans. Their eyes immediately landed on Drevox who's watching the television silently.
"We've done fixing the electricity switch sir Drevox. Where is sir Danielle?" Hanz asked as they walked closer to them.
Drevox glanced at them, pointing the room of his brother. "He's still inside, taking a bath. Tell him to hurry."
"Yes sir," Paula replied as they both headed inside their boss's room.
"How evil!" Michelle commented, staring at the television, raising an eyebrow.
"Screw that driver! As you can see he did on purpose!" Jay grumbled, pointing at the tv.
"They should imprison the driver. F*ck that!" Michelle cursed, crossing her arms.
"Surely they'll do that once they found him or her! How impudent!" Jay hissed, shaking his head in disappointment.
Drevox just glanced at them and continue watching the footage on the television. The news showed how the car hit the enforcer and how did he get under the car.
"Fortunately, the enforcer is alive," Jay uttered, sighing in relief.
When the news changes to another topic, Drevox stood up from his seat, striding to the door.
He held the doorknob and said, "If Danielle look for me, tell him I'm at the porch." Then closed the door.
He pulled a chair and sat on it. Then he took out a cigarette and light it up. Mechanically, he put it between his lips, tasting the cigarette's smoke. He has been smoking ever since he got immortalized as a reaper.
He stared at the cloudy clouds above, throwing the smoke from his mouth.
When Danielle is done bathing and wearing his clothes inside the bathroom, he went out to his room, seeing his two companies.
"Boss," Hanz called out, bowing his head.
"We've done fixing the electricity," Paula stated, plunging her hand into her pocket.
"That's good. Let's go now," he commanded, opening the door and proceed to the living room.
Hanz and Paula followed him silently. They spotted Jay and Michelle, fixing themselves. Jay turned off the television, shifting his gaze to Danielle.
"Where is my younger bro?" Danielle asked nonchalantly, curving a smile. Danielle Achellious is a hyper and approachable person.
"He's outside sir," Michelle answered, glancing at the door.
"I see. Then we should head out before he rage in anger," he jested, laughing hysterically.
Jay and Michelle exchanged a look at each other, chuckling. They know that their boss has an anger issues.
Danielle stride to the door, followed by his companies and Drevox's companies. When they arrived outside, they saw Drevox smoking again.
"Bro let's go! Stop smoking," Danielle uttered, walking out of the porch, followed by his companies.
Drevox looked at them and he blew the cigarette to stop the fire. He then followed his brother together with his companies. He throws the cigarette into the trashcan without saying a single word.
"So where are we heading now, bro?" Danielle enquired, crossing his arms, waiting for an answer from his brother.
"Cavite," Drevox replied briefly, looking straight in front.
"Where exactly in Cavite?" Danielle asked again.
The four companies looked at Drevox, waiting for his answer too. Because of their patrol in Manila yesterday, they were all dogtired especially the bosses, therefore Drevox haven't had a chance to explain their next patrol for today.
"Silang, Cavite. The soul portal will open there when the time struck to 9 in the evening. Therefore we need to get there as fast as we could," Drevox shared nonchalantly, plunging his hands in his pocket.
Drevox can identify where and when will the soul portal will make its appearance. He can also tell how many portals will appear in one place. That's his unique ability.
"Where exactly in Silang Cavite?" Danielle asked.
Drevox looked unbelievably at him, shaking his head. His companies sniggered at the back, fortunately, Drevox didn't hear them.
"Near the Hacienda mall. Just follow me and you'll know," he answered exasperatedly, running his hand through his hair.
"Hmm." Danielle nodded, holding his laughter upon seeing how irritated his brother.
Drevox hates to answer too many questions when the answer is clearly obvious. He doesn't want to waste his saliva for explaining things, but he is trying to be approachable in other people. He may look cold and stern, but he's really a kind person, who's trying his best to look good in front of many people. However, his face is always betraying him.
"Prepare for a battle. There will be plenty of wraiths in that place," he reminded, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
When they arrived at their destination. Drevox's team and Danielle's team separated from each other. Drevox, Jay, and Michelle are standing near the open area of huge forest. Meanwhile, Danielle, Hanz, and Paula are standing on the branches of the trees, waiting for Drevox's commands.
Drevox sit on the grass in kneeling position. His companies saw him, wondering what is he doing.
"Did you feel the soul portal, sir?" Jay enquired nosily, eyeing at their boss.
"Yes, they're slowly approaching." He nodded as he stands up slowly. He shifts his gaze at his brother, nodding at him.
Danielle got the point and looked at his companies. "Get ready Paula, Hanz. The soul portals are approaching."
Paula and Hanz nodded in agreement.
"The souls portal are approaching in this way but...." Drevox looked around the place, searching for them. "But where are the souls in this place?"
"That's what I'm wondering too, sir." Jay uttered, roaming his eyes around.
"You didn't even say a word y'know?" Michelle winced at Jay.
"I didn't, but I know that something is wrong," Jay defended himself.
"Oh really?" Michelle crossed her arms.
"Silence, you two," he commanded the two sternly, focusing his eyes and ear at 4:00. "There they are! Michelle tell my brother and his companies to wait here until the soul portal arrive and then follow me and Jay."
"Yes sir." Michelle bowed her head, running towards them.
"Jay let's go!" he commanded, running towards a certain place.
Confusedly, Jay followed him from behind. He wanted to ask what's going on but later on he heard the sounds of them.
"Where are they heading?" Danielle enquired, climbing down the trees.
"I'm sorry, but I don't know sir. Sir Drevox just wanted me to tell you that y'all need to wait for the soul portal here," Michelle informed, looking alternately at him and the other two.
"I see. Then we'll wait here," Danielle replied, nodding as the other two climbed down from the tree.
"Then, I gotta follow them," Michelle dismissed, running towards the direction where Drevox and Jay disappeared.
"What's going on sir?" Hanz enquired confusedly, leaning against the trunk of the tree.
"I don't know, let's just wait here just like what my brother said." Danielle closed his eyes briefly.
Drevox and Jay kept running until they found a second floors old wooden house. The wraiths are hovering around while the souls are kept trap inside.
"So this is the reason why there's no souls around," Jay murmured, gritting his teeth in horror.
"We need to free them," Drevox informed running towards the direction of the house.
"Wait sir! But there's too many of wraiths around," he shouted, roaming his eyes around. "I don't think we can defeat them."
"Then we'll defeat them somehow!" Drevox grumbled, concentrating to summon his scythe.
Jay stopped, looking shock at his boss. He then glanced at the wraiths who are now flying towards them.
"Sh*t!" He cursed, focusing to summon his scythe too.
The grass beneath Drevox is swaying left and right because of the air circulating in his right palm. The long black metallic staff slowly make it appearance on his hand as one long and thick red sharp blade appeared near on the tip of it.
Once the summoning is done, he seize the handle of the scythe, placing it behind his back.
Drevox glanced at Jay, seeing that his summoning isn't done yet. He then turn around, attacking the wraiths who are heading to their direction.
Jay closed his eyes, trying to calm himself so the summoning could be done faster. He felt the long brown metallic staff on his left arm, making him open his eyes. As the staff made its appearance, the blue single sharp blade appeared near the tip of it. He tightened the grip on his scythe, following his boss.
Drevox aim for the head of the first wraith who tried to attack him. As the blade pierced on its head, the wraith disappeared in thin air, leaving no signs of existence.
Despite the heavy weight of his scythe, Drevox still managed to move fast and kill every wraith who hovered around him. The shrieking sound of the wraiths annoyed him so much. He tightened the grip on the handle, slashing the wraith's head viciously.
He glanced at the second floor of the house, seeing the souls inside a big shadow prison. Wraiths probably made it using their power, Drevox thought.
He then shifts back his gaze when four wraiths hovered around him again, but this time they're more closer than before.
Drevox gritted his teeth, swinging his scythe to the left to catch the four wraiths' head, which he did. Their heads or skulls fell on the grass as they disappeared same with their bodies.
"I need to hurry," he murmured and was about to go inside the house, but he stopped and check his companies first.
Jay is busy fighting the wraiths and he saw too that Michelle is already heading towards them together with her colored purple scythe.
When he's satisfied that the two are safe, he shifted his gaze at the house and proceed inside.
He pierced the sharpness of his blade into the skulls of the wraiths who tried to attack him. He wants to get inside faster, but since the wraiths outnumbered him, he didn't have chance to get inside as easy as he wants.
A wraith tried to touch his head, but he quickly bent down and kick his head. The wraith hovered backwards, letting out a loud cry.
Drevox didn't mind him and continue killing the wraiths who are pouncing on him. He focus his energy on his palm, sending it to the tip of the blade, making the scythe to glow in red.
The power of his scythe tripled as he reached the house successfully. Positioning himself to a fighting position, Drevox wait for wraiths to attack him inside, but no one appear.
He heard loud shrieks outside, making him shut the wooden door shut. It seems like the wraiths aren't inside the abandoned house. He thought.
Then Drevox ran immediately to the second floor to free the souls from the shadow prison that wraiths created.
The souls are staring at him helplessly as they let out a cry. Drevox didn't mind their cries and immediately slashed the shadow bars to free them away.
The souls immediately ran quickly outside the abandoned house. Fortunately, Jay and Michelle are already in front of the house, fighting the wraiths.
Drevox looked out to the window and remind his companies, "The souls are heading outside! Protect them until they get into the soul portal!"
"Yes sir!" Michelle and Jay answered in unison, glancing at their boss.
Drevox nodded, running down the wooden stairs. The door is still closed since souls can be able to go through every wall. He opened the door quickly and helped his companies to fight the wraiths.
He raised his scythe as the glowing red blade hit the head of the wraith. The wraith cried loudly before he disappeared completely in the thin air.
Drevox ran to Michelle direction, piercing his scythe into the wraith who was about to attack her from behind.
"Thank you boss you saved me that one," Michelle mumbled, stabbing every wraiths who hovered around her.
"We'll take care of these wraiths, Michelle. All you need to do is go back to my brother and tell him to watch the souls and also protect them if some wraiths followed those them," he whispered to the woman, making her nod.
"I understand, boss," she replied, unsheathing her scythe from the wraith's head.
Michelle quickly ran to the direction where Danielle and his companies are. She saw the souls heading straight to the soul portals at 10:00. She looked above them, seeing some wraiths. They're chasing the souls to rip them. She immediately ran towards the wraiths to protect the souls.
They're only five wraiths so she immediately killed them all by stabbing the tip of his scythe into their heads.
After finishing them, she immediately head towards Danielle who is guarding the souls to get inside the soul portals safely.
"Sir Danielle!" she called, catching her breath.
"What's going on, Michelle? We saw a lot of wraiths to that place!" he asked pointing the direction where the latter came from.
"Sir Drevox and Jay are currently fighting the wraiths there. He said you should guide the souls to get in the portals safely and also protect them from the wraiths," Michelle informed, making the man nod.
Danielle looked at his companies and uttered, "Get ready, summon your scythes and fight the wraiths. I'm sure they're heading to us." He then turned around to the direction where Drevox and Jay are, seeing plenty of wraiths approaching the souls. "See? I'm right."
Danielle focuses his power onto his left hand. He is a left handed person that's why. Slowly, the long metallic brown staff made its appearance as the green blade appeared near at the tup on it.
When the summoning is done, he quickly seize it using his hand, swinging it to left and right.
Hanz and Paula summoned their scythes too when their boss was done summoning his. The color of their scythes are lime to Hanz and Violet to Paula.
"I want to hear what happened why the souls were at that place, but this isn't the right time to ask that," Danielle told Michelle.
"You're right sir, it's a long story. Right now we need to finish these wraiths off," Michelle agreed, positioning herself into fighting style.
They heard loud shrikes from the wraiths as they ran towards them, guarding the souls who are entering the soul portals.
"Killing time!" Danielle exclaimed, running excitedly to the wraiths.
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Chapter 4: Surprise
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Chapter 3: New Company
Elvira's POV,When my alarm clock rings, I got up from my bed and turn it off. Another day, another stress. I went to my closet and prepared my school uniforms. Andrei messaged me last night that we'll be meeting at the coffee shop at 7 a.m. After preparing, I went in the bathroom and started cleaning myself. I turned on the shower and the yesterday event suddenly flashed in my mind."Just how the hell did he know my name?" I whispered, feeling the cold water on my skin. "Perhaps he has a list of all the people's names?"Shaking my head, I turned off the shower and proceed to get my towel. I shouldn't overthink about that before going to school. I went in my room and wore my uniform. I comb my hair, prepared my things and ate my breakfast.Once my morning routine is done, I went outsude and locked the door. I fixed my bagpack before proceeding to the gate."Going to school?" Grandma asked, taking a sip of tea. She's sitting on a wooden chair at their porch."Yes, grandma! Goodmorning
Chapter 2: Elvira Stone
"I'm going home now, Andrei. Thank you for treating me ice cream!" Elvira exclaimed, raising her ice cream.Andrei chuckled as he nods at his bestfriend. They were friends since they were in elementary level. Elvira saw Andrei alone in their room back then and she decided to talk with him. Since Andrei was a transferee student, he talked to Elvira and accepted her as a friend."Don't you want me to accompany you home?" Andrei asked, walking alongside his bestfriend."You don't need to, I can take care of myself," Elvira assured, winking.Andrei sighed and smiled at her. He couldn't argue with his friend anymore. That's how he respect her."Fine, but I'll watch you cross this street," he uttered, pointing at the road."Okay!" She nodded and after few minutes the traffic lights turned red. She looked at her best friend and said, "Bye Andrei! See you tomorrow!""Bye! Take care!" he reminded as the woman nod.Elvira crossed the street together with other citizens. When she reached the oth
Chapter 1: Wraith
Drevox fixed his collar while looking at his whole body reflection on the mirror. He is wearing a black jeans, black turtle neck and brown blazer. He is ready once again to go outside to check if the surroundings is all clear or not. He is living in the forest in human world together with his older brother and his team. Reapers servants are called companies, they're the ones who are helping the reapers to their mission. Reapers are the ones helping the souls to travel safely in the soul portal leading to the death world. Drevox Achellious, as the one of the reapers, assigned to guard and guide the souls in Philippines. Meanwhile, his other brothers are scattered around the world. When he's satisfied to his appearance, he grabs his gloves and wear it, proceeding to the living room. There he saw his companies Jay and Michelle who are sitting comfortablly on the sofa. He looked at the direction the two are looking at and found the television. They're watching the morning report of t