Cyrus opened his eyes to see that he was no longer in the bright room and was now stranded in the middle of nowhere.
Panicking, he runs around frantically, looking for a way back before falling to his knees.
"Why me?" He cries hopelessly.
Feeling defeated, he lays down on the grassy plains.
A few moments later he decides to get up. "Well, I might as well try and make the best of it." He reasons.
Walking over to one of the nearby tree's, he climbs to the top before sitting on one of the branches.
Looking out, he sees several figures walking through the forest heading towards the same place. They look different than normal humans, each having unique features that set them apart from everyone else. Some wore animal skins, others dressed in robes whilst some appeared to wear armor. There was no doubt that most of these creatures weren't human.
Even further out, was a noticeably large city. Buildings rose high into the sky reaching hundreds if not thousands of meters. A massive wall encircled the entire area surrounding the buildings. In fact, the walls stretched so far beyond its limits that they disappeared behind the horizon.
"Wow..." Cyrus whispers in awe.
With no other ideas he decides to follow everyone else and makes his way over to the city. As he approaches, he notices a group of men standing outside the walls talking amongst themselves. From afar, they appear to be arguing.
"No, we can't let them in. This isn't our problem. If they're willing to kill just to get in, then it means that they must be dangerous." One man argues.
"But we can't afford to turn anyone away right now. Especially after everything that happened last time." Another responds.
They continue to argue for a short while before Cyrus steps up to the gate.
One of the guards looks up and raises an eyebrow upon seeing him approach. "Who are you?" He asks suspiciously.
Cyrus clears his throat nervously. "i- I’m Cyrus. I saw the city from afar and figured I could find a place to sleep here. Is that okay?" He answers quickly.
The guard frowns slightly annoyed at the interruption before gesturing for someone to come speak with them.
Soon enough, another person comes forward carrying a wooden staff. He has long white hair tied back in a ponytail which hangs down past his shoulders. His skin is pale blue with black markings covering his arms and legs. He wears strange clothes consisting of leather trousers, boots and a shirt with metal plates sewn onto it. He has sharp eyes, thin lips and pointed ears.
"Check this kid for us will ya," The guard says to the man while pointing his thumb at Cyrus.
The stranger walks over to Cyrus inspecting him closely. After a moment he nods approvingly.
"You got yourself a pass kid." He tells him kindly. "Now run along." He instructs him.
Relieved, Cyrus hurries away following the path leading into the city as the guards continue to argue behind him.
Inside, he finds himself in a wide plaza filled with shops selling various goods. People walk around aimlessly going about their business unaware of the danger lurking among them.
Cyrus heads straight for the nearest shop hoping to buy food. When he enters however, he realizes that he doesn't even have a cent to his name. Cursing his luck ,he wanders around searching for anything useful until he spots two women fighting.
It seems as though they've been arguing since before he arrived. Both of them have red hair and green eyes. The taller woman is tall and muscular whereas the shorter one is slim and petite. Their outfits differ greatly with the larger girl wearing tight fitting jeans and a loose tank top whilst her smaller counterpart dresses in a revealing outfit.
Hiding around a corner, Cyrus watches the event unfold.
"how many times do I have to tell you that I don't care what happens. You can't join the tournament. It's not safe." The bigger girl scolds her companion sternly.
"but I can help too. How can you expect me to stand by while you fight for the both of us?" The smaller one protests angrily.
"because you're not strong enough." the bigger one explains patiently. "if you joined in, you'd only end up getting hurt." She continues.
"What does that matter? I'm already hurting." Her partner retorts bitterly. "This is our only shot at returning to a normal life and I refuse to not take part in it." She insists stubbornly.
"no, you shouldn't." The big one states firmly. "it's better that you stay here and stay safe instead of risking your lives for nothing. If I am incapable of winning, there is no way that you would even stand a chance" She pleads desperately trying to convince her companion.
Her words seem to work somewhat as the smaller one almost relents. However, she still refuses to give up on joining the competition.
"Fine, but you'll regret this." The bigger one says before leaving her companion behind.
Seeing the bigger lady walk away leaving the small girl to herself ,Cyrus decides to check up on her. Making his way over he waves and greets her nervously.
When she notices him approaching she immediately becomes wary.
"Who are you?" She demands cautiously.
Realizing that she may be hostile he holds his hands up defensively. "I'm sorry. I just heard you guys fighting and wanted to see if you needed any help. Are you alright?" He asks, concerned.
The smaller girl stares at him suspiciously. "Yes, thank you very much." She replies curtly.
"I'm sorry if I sound nosy, but can you tell me what you were fighting about? Were you arguing over something important?" He asks politely.
The smaller girl sighs tiredly. "We always fight like this. But this time it's important. This may be our final chance to free ourselves from all of this madness." She explains sadly. "If we don't win, then we'll never be able to return to normality again." She adds quietly.
Cyrus listens intently. "Do you mean that tournament that you guys were talking about earlier? What's so important about it?" He questions carefully.
She looks at him in disbelief. "What do you mean? Of course it's important. Everyone in this town is taking part in it. Do you mean to tell me that you don't know?" She asks surprised.
Shaking his head. "Sorry, I just recently arrived here so I'm not familiar with any of this." He apologizes.
"Wait, you just got here!? But everyone was summoned here a year ago!" She exclaims, confused.
Cyrus senses something wrong. "What do you mean summoned?" He asks warily.
The smaller girl looks at him worriedly. "don't play dumb! We were sent here by the gods themselves. All of us were chosen to participate in the tournament and become champions. With the condition that when we win we will have the opportunity to return to our original world. That's why everyone had been training so hard for this last year." She explains solemnly.
Confused by what she said, Cyrus shakes his head. "That sounds impossible. Why would the Gods send you here just to fight each other?" He wonders aloud.
The girl pauses briefly before answering. "The tournament was created by the gods themselves to decide who should rule the land once the current king dies. Whoever wins will gain control over the kingdom and the power to create whatever laws they wish. Along with gaining the power to reign over this world, we would also have enough power to cross between realms. Meaning that whoever won could theoretically return to their home worlds." She explains excitedly.
Cyrus furrows his brows. "So why was I brought in so late?"
"I'm not sure but now that you're here, I doubt you will be able to return by yourself." She tells him seriously.
"Why not!?" He asks, shocked.
"You are a part of the gods game now which means you too must take part in the tournament. Otherwise you risk being stuck here forever." She informs him grimly.
Looking to the sky, Cyrus thinks back on everything he has learned since talking with the girl.
"So that's how it works huh?" He mutters under his breath.
Seeing as he has no other options, He slaps his cheeks before turning to face the girl.
"Well, I guess I better start preparing myself. Right?" he announces before thanking her for the information and rushing out from the alley.
Only making it a couple of steps, he stops to face the girl once more. "Umm you wouldn't happen to have something to eat would you." he says with a red tinted expression on his face.
The girl laughs before inviting him to join her for dinner.
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Cyrus and Elaine leave the library and check in to a local inn for the night.Cyrus Wakes up early and heads out before Elaine to get more accustomed to fighting with the collars restraints on. While going through his routine Cyrus notices that he can still feel two energy sources. One of them was the same energy that he felt when obtaining the cloak. Tapping into this power manifested the cloak around his shoulders.Tapping into the second source manifested a pair of black greaves with a pattern of dark red streaks running through them. This power was different from the first one. It feels like the energy is being burned away the longer he wears them. Throwing out a kick with the new greaves sends a sharp wave of flames that cut through the air. Along with the new being able to use the flames for combat he was also capable of moving at an incredible speed in short bursts using the flames. Although doing so had all but drained the energy stored within the greaves as they shortly conce
"That's two pieces down. how about we get moving on to the next one. After all, we need to get this over with as soon as possible." Cyrus says."Agreed. I don't want to sit through this story any longer than I already have." Elaine agrees."So where are we headed to next? The Knight, The pawn, or the king?"The pawn would be our best bet for now," Elaine says."really? Why is that?""Because the pawn is the easiest for us to reach. Or should I say for you to reach."What do you mean?" Cyrus asks"You're going to become a gladiator!""A what!?" Cyrus exclaims."You're becoming a Gladiator. A warrior who fights in the arena. It's a very common thing here." Elaine explains."Alright. but how does this help get my hands on the pawns piece?"Easily. All you have to do is battle in the Colosseum and win. The more you win, the more opponents you will get to face, and eventually you can make your way to the top. I'm guessing you can figure out who's at the top by now right? The other two piec
Cyrus clears his throat and continues. "I'm a member of the Order of the White Rose. I was sent by the queen to assist you in the quest of defeating the evil forces that have been plaguing your land."As such, I have begun investigating and have found the hiding place of these creatures. I've brought with me one of their limbs as proof of my work."The Order of the White Rose? I have never heard of such a group. What faction do they belong to? Are they in any way related to the knights?" Elaine asks."They are a secret society that resides within the shadows of the kingdom. They are sworn to protect the people of Eleuthera and were created centuries ago."My group is composed of individuals who possess special abilities known only to a select few. We use our talents to aid those in need. It's a very secretive organization and we do not reveal ourselves to outsiders.""So don't ask any more questions," Cyrus mumbles under his breath.Elaine looks at him with a raised eyebrow."What did
Kerkus drives the carriage southward along the main road.The road is cracked and broken in many places and is covered in debris from falling rocks and trees.As they make their way to Eleuthera, they pass through several small villages and towns.The farther they travel, the more Cyrus notices how the lands around them seem to be in a state of disrepair and most of the buildings look to be in ruins."Why is everything in such bad shape? Is there some sort of problem?" Cyrus asks."It's all because of this war. Any and all civilians were forced into participating in this meaningless war.And any of the people that were left behind had to scavenge for anything that they could find in order to survive. All of their resources have been depleted." Elaine explains.The closer that they get to Eleuthera, the more Cyrus notices how the landscape around them changes.Dry grasses and shrubs appear to grow everywhere. There doesn't seem to be any form of vegetation near the city proper.Soon eno
Feeling the wind rush past him Cyrus slowly opens his eyes. His vision is obscured by clouds of white until he is able to make out the worlds around him. The ground was covered in black and white segmented squares. falling closer to the ground Cyrus noticed that there seemed to be a war raging across the land. Thousands of Black And White clothes soldiers were fiercely battling one another. The entire battlefield was filled with piles of dead bodies.Looking around he notices that There was an almost endless stream of soldiers rushing towards the battle field from both sides."What's happening here? Why are there so many humans fighting each other?" Cyrus asks while looking around, But he soon forgets these questions as he draws nearer towards the ground.Beneath him he sees countless armies of demons marching towards the battlefield. Hundreds upon hundreds of them filling the sky with their black and white cloaks.Cyrus quickly tries to gain control of himself, summoning his shadows
Cia's Plight
"Damn it! Why did I agree to this? I just woke up and now I'm already getting myself deeper into this mess!" Cyrus yells to himself.The sun rises higher in the sky as Cyrus and Barin Make their way towards Serenity by horseback.Barin lets him know that the trip will take at least a week but Cyrus doesn't mind. He knows that once he gets there he may be in for a rough time.After a couple of hours they reach a small mountain range."This is where we'll be stopping for the night. It's safer to camp here than it is anywhere else. Not only are the monsters weaker near here but the terrain is also easier to conceal ourselves ." Barin explains as he dismounts his horse. While we are here I can give you a quick rundown on what we will be up against.Cyrus follows closely behind Barin as he walks over to a small cave opening."First let's tackle the problem with the disappearances near the town borders. As far as we know, the demon has taken these people but has kept them alive. We are not