The banter between the two podiums halted after Zhi Ruo managed to pull 6 arms middle finger rebuttal towards the feiry response of the other podium. The staff came to their podium running and puffing in exhaustion like he ran laps around the whole arena before coming there. Judging from the panicked expression on the staff's face, he probably did.
In the end, Zhi Ruo and the others were asked to halt whatever they were doing, because the crowd (audience) were getting harder to rein down because of the excitement their banter created.Zhi Ruo's response was to blink slowly, and told the staff that she didn't care; her words were exactly 'The fuck would I care about that?'. Of course the two senior brothers beside her weren't going to let Zhi Ruo say that on the staff's face, and was quick to agree with the staff after pulling Zhi Ruo aside because they could not clamp their hands over the young miss's face because of her mask.
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Silently, the men on the podium agreed with Zhi Ruo's words, not that they'd say on her face directly though. Who knows, Zhi Ruo was an impulsive one, and she is crafty too. It was hard not to believe that Zhi Ruo would not use your words against you in a verbal spat.The masked man was fighting his opponent, it was a bulky man. One that you would see on the streets and would instantly tell that the man works out. And judging from how the man flexed his pectorial muscles in a way that Zhi Ruo could tell was an unconscious doing. The man was undoubtedly proud of the muscles that he aquired.Zhi Ruo scratched her head silently, looking on the fight that was going in front of her. Oddly enough, the masked man's opponent looked oddly similar with her previous opponent. Ever since she entered the tournament, she has been seeing real bulky men around. And she truly hoped that bulky men that looked like hulk wasn't the new trend that was running around
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"Coincidence right?" Huo Feng asked, chewing his food. He inclined his head towards the masked man who was putting away the gun as the practitioner approached him. Outside their barrier, everyone could hear the announcer's excited voice, blabbering about the masked man's Win.The three could not help but look at the masked man's opponent on the ground, in the background the practitioner was announcing the masked man as the winner in his battle. Zhi Ruo of course knew what Huo Feng was talking about, he was asking that it was probably a coincidence that the fight tye masked man had was eeriely similar to Zhi Ruo's fight.Except, of course, the difference in ability. But how the fight progressed was undoubtedly similar. The first half of the fight was spent exchanging blows, then, the masked man was making his opponent run while he chased after the guy, then his opponent tripped, and of course, he killed his opponent singlehandedly.
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She didn't realize that it was 'that' expensive, she could get that type of pill any day she wanted if she just had enough materials and resources for it. Which was always available, because of her mark. Zhi Ruo almost forgotten when she had problems in getting such pills, she realized that not everyone was as privileged as her.Her face wrinkled as she watched as the medics finally left the 5th placer and the practitioner alone so that he could be finally announced as the winner. The medics turned their attention at the corpse not far from where they were standing, and found that the others were already starting to scrape the blood off the pavement floor."Han Wanran proceeds to the next round as the winner of this battle!" The practitioner's voice overlapped the announcer's voice as he declared the 5th placer as the winner. Though, the 5th placer should now be considered, and formally known as Han Wanran now.Zhi Ruo tapped her finger at her arms chain in a repeatedly chain of rythm
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As if he doesn't know what was running through Yang Meixiang's head, Alberu turned his head and was heading straight towards the seat that was meant for the owner of the room. Which mind you, wasn't him.The owner could not help but break her expression upon seeing Alberu's audacity. It was clear to her that the masked man never put her in his eyes. But she could only open and close her mouth, knowing that she cannot afford to step on the toes of this young man. The fan on her hand fluttered quickly for a split second before Yang Meixiang chose to quietly regain her bearings. "Indeed I am busy these days..." The masked man crossed his legs as he made himself comfortable in Yang Meixiang's seat. "I hear you sell information?" He promptly changed the topic, his head tilting towards Yang Meixiang's direction. Even without seeing his eyes, Yang Meixiang knew that the young master wasn't in the mood for joking or beating around
[The Auction House]
Zhi Ruo rolled her eyes. "Quit yapping you brat, and just follow me." The young miss went inside first, before Yuan Chuanli sighed behind her and followed her lead. Behind the boy genius, Ravel followed calmly carrying Zhi Ruo's luggage. Inside, Zhi Ruo adjusted the container of Zhōngguó, and faced Yuan Chuanli unflappable façade. Before scoffing after seeing that the boy genius wasn't as unflappable as he wanted to be seen in Zhi Ruo's eyes. The vehicle started moving as soon as everyone was seated, Ravel who had already been instructed as to what to do, took over as the driver of the vehicle. And slowly, they departed from the Sighted Valley safely. The journey would take about 6 hours under Zhi Ruo's estimation given the speed that they were going, it was enough to catch up with the auction, so Zhi Ruo let Ravel do his thing and instead focused on Yuan Chuanli.
[Where Are We Going Exactly?]
It has already been day since the talk with Yuan Chuanli. And unfortunately for the young genius, Zhi Ruo saw through her words efficiently and without any waste of time. Because not even an hour later, Yuan Chuanli who was enjoying his alone time in his 'own' pavilion, directly received a scroll from Ravel. And again without him noticing that damn butler's presence ;Or so he grumbles under his breath. He was torn in between considering Ravel's actions, rude, or considerate, because the moment he handed the scroll to him (without even a greeting) the butler had disappeared instantly without a word. The young genius was certainly glad he didn't have to spend time with idle chatter (as his etiquette calls him to do) and fake pleasantries, but he won't deny that Ravel's appearance 'who was without greetings' irked him a bit. Well, not really a bit. Yuan Chuanli just find it beneath him to get
Vaguely, Zhi Ruo could see Yuan Chuanli opening and closing his mouth like he was trying to formulate the right words that was on his mind. She could not help but compare him to a goldfish, it was already arguable enough that he also had the type of look that she would see 'in a goldfish '. Although she had motioned for the guy in front of her hurriedly, she didn't actually mind and was not in a hurry at all, she is already taking her time secretly. Her reason? Zhi Ruo thought that this type of actions was like a power trip. The young miss would never 'miss' such a chance, even if it's miniscule. Yuan Chuanli who digested every words Zhi Ruo said, was a bit speechless, but was starting to get used to Zhi Ruo's antics. He understood where Zhi Ruo was coming at. And he knows that 'she' was giving this type cooperation was for her own, and his, good. But having
As if she didn't hear the uncertainty that coated each of Yuan Chuanli's words, Zhi Ruo tilted her head. "Didn't you hear me? I already said that grandfather's words are most likely to be excuses." Zhi Ruo waved her hands dismissively. Yuan Chuanli watched Zhi Ruo's careless actions and wanted to sigh. It was his luck to face such a indifferent and free willed heiress. He had finally decided to trust the rumors, that the true blooded Ye clan members are an eccentric bunch, more eccentric than the ancient cultivators that decided to live out of the current society. Yuan Chuanli thought that Ye Gu Shi was a weird one. He soon followed that thought with; that was because he hadn't met Zhi Ruo yet. "Even if the patriarch's words are excuses, I plan to follow his words exactly at face value." The guy said, causing Zhi Ruo to frown. Who knew that Yuan Chuanli was such a good law abider th
[Playmate deal]
Zhi Ruo abandoned the thought of pretending any longer, and instead, her expression morphed into a mischievous, teasing, scowl that indicated none of her true feelings with Yuan Chuanli's behavior. She expressed her fake disappointment by sneering and sarcastically commented, "Oh, come on, where's your sense of humor?" She then reached out and grabbed one of the cups that Ravel had set on the table for them. As Yuan Chuanli rolled his eyes at Zhi Ruo's comment, his doll-like face remained cool and collected, displaying an unflappable composure that seemed at odds with his present company. It was clear that the young genius was used to a life of refinement and elegance, and even the slight hint of vulgarity in Zhi Ruo's tone, even though it was fake, was enough to make him visibly roll his eyes. "Pretend I don't have one," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of sarcasm. It sounded like he was trying to copy Zhi Ruo's tone, however it sounded awkward on his tongue as he didn't us
[You know else starts with "T" other than Tea? Tension.]
Yuan Chuanli reclined in his chair, studying Zhi Ruo intently with his cool, calculating gaze. Uncertain of what her next move would be, he remained silent, allowing Zhi Ruo to take the lead in the conversation. Zhi Ruo sat in front of him, her mask covering her face and her hands folded neatly in her lap. Despite Yuan Chuanli's intense scrutiny, she remained composed and unperturbed. Her eyes, though hidden behind the mask, betrayed a sharp intelligence and a quiet confidence, as if she knew something that he didn't. Yuan Chuanli couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease as he studied her posture, which was relaxed but poised, as if she was ready for anything. He wondered what secrets she was hiding behind that mask, and what kind of person would be so calm in the face of his scrutiny. All of a sudden, a laugh escaped Zhi Ruo's mouth. It rang inside the well furnished room, as if it was fir
[The clash of pride and duty]
If one were to happen upon the scene, without any prior knowledge of the situation, they would undoubtedly assume that Yuan Chuanli was being kidnapped. The look of indignant and reluctance on his face, coupled with the fact that he looked like was being forced to follow Zhi Ruo from behind, would be enough to make anyone suspicious. The resident genius's expression was a mixture of hesitance, frustration, and a poor attempt of getting his poker face back on. His face contorted in discomfort as he trailed behind the heiress, if anything, the only thing missing would be his eyes darting around nervously in search of a way out. Zhi Ruo, on the other hand, seemed completely unfazed by her companion's distress, or if she even noticed it at all. She marched forward confidently, her head held high and her gaze fixed ahead, as if she were completely in control of the situation. Despite the obvious discomfort of her companion,
[A meeting of Minds and Masks]
After much bargaining, and Zhi Ruo's display of 'im going to go even if you disagree anyways' Ye Gu Shi relented at last. Though Zhi Ruo did not miss how there were looks exchanged between Ravel and her grandfather, with her in the middle. The girl wonders if her butler and grandfather truly hadn't thought that she could see their little exchange above her head. And maybe Zhi Ruo did regret a little on how she ignored Ravel's report on her grandfather. It wasn't her fault that she really, badly, wanted to sleep at that time. One shouldn't be deprived of sleep you know. Nonetheless, she figured that the looks that they exchange between them, was mainly for her own good. And so ,she didn't care. It probably was something related to her safety anyways. She got what she wanted in the end, it was a win win situation. Her grandfather asked to borrow her plaque and Zhi Ruo handed it without much thought. Ye Gu Shi sighed when he received the plaque and told Zhi Ruo that she would need he