Reborn with the Strongest System
Reborn with the Strongest System
Author: Godfather Excelsior
Chapter 1: Rainy, Bloody Night

Rainy nights shrouded the world in darkness, a veil many found unsuitable for a hunt. Yet, for those who thrived in the cover of night, it was an ideal time. 

The Verdant Brothers, led by the formidable Eren ‘Sun Fire,’ were a renowned team of adventurers capable of tackling the most suicidal quests. When they posted a notice at the Adventurer Guild seeking a porter, Talon seized the chance, believing he could earn guild merits without facing much danger under their protection.

He was gravely mistaken.

Panting behind his shield, Talon winced as blood dripped from his broken arm. His shield, now a warped mess, had partially fused with his left hand from Eren's fiery attacks. The other team members watched, their eyes glinting with amusement, some even laughing at his plight. Anger and helplessness churned within him.

Just half an hour earlier, they had been escorting a treasure-laden caravan from Fort Avarack in the Lupin Mountain Range to Ironflower Duchy under the Duke's request. The rumor was that the Blood Iron Corps had looted a barbarian encampment, rich with gold and artifacts. The Verdant Brothers took the job, but betrayal lurked beneath their intentions.

As the caravan settled in a clearing of Moon Mist Woods, night fell, bringing with it a violent storm. Under the cover of rain and darkness, the brothers struck. They started with the guide from the duchy, then his assistants. The scene felt surreal, a nightmare unfolding in real time.

Eren's calm voice broke the chaos, “Sorry kid, but we can’t leave any witnesses.”

Dropping his bags, Talon readied his shield, “Are you not worried the guild will investigate?”

“For someone about to die, you worry about the wrong things,” Eren smiled, a golden orb of flame growing in his palm. It shot towards Talon, who raised his shield in vain. The explosion hurled him back, carving trenches in the muddy ground.

Eren conjured another fireball, splitting it into dozens. They orbited him like miniature suns, a mesmerizing and terrifying sight. Talon, shaking his head to dispel the paralysis of awe, thought, ‘No. I have to get out of here.’

He glanced towards the northwest, thinking of his hometown. ‘Sorry, sis. Your brother is too useless to make our dream come true.’

Eren flicked his wrist, and the fireballs swarmed towards Talon. “You think I’ll die so easily? Damn you, Eren!” he yelled, gripping his shield tighter. Explosions rocked the forest, golden light piercing the heavy rain. 

When the smoke cleared, Talon was still standing, but barely. His shield, now a useless mass, had melded with his left hand. His right arm hung limply, broken. Each breath sent a plume of white mist into the air, his charred clothes clinging to his battered body. With immense effort, he propped up his shield again.

Denzel, one of the adventurers, laughed, “This guy’s tenacious. Hey Talon, I heard you’ve been a Rookie Adventurer for two years. Quite useless, aren’t you?”

Ignoring the jibe, Talon focused on Eren, knowing the next attack would be his last. A desperate hope flickered within him, a futile wish for rescue. But he knew it was hopeless. ‘No, I’m not done yet.’

Eren, an Awakened who had surpassed most, stood as a living testament to the power of Sun Fire Mage. His team, all Awakened, were insurmountable foes for a mere human like Talon.

“Rest well, Talon,” Eren said, a massive fireball materializing inches from Talon’s shield. There was no escape.


Golden flames engulfed him, and then there was nothing. By the time the fire dissipated, Talon was gone, leaving only two wet spots on the otherwise scorched ground.

Eren's voice cut through the silence, “Move out!”

“You heard the boss, let’s get moving!” Denzel echoed, rallying the team.

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