Chapter 12: The Goblin Leader

Goblins are among the most rampant monsters on the continent, well-known for their impressive breeding capabilities, though truly exceptional goblins were uncommon. However, some goblins manage to outshine the rest, becoming leaders to whom other goblins bow. For monsters, especially goblins, bowing to greater power isn't easy, indicating that every single goblin leader is Awakened.

Talon had heard of Awakened monsters before, but he had never encountered them since the regions around Eryndor were too peaceful, and most monster-hunting quests he had joined didn't involve Awakened monsters. This was his first time seeing a group of monsters with not just one, but multiple Awakened among them. The leader was a monster that had attained a perfect awakening of its profession, making it very awe-inspiring.

Talon rushed through the chaos, swinging his sword and shooting out mental pierce attacks simultaneously. Goblins fell left and right around him.

The fight between Master Eobard and the Goblin Leader was just twenty meters away and still heated. Talon smiled. Activating his ability, he cloaked himself from the senses of everyone within ten meters around him, then ran towards the duo.

The goblin leader made a sideways swing, sending Master Eobard staggering backwards. With Master Eobard moving a few meters back, there was now enough space for the goblin leader to launch counterattacks. The goblin leader smiled, seeing this as an opportunity. It swung its huge hammer ferociously but was forced to jump back as Talon launched a downward strike from the side.

The strike missed, but it broke the goblin leader’s attack sequence, giving Master Eobard enough time to stabilize himself and ready his sword again.

“You can’t handle him, get away,” Master Eobard shouted.

“I saved your life, I think I can handle myself,” Talon replied without taking his eyes off the huge goblin.

Master Eobard felt the blood rush to his head. “Hey kid, don’t get cocky. That goblin is already at the peak of the Awakened level. You won’t be a threat to it with just a sword.”

Talon smirked. “I have you beside me, Master. Why do I need to worry?”

Master Eobard’s words got stuck in his throat, and he couldn’t reply for a moment. “I can’t fight the monster and protect you at the same time. Kid, don’t be so daring.”

Talon didn’t reply. He simply rushed forward. The goblin leader dashed towards them with the hammer crackling with lightning.

‘Stupid!’ Master Eobard swore as he rushed to help.

The moment Talon got close enough to be hit by the hammer, the goblin leader struck from the right side. Talon could feel the air crackling with electricity even before the hammer could reach him.

‘Can’t get hit’

A single hit from the hammer would mean certain death, but this was only if he got hit. Within that short moment, he sent a subtle mind wave, messing up the goblin leader’s perception.

All of a sudden, the goblin leader saw Talon jump over the attack with his sword raised. Master Eobard was also drawing closer, but within that short moment, the goblin leader raised its right hand and shot out a bolt of lightning that blasted Talon out of the air, turning him into a crisp.

Slash! Gush!

Blood sprayed from the goblin leader’s left side, a stinging pain coursing through its body as it staggered. It looked down to see a bloody gash on its side, almost revealing the ribs underneath.

Rage crept into the goblin’s eyes as it looked around for its attacker. But before it could turn around, Master Eobard had reached it. It hastily raised its hammer to block Master Eobard’s cleave.

To Master Eobard, he saw Talon and the goblin leader attack each other, only for the goblin leader to suddenly stop to launch a bolt of lightning into empty air. Although confused, he was happy to see Talon easily run past the goblin leader, slashing through its armor and injuring it. This made Master Eobard realize Talon was definitely Awakened, though he wasn’t sure of Talon’s profession. But if they could survive, he didn’t care about Talon’s secrets.

Master Eobard used his Grand Shift abilities to divert the hammer the moment his sword collided with it. The goblin leader felt its hammer suddenly weigh a ton, forcing it to lift with its legs and back.

Lightning whips crackled and erupted from its body. Although Master Eobard’s Grand Shift abilities diverted the bolts at close range, he was still forced back from the goblin leader.

Talon, a few meters behind the goblin leader, rushed forward again. As he drew closer, the goblin leader heard his footsteps and turned to land a blow with its hammer. But midway, a blinding hot pain struck its mind. It felt like hot rods were being inserted into its brain. It almost dropped the hammer, roaring in pain and clutching its head with its right hand.

This roar drew the attention of the other goblins. Talon raised his sword and brought it down forcefully, aiming to cut off the goblin leader’s head.


Talon’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw his sword bounce off an invisible wind barrier. He felt an irresistible force blast him off his feet. He flew almost a dozen meters before landing painfully. Disoriented, he struggled to get back on his feet, seeing Master Eobard fighting the goblin leader again.

Another goblin, smaller than the leader but armored and helmeted, ran towards Talon, roaring. Talon readied his sword and charged.

Within five steps of each other, the goblin saw five clones of Talon appear. Each image was identical, as if Talon had created clones of himself. Confused, it didn’t know which image to attack, so it launched a wind strike at all five.

The wind strike blasted one image away, sending it tumbling in the sand. The others blocked or dodged it. The goblin was soon embroiled in battle with these images.

Talon smiled with satisfaction. ‘Mind Hunters are really terrifying,’ he mused, watching the goblin fight off fake illusions.

Talon wanted to study his abilities further. He knew he could trick the eyes and ears of his opponents, but he wanted to see what else he could fool.

‘By sending the right signals, I can make the five senses experience whatever I imagine. Does that mean I can even fool the senses to feel pain?’

As this thought struck him, he looked at the Wind Mage goblin like a predator eyeing its prey.

‘Only one way to find out.’

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