Chapter 6: Mind Hunter

### Chapter 6: Mind Hunter

Each Profession awakened included a complete set of abilities along with a specific name. The combination of abilities determined its name, hence it was naturally called a Profession. Similar professions usually had unique characteristics, and unless you had the exact same profession as someone else, there was no way you would have the exact same power set.

For instance, the Sun Fire Mage profession included a set of fire-based abilities allowing the user to create miniature suns, consume natural flames, and even generate heavy gravity. Similarly, the Mind Hunter profession would contain a set of abilities allowing the user to maximize their potential.

Eager to understand what Mind Hunter entailed, Talon checked the details of the profession. In most cases, people hardly revealed the name of their profession, and even among those he had heard about, he had never heard of Mind Hunter before.

The screen changed its display to reveal the details about Mind Hunter:

[Mind Hunter]

Category: Mental

Core Abilities:

- Perception Manipulation

- Mental Cues

- Mental Fortress

- Mind Reading

- Psychic Infiltration

- Emotional Manipulation

- Sensory Deprivation

- Echo of the Mind (Unique)

Of all the abilities, only the first four were active; the rest were dulled out as if inaccessible. When he tried to click on them, the system notified him that he needed to awaken the Mind Hunter profession again to activate the full set of abilities.

‘This is probably why Eren is so strong. Awakening the same profession twice allows you to gain all the possible applications of the ability,’ he thought.

Some professions had an ability unique only to them, appearing in only about 1 in every 10 professions. Such professions were definitely not common.

“What is the rarity of this profession?” Talon asked.

— It only appears once in a couple of centuries. The rarity isn’t low, but it isn’t high either.

‘Huh?’ Talon almost felt like the system was joking with him. Once every couple of centuries? That was very rare! ‘A couple of centuries could even be up to a thousand years. Or is it because the Admin doesn’t see time the same way we mortals do?’ 

‘Wait, doesn’t this mean I might even be the only living Mind Hunter in the world?’ Talon burst out laughing.

“Yes! Vaila, your older brother isn’t so useless anymore!” he shouted, laughing.

— You have received the rewards for your mission and retrieved the Summoning Talisman of the Abyss Cult. Are you willing to put it up for sale?

Hearing this, Talon paused and cleared his throat awkwardly. If the Admin had emotions, he would have been even more embarrassed.

He brought out the talisman and asked, “What does it cost?”

— The talisman is worth 10 karma. As a new user, you are eligible for sale bonuses, gaining an extra 10 percent of every karma from sales.

“What is karma used for?”

— Your level increases with the more karma you accumulate. To reach the next level, you need to complete 4 more missions and accumulate 100 karma.

“Pfft. So much? Does the talisman have any other use?”

— It is used only to create a portal between reality and Egermont’s domain.

‘So it is useless to me, except if I want to create dungeons or cause a world extinction…’ 

“I want to sell it.”

— Place the talisman on the podium.

Talon placed the talisman on the podium, and it vanished. At the same time, he saw his karma points increase to 32 karma.

‘Great, 79 to go,’ he thought.

“What do I get at higher Hero levels?”

— Each hero level grants better treatment, access to specific functions and advantages. You can also lead missions with other heroes if you are at a higher level than them. Each team leader in such a group gains a higher reward after the mission is completed.

‘Wow, that’s actually pretty good,’ Talon thought.

“What about my System Coins?” 

— They can be used to trade at the Bazaar Shop, Marketplace, renovate your personal space, and buy tickets at the Gambling House.

Hearing that he could renovate his personal space, he couldn’t help but ask, “How do I renovate my personal space?”

— With enough System Coins, you can increase the size of your personal space and add geographical features.

‘A world? I could create a world here if I had enough money? Is this too much of a cheat?!’ Talon felt excited just thinking about it. Looking at his 100 System Coins, he couldn’t help but ask, “What can I get with my current balance?”

— You will need to check the Marketplace and Bazaar Shop to find out.

‘In other words, I’m not your damn servant. Got it.’ He opened the Marketplace, and a festive page appeared, featuring many categories ranging from weapons, armors, artifacts, books, and more. Each category had subcategories. Every user of the Interdimensional Bazaar could place almost anything on sale here, and any other user could buy it. The system facilitated trades between the involved parties.

‘What do I need right now?’ he muttered, clicking into books. His main issue was a lack of knowledge. He knew too little about the Interdimensional Bazaar, his own profession, and other worlds. As an adventurer, he knew ignorance was as lethal as a dagger to the heart. Many adventurers had lost their lives because of blind spots in their mission information. He himself had died because of this same thing! If he had known the Verdant Brothers were planning to rob the Duke of Ironflower, he would never have joined their team to carry their loads.

‘Knowledge is power,’ he thought.

The Books category had a few subcategories, but only one drew his attention: Runes.

He had not heard anything about this before. Most of his life had been spent in Eryndor, a remote, uneventful town. He had stayed in an orphanage and, even though he became an adventurer at the guild branch there, there were no dungeons or monster tides close to Eryndor, making it quite safe. Apart from the occasional bandits, goblins, and dire wolf packs, he hadn’t faced many Awakened. When he saw the subcategory, he realized he knew absolutely nothing about it. He had never even heard of it.

He checked the subcategory and saw many books. One drew his attention: ‘Introduction to Runes and Quintessence— 30 System Coins. Posted by Frenzy Wild Wolf.

The name tag of the person had silver wings, which looked magnificent compared to the Bronze Laurels under Talon’s name tag. There was even a counter under the book showing the number of times people had bought it: 102,003,011 purchases.

‘Holy Sh*t! 102 million purchases?’ He quickly did a mental calculation of the System Coins the person had gained and almost collapsed from shock. “Over 3 billion System Coins… that’s insane,” he muttered in disbelief.

Sensing his mental turmoil, the system’s voice appeared again.

— All sales in the Marketplace experience a 20% tax charge. 

“That is still over 2 billion!” Talon almost retorted back at the system.

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