I come from a long line of 'Legandary' swordsmen lost in time and history. Apparently.
But now... we're just managing members of society holding up a rundown dojo.
But who the f*ck wants to learn swordsmanship these days?!
No shit! We've got nukes! Choppers that rain down lead pallets! Laser technology! Fuck, I can even swear China will keep it coming!
So, who the fuck would want to learn swordsmanship?! When I'd rather spend the time grinding levels on my Call Of Duty account. I was only a few more grinds before I hit the Grandmaster rank now. So many years...so many sacrifices. I gave up my first kiss for that.
That was what I, Huey Blade, first son and Heir to the Blade Sword Family thought. How I genuinely felt. What I believed. What I still believe.
But of course, as many other heirs born into such similar families, I had to 'uphold' some shitty tradition and keep up the lineage. To 'carry on the legacy' and some other almost philosophical sounding bullshits like that. My stinking old pops wouldn't let me breathe till I did so.
The damn old man had his time to live out his life, and now he wouldn't let me. It was at times like these I'd envy my father's condition.
Luckily or unluckily for him, my father was born with a rather weak and frail constitution that greatly limited his experiences and physical capabilities throughout his lifetime. And that included taking up the sword. So one might say our ancestral traditions ended up to my stinking old relentless Grandpa, who, throughout the heavens and the earth, will do whatever it takes, even cheating death (Twice! Bro was born with some broken plot armor!) To ensure, by his words, 'our bloodline runs strong and out traditional runs long', by continuing from me.
And trust me when I say, he wasn't going to die before making sure of it.
And to make matters worse... I'm actually quite talented with the sword. Fuck! It's both a terrifying gift, and a horrifying curse. It's all because I'm so awesome! Damn me!!
In my family, I was what we called a genius. Even among other recorded geniuses in our ancestral history (of course they wouldn't admit that, but It was quite obvious).
I was athletic, agile, had incredible reflexes, unfairly good lucks and held a perless body among those of my age. Bitch, I was 'him'! So to someone like my old pops who was beyond obsessed with continuing our legacy and traditions, I was fresh meat.
But it must be said again, I had zero interest in our ancestral Blade traditions, and even less interest in swordsmanship. And my grandad could only beat the shit out of me in all of our 'sparring' sessions.
Eventually, word spread around. The heir of the 'renowned' Blade Sword Family...was a failure.
But hey... take a good look at me handsome face. Do I look like I give two fucks? Two mellow words.
Heck! No!
To all those who spoke shit behind my back, I showed them the middle finger. To my grandad who beat the shit out of me during each session, I showed him the middle finger...then I got the shit beat out of me for the second time that one time I did...
Until finally, the supposed day of reckoning arrived.
In accordance to the tradition that bound our family, there was a 'coming of age' ritual, and a 'rite of passage' to be held for the main heir as soon as said Heir turns 13 years of age. In this case, me.
You could imagine how I felt getting dragged out of bed that morning.
To be fully acknowledged and deemed suitable and eligible for the Patriarch position, on the thirteenth year of the 'Heir', said Heir was going to be set out 'into the world.' As soon as we were of age, we would be chased out of the house on some philosophical journeey of self-discovery for the rest of the years left to be our childhood.
And within that time the said 'Heir' was supposed to venture out and improve and bring to new heights their swordsmanship and even go further to 'create' a personal sword technique and style! And only then can they return.
...see how wack that sounds?!
The worse part is, when you're out, you're entirely on your own. Other than the minimum amount of funds given to you by the family that would only last the first year, the heir is meant to survive and fend for himself in the 'outside world'. They could receive no support or anything else from the family or any relative, except keeping in touch to keep track of progress once every six months, twice only in a year.
Yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking.
What a barbaric ritual in the 21st century!! Sending off kids barely in puberty out to live out life on their own, that's just child abuse! It can be judged by the law, right? I swear it can. I also swore I was going to sue that smelly old geezer of mine when I get back!
I could already imagine the smug grin that relentless old geezer would have on his face. Just the thought of it...just the thought of it...just the thought of it...
But of course, never in all of all my pride was I going to let my stupid old man get one over me.
That was why just before I left I stole our family's most prized secret tomes
Legendary scrolls and letters detailing all of the sword techniques and styles created since the 16th century along with all of the created sword styles of the previous patriarchs that date back five to six hundred years ago, and the true 'essence' of our family sword technique.
...Or so my smelly old pops would fanatically spout like a teenage BTS fan.
Usually I would only get this once I've fully and successfully returned back from the ritual, but...what can I say, I'm a grudging fine lass. I wasn't going to be satisfied if I at least didn't get one over them like this for what they did to me.
This along with our family's most prized and sacred Treasure.
"Ten O Yaburu Ken" (A/N: Directly translates to "Heaven Breaking Sword"), the blade which belonged to my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, our first anscetor,and patriarch of the "Hyaku Muso No Ken" (A/N: Directly translates to "One Hundred Peerles Sword" which is the name of the Blade family's sword style and thecnique: "The One Hundred Peerless Sword Technique".)
...The name was a tongue twister so I just decided to name it "Pointy" cause of the ridiculously pointy and sharp tip.
So I stole our family's most prized Treasure, Pointy, used only by the first Patriarch, and our 'Legendary' tomes, Scrolls and Letters recording all of the established sword styles and techniques created since the 16th century and sword styles created by past heirs and patriarch.
And with all this, I was going to create my own variant of the One Hundred Peerless Sword Technique and shame all of those bastards who mocked me.
And that smelly old man.
Make no mistake, I still had no interest in swordsmanship. I was only going to accomplish the Ritual and create a variant of my Family sword style to mock my Grandad and those jealous pricks who talked shit about me behind my back. Yes, purely for scorn. Hundred percent pure spite. Just malice.
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The year 2094.All was chaos. The apocalypse. The Fall.The end of the world. That was what the history books called it.The earths' fomer azure-blue sky was tainted a stagnant grey with dark venomous fumes forming massive patches of black clouds. In this 'futuristic' world, the sun was but a memory. A thin grey fog surrounded the atmosphere, the air tainted and veiled.The flourishing landmass were scourged, gouged and withered. The iconic greenery of the planet became vast patches of toxic fuming membranes filling the earth with pestilence. Cities fell, continents burned.Civilization collapsed. Humanity erased to dwindling numbers. Savage creatures of grotesque proportion proweld the ancient ruins of a civilization that was.On the first day of "The End", they said the sky and it's firmaments 'fell' first, bridging the boundary between the day and night. The second day, the ground withered. The third day, the oceans boiled and drained. The fourth, the earth shook. By the fifth, ha
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A desolate wasteland spread as far as Lyra's eyes could see, and this was so even as her vision and visibility were enhanced even further by the interactive visor that covered her face.The neon-blue screen of her visor displayed a wealth of information, its characters and readings weaving a tapestry of data detailing the conditions within a five-meter radius of her position."Steadfast!" The man ahead of the group warned. A massive creature of an absurd size spread its ghastly maws for his head. The man raised his arm, his gauntlets whirled with an electric blue charg up to his balled fist.His fist flashed forward quickly into the spread open mouth of an Elder God. The speed was incredible, the impact even more powerful. The charged power burst into a powerful concentrated shockwave upon connecting with the creature. The Elder God had no room to even utter a sound as it's body exploded into dirty fireworks from inside, a subdued shockwave permeating the surrounding of impact.'That's
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Dens were considered a massive treasure trove, as well as a definite graveyard.Elder God Dens held dangerously high concentration of "Mana" radiation, which also tend to attract the numerous presence of Elder Gods to gather, which further ,also, tend to simultaneously increase the amount of radiation of the Den to further higher density.Elder God's were known to be "Warm-blooded" creatures. Perhaps even too hot. This was as a result of the concentration of Radiation focused in their cells and body which led to an absurd increase in body temperature. This 'heat', when concentrated, can also be dangerous to mundane humans, hence, only one of the need for powerful ManaTech gears when facing against an Elder God or a group of them.The high concentration of "Mana" Radiation attracts the presence of numerous Elder God's, which further increased the density and concentration of "Mana" in the area as a result of the radiation from their body heat and temperature.With so much "Mana" Radia
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Deathly cries and ghastly screeches resounded rippled through the air.The Party ensued in a bloody battle, with each mili-second spent fighting for the next ...for their lives.Those with swords, their weapons cut apart, shredded; those wielding Spears thrust and stabbed; those with projectiles, pulled the triggers and aimed.Yet the stream seemed endless.The corpses of Elder Gods continued to mount, piles upon piles, around the group; indigo blood painting the surrounding in morbid chaos.It was pure chaos. Utter chaos.Lyra cursed and her sub-transperent dagger flashed, denting a slash against the hard exo-skeleton hide of the creatures. Their flesh far tougher than those of the Elder Gods they faced before the Den, and her lower Class Advanced-rank dagger could only leave a white slash surface wound.The Elder God screeched then lunged forward at the girl, it's massive shadow loomed over her like an inevitable omen of doom, threatening to devour her.When John appeared."Move!" H
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The remnant group of the hunting party of five continued to venture deeper into the Den. Along the way they encountered and slayed even more Elder Gods, these one of an even different type.The various appearances of various Elder Gods were of a mutation between the compliance of cells when humanity still tried to synthetically and genetically re-create Elder God cells years back.But that was only to a varies number of few. Elder Gods were generally known to come in all shapes and sizes, as these creatures could affect control their physical metabolism and hence influence their appearance and form.So to say; they can casually grow an extra limb if the need arise.But Elder Gods, as sentient as they might yet be, were still sub-mindless creatures raved by ravaging hunger and thirst for chaos; it wasn't always that many of them would actually actively think to make youse of this ability of theirs.John struck down another of the scorpion -spider like Elder God and panted grimly.'We'r
Red: Swordsman in the Apocalypse Chapter 7: From the Other Side
"Y-you bastards! You're supposed to be Magic Knights; protectors of humanity, and here you are leading a whole group of people into aimless death!" The spear lady lunged forward, a sharp piece of rock adorning her left arm as she charged for the blonde Knight who remained still—a casual smile gracing his lips.Lyra's dreary eyes couldn't follow the next two seconds that came after. There was a flash, a blue saber and a vibrant trail of spurting red blood across the air as the lady's head rolled and thumped to the ground, severed from the rest of her decapitated body."!!" Lyra's heart sank with instant horror.One moment the lady was up and running, the very next her headless body fell into a pool of her own blood. Soundlessly.Any idea ...any hope of the monsters here being reinforcement or saviors were instantly tarnished that very moment.Lyra forgot to breathe. All of a sudden the domineering pain of her organs and brain swelling didn't seem so overwhelming at the face of certain
Red: Swordsman in the Apocalypse Chapter 8: A Beautiful Monster
"It has...been a long time." An eerily soft and melodious voice tore through the howling winds and resounding tremors. It wasn't loud or deep. Just above all others. Hanging on to the last traces of her dear life, Lyra's bleeding eyes stared feverishly and in horrifying awe at the 'creature' from beyond the red Rift.Pale white porcelain skin and long black hair as black as the darkest nights; the creature stood tall at a height of a 196 cm. It was a man.A human. A person."Keugh-! What is this abominable"Mana" radiation!" The green haired knight emerged from a pile or rubbles only some meters away, doubling over with apparent struggle on his expression.He was bleeding from his head and his eyes were bloodshot as he grit his teeth heavily to fight back the persistent pounding pain he felt in his head.The Knight rose his head and directed his gaze up front towards the Red tear in the fabric of reality.He froze.Then blinked. Then stood still once more, struggling to comprehend.A r
Red: Swordsman in the Apocalypse Chapter 9: Huey Blade; A Messiah in the Apocalypse
'Finally!'"It has..."'Finally! After all these years!'"...been a long time."After all the years, finally, I was back on earth!I, Huey Blade, heir to a forgotten shitty sword family set out on a journey during the early age of 13. I returned some years later only to be transported to another world...a different plane full of red and decay.And Monsters. Ugly...Ugly monsters.As I spent my time running and fighting for my life at each corner I took, I always dreamt of the day when all of it would be over and I'd finally return home, to earth.'Goddammit! Who would have thought I'd want to see the face of my shitty Old man so bad like this!'It took a while. Years. And I faced many terrible experiences of struggle throughout those years. Many times I fell dangerously close to death. Many times I was nearly eaten. Many times I fell into depravity.But then I'd remind myself, "I had to get back and show off how powerful I've become and beat the shit out of my old man" And so I contin
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Chapter 11: Seventy Years is a Long Time; Long Enough for an Invasion
"Fine. Speak." Saying so, Huey crossed his hands and sat against the floor reluctantly.Lyra could almost imagine him pouting, but quickly blinked the thought out of her head and rushed to sit opposite him.'... This is weird.' It certainly was.She was casually sitting around outside of the Walls and having a casual conversation like in a picnic. She wasn't wearing any working gears or visor to protect her from the air and 'Mana' radiation, or a single weapon to fight off an Elder God if one were to ambush them.Which for some reason... hadn't happened.There was nothing but desolation in sight. No prowling Elder God's, which was weird considering a Rift opened not to far away.Then she looked at the aloof man before her, slowly her gaze fell to the black sword resting on him. She lingered on the black ebony blade. Dull red details spread across the surface of the blade. She had seen those details throb like living veins and spreading a chaotic aura all around.Even now she still fe
Chapter 10: Questions in the Apocalypse
... Lyra awoke to the grey sky and dark patches of fuming black clouds.She lingered. Her body sore and grinding with pain and a splitting headache. Her eyes and innards weren't except from the tremors that rocked her body.But at the moment, Lyra paid little mind to that and instead stared emptily at the dark sky struggling with her lukewarm memory.She felt dreary, her thoughts slow and foggy.What had happened, she asked herself and blinked her burning eyes slowly. Soon her attention drawn to a voice from the side."You've woken up." Slowly, painfully, she turned just her head toward the source and met with the vibrant red eyes of a young man with lustrous messy black hair and an unearthly beauty. His face was still and aloof, exuding a subtle sense of distance and allure.His eyes were steady, those vertical pupils lingered unreadably still on her body.Lyra forgot to breathe, then her memories all came flooding back.The Den, the knights...all of it.Ultimately, she realized she
Chapter 9: Huey Blade; A Messiah in the Apocalypse
'Finally!'"It has..."'Finally! After all these years!'"...been a long time."After all the years, finally, I was back on earth!I, Huey Blade, heir to a forgotten shitty sword family set out on a journey during the early age of 13. I returned some years later only to be transported to another world...a different plane full of red and decay.And Monsters. Ugly...Ugly monsters.As I spent my time running and fighting for my life at each corner I took, I always dreamt of the day when all of it would be over and I'd finally return home, to earth.'Goddammit! Who would have thought I'd want to see the face of my shitty Old man so bad like this!'It took a while. Years. And I faced many terrible experiences of struggle throughout those years. Many times I fell dangerously close to death. Many times I was nearly eaten. Many times I fell into depravity.But then I'd remind myself, "I had to get back and show off how powerful I've become and beat the shit out of my old man" And so I contin
Chapter 8: A Beautiful Monster
"It has...been a long time." An eerily soft and melodious voice tore through the howling winds and resounding tremors. It wasn't loud or deep. Just above all others. Hanging on to the last traces of her dear life, Lyra's bleeding eyes stared feverishly and in horrifying awe at the 'creature' from beyond the red Rift.Pale white porcelain skin and long black hair as black as the darkest nights; the creature stood tall at a height of a 196 cm. It was a man.A human. A person."Keugh-! What is this abominable"Mana" radiation!" The green haired knight emerged from a pile or rubbles only some meters away, doubling over with apparent struggle on his expression.He was bleeding from his head and his eyes were bloodshot as he grit his teeth heavily to fight back the persistent pounding pain he felt in his head.The Knight rose his head and directed his gaze up front towards the Red tear in the fabric of reality.He froze.Then blinked. Then stood still once more, struggling to comprehend.A r
Chapter 7: From the Other Side
"Y-you bastards! You're supposed to be Magic Knights; protectors of humanity, and here you are leading a whole group of people into aimless death!" The spear lady lunged forward, a sharp piece of rock adorning her left arm as she charged for the blonde Knight who remained still—a casual smile gracing his lips.Lyra's dreary eyes couldn't follow the next two seconds that came after. There was a flash, a blue saber and a vibrant trail of spurting red blood across the air as the lady's head rolled and thumped to the ground, severed from the rest of her decapitated body."!!" Lyra's heart sank with instant horror.One moment the lady was up and running, the very next her headless body fell into a pool of her own blood. Soundlessly.Any idea ...any hope of the monsters here being reinforcement or saviors were instantly tarnished that very moment.Lyra forgot to breathe. All of a sudden the domineering pain of her organs and brain swelling didn't seem so overwhelming at the face of certain
Chapter 6: Dimensional Rifts
The remnant group of the hunting party of five continued to venture deeper into the Den. Along the way they encountered and slayed even more Elder Gods, these one of an even different type.The various appearances of various Elder Gods were of a mutation between the compliance of cells when humanity still tried to synthetically and genetically re-create Elder God cells years back.But that was only to a varies number of few. Elder Gods were generally known to come in all shapes and sizes, as these creatures could affect control their physical metabolism and hence influence their appearance and form.So to say; they can casually grow an extra limb if the need arise.But Elder Gods, as sentient as they might yet be, were still sub-mindless creatures raved by ravaging hunger and thirst for chaos; it wasn't always that many of them would actually actively think to make youse of this ability of theirs.John struck down another of the scorpion -spider like Elder God and panted grimly.'We'r
Chapter 5: Burn in Hell
Deathly cries and ghastly screeches resounded rippled through the air.The Party ensued in a bloody battle, with each mili-second spent fighting for the next ...for their lives.Those with swords, their weapons cut apart, shredded; those wielding Spears thrust and stabbed; those with projectiles, pulled the triggers and aimed.Yet the stream seemed endless.The corpses of Elder Gods continued to mount, piles upon piles, around the group; indigo blood painting the surrounding in morbid chaos.It was pure chaos. Utter chaos.Lyra cursed and her sub-transperent dagger flashed, denting a slash against the hard exo-skeleton hide of the creatures. Their flesh far tougher than those of the Elder Gods they faced before the Den, and her lower Class Advanced-rank dagger could only leave a white slash surface wound.The Elder God screeched then lunged forward at the girl, it's massive shadow loomed over her like an inevitable omen of doom, threatening to devour her.When John appeared."Move!" H
Chapter 4: Den
Dens were considered a massive treasure trove, as well as a definite graveyard.Elder God Dens held dangerously high concentration of "Mana" radiation, which also tend to attract the numerous presence of Elder Gods to gather, which further ,also, tend to simultaneously increase the amount of radiation of the Den to further higher density.Elder God's were known to be "Warm-blooded" creatures. Perhaps even too hot. This was as a result of the concentration of Radiation focused in their cells and body which led to an absurd increase in body temperature. This 'heat', when concentrated, can also be dangerous to mundane humans, hence, only one of the need for powerful ManaTech gears when facing against an Elder God or a group of them.The high concentration of "Mana" Radiation attracts the presence of numerous Elder God's, which further increased the density and concentration of "Mana" in the area as a result of the radiation from their body heat and temperature.With so much "Mana" Radia
Chapter 3: ManaTech
A desolate wasteland spread as far as Lyra's eyes could see, and this was so even as her vision and visibility were enhanced even further by the interactive visor that covered her face.The neon-blue screen of her visor displayed a wealth of information, its characters and readings weaving a tapestry of data detailing the conditions within a five-meter radius of her position."Steadfast!" The man ahead of the group warned. A massive creature of an absurd size spread its ghastly maws for his head. The man raised his arm, his gauntlets whirled with an electric blue charg up to his balled fist.His fist flashed forward quickly into the spread open mouth of an Elder God. The speed was incredible, the impact even more powerful. The charged power burst into a powerful concentrated shockwave upon connecting with the creature. The Elder God had no room to even utter a sound as it's body exploded into dirty fireworks from inside, a subdued shockwave permeating the surrounding of impact.'That's