
Bryan's mind raced with thoughts of Lisa and her potential schemes. He tried to shake off the feeling of unease, telling himself it was just his imagination running wild. But the seed of doubt had been planted, and he couldn't shake it off. He needed to stay focused and alert, especially when this is all about Lisa..

His stomach growled , reminding him he hasn't eaten anything since day break. But he hesitated to call for his meal, unsure if he would have an appetite to eat . .

Bryan decided to wait it out, his hunger pangs temporarily forgotten in the face of his growing unease. He needed to gather his thoughts, come up with a plan, and figure out his next move. One thing was certain - he couldn't let his guard down, not for a moment. Lisa was a force to be reckoned with, and he needed to be ready.

"I think I should eat something" He said to himself, his stomach growling with hunger, and decided to eat from the restaurant himself. Instead of ordering them to bring it down to his offi
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