Chapter 130

Chapter 130

The white light that flew towards Matias is a plasma beam. However, that plasma beam cannot be compared even to the weakest plasma beams that has a grade, grade E.

Nevertheless, that is already enough to take Matias down. After all, he is made of flesh and blood.

No matter how much technological advancement humans have, they remained flesh and blood that was vulnerable to plasma beams.

“Disable code 999.”

Meanwhile, after the power on the room went back, Fiend’s hologramic figure appeared. However, this time, his figure is not the only think that appeared.

Smith also appeared. Not only that, Smith said something which disabled the system failure of the ship.


⌈ The Sky ship is back to normal! ⌋

The system failure of the ship a while ago is because of Smith. He added a code that conflicted with the drivers of the ship’s hardware.

“Sir Smith, should we go? Jam is still not found.”

“Matias is dead. However, there must be more trouble coming,” Smith said which m
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