Once again, I was dreaming.
Astraea was in front of me.
She was sitting in the comfortable chair while playing a multiplayer game, I don't understand how she complains about losing when she shouldn't be able to play with someone.
She spoke to me once she threw her cat-eared headset against the monitor.
"Looks like you finally woke up the Blut."
"You mean that strange ability you used?"
"Yes. You activated it thanks to your negative emotions, that's the reason 'it' activated as well. The power of deadly sin."
"Razel, if you let the negative emotions consume you, you will be devoured like the previous bearers. Your life will end the day that darkness dominates your mind."
"For that reason, it is time to say goodbye."
"What exactly should I say goodbye to?"
Her words were so strange that they confused me.
The next thing she said, made me shudder.
"It's time for you to stop your little backgr

Razel said goodbye to his low self-esteem caused by his traumas, all thanks to Astraea, the "friend" that all people with low self-esteem need. At the same time Celia and Evelyn became Razel's official girlfriends, the harem has really grown!

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Author's Notes (Volume 7)
Before I say goodbye, I leave you Rudel's art to promote that it is the turn of the favorite son to come out. Word Ixion/Saga Vol. 7 will start soon. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4874360 ________________ My dear readers, greetings once again from your favorite author, Siegburn. There really is a lot to say in this volume. But what hasn't already been said? This volume was mostly about harem development. As you saw, Eli and Razel's relationship entered a new level. Eli the cuck XD. Well seriously now. This volume was exclusively about Razel's harem development. There were many times that my head hurt. Since I had to think of a "cute moment" between them and him. I sincerely wanted Emily and Clarice to be harem members in this volume as well. They are, they just aren't recognized by the others. The reason Christina took so long to join the harem is because I was thinking of an excuse/reason for a woman like her to stay with Razel. The only answer I could come up with
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Interlude ─ Saint or Demon?
In a remote neighborhood of the imperial capital, several men were gathering. One of them was walking with a group of escorts. It was Serge's father. One of his companions was speaking to him. "Chief, are you sure about this?" "There is no turning back Byron." "The revolution must begin bit by bit. Your son, Gunter was a victim of the corruption of this country." "If we want to avoid more innocent victims in the future. We must start small and start moving." "Today's guests are agents of the Unified Government, right?" "Is it safe to trust foreigners?" Serge's father hesitated for a moment then answered. "Currently we already know that the Black Crows are infiltrating the palace. Olgren was one of them so they have lost several of their cards." "That does not detract from the fact that the highest authority of this nation is not a member of them. Since, if the emperor truly knows everything, why doesn't he do something?" This man's question was a sincere one with an equall
Interlude ─ Master and Dog
Before Razel and Leila found Amy, they had an ideal master and "servant" moment. Leila took Razel to a park. "What are we doing here?" He asked "I want to walk!" Leila answered with sparkling eyes. "... Right now?" "Amy is waiting for us." "She's been waiting a long time for me to come and see her, but before that, Leila wants to walk with the Master." "We can walk another day, but not now." "I want to walk!" Leila showed her fangs, it was the same as any pet that gets angry at its owner when he lies to it. Razel sighed and said. "Fine. It'll be a short walk." "If we come to this park it's because you want to walk here." "There are a lot of people around here." It was a dog park where she brought him. Razel looked at Leila who handed him something. As he took it, he realized what it was. "... L-Leila... are you making fun of me?" "... Why would I do that?" "... Are you serious?" "It's a walk, master. Leila wants to take a walk with master." "Leila has been lonely
Epilogue (Volume 7)
In the garden of a large residence stood a man trimming some bushes. He was a big man, he was so big that he could be mistaken for a bear because of his beard and hairy arms. The man was Razel's father, Roland Bartlet. He was working. As he was the head of a small house of barons with no territory, he had to work hard to put bread on the table. He knows about his son's situation, it would even be normal for Razel to give his family a pension. But his parents said. "That money was earned by you. We don't want something you worked hard to get." The parents wanted their son to live comfortably. That's why they didn't bother him with petty things like financial problems that they don't have despite living on a daily basis. Razel's mom works part-time and the pay is good while his dad gets good money because his passion is making artistic decorations. The man who hired him was amazed at how he turned a small bush into a carousel. Or the big bush he was cutting was now a Pegasus.
Chapter 108 ─ Christina, Sword Princess
I still remember it like it was yesterday.My name is Christina Rosarina Hohenheim. The crown princess of the Elven Kingdom, Titania.A beautiful place located in the surroundings of a forest which is under our care a big tree.We call it the world tree, as well as the sacred tree.According to the stories my mother used to tell me.We elves are descended from her, the high priestess Anjelica.She was responsible for creating life on this planet and for planting that great tree.Before she died she charged her blood, my ancestors, to protect this place, in her exact words it was."This tree is the lung of this planet. You must protect it at all costs, if this tree perishes, all life in this world will perish as well."Because of those words the priestess was born.A woman who can hear the voice of the sacred tree and communicate with it.Likewise, there is a guardian, his job is to take care of the priestess and the tree.The surname Hohenheim is actually the name of my grandfather wh