The end of the month had come.
Due to certain problems secretly caused by me, the welcome party for the new students had been delayed until now.
I was in my room changing into my uniform.
While I was putting on my tie, someone knocked on the door, I told her to come in since I knew who it was.
"Razel-kun, are you ready?"
It was Lily.
After the Squall incident, we were interrogated by many gentlemen.
We were let off since we said that the culprit was a guy dressed in black, that is Licht.
It's sad that I have to use my secret identity to save my ass.
After they left us alone, I handed Amy and Leila a list that had names of possible high ranking executives in the organization.
They would spend some time finding out if they were and then kill them.
After that day I decided several things.
I'm not going to wait for certain events to happen for the characters to sort it out.
I'm going to nip it in the bud.
The biggest evidence of what I say is true is in what I did last week, I eliminated a major bishop of the church of the three gods.
And not just any bishop, with my own hands I did away with the one who would become the bearer of the sin of lust.
In the game he was an important figure of those who would declare Lily a saint, but then he would become her enemy.
I no longer care much about events, so now I will act on my own.
It is for that reason that I apologize to the capture targets, but I took Lily as a bride.
I have no idea how it happened, it just happened.
She is pretty and very pleasant company.
She accepted the idea of being my mistress when I have a legal wife, which means she supports my secret harem that I have.
She just now hugged me.
"If you hug me, I can't put my tie on right."
"I just wanted to, is that wrong?"
I'm not about sentimental things, so I don't know what to do or say, so I'll just act embarrassed like in romantic comedies.
I ducked my head, she seemed to think I'm shy.
That's partly true, but I also have no idea about being sentimental.
Now that I was ready, I took Lily's hand and we headed to the party room.
That was where the welcome party would be held.
There were no events today, so it would be a quiet day.
In a window of the tallest buildings of the academy, stood a young man looking out over the capital.
He was tall, his hair was combed unruly with hair gel to give him a spiky style.
His hair was a mix between blue and brown, giving a strange warm color, his eyes were hazel green.
He was in his senior year, he was one of the extra capture targets.
His name was Serge Seburg, and he, was one of the biggest problems in the game.
Like Cid, his route came with an event that interfered with the story.
This guy was the ringleader during the rebellion of the commoners.
An event continued with the holy war and the struggle for the crown.
The door was knocked and a boy entered.
"Come in."
"Boss, I bring news."
A boy with a pleasant face and blond hair entered.
"What do you bring me today Gunter?"
He was Serge's right hand man during the academy and even after his graduation.
Gunter would tell him everything he knew.
The topics were about the new students, things outside the academy and even things that only the palace should know.
Serge has a conflict with the nobles.
Years ago, his younger sister was killed by one.
He does not remember her face, only her clothes which were very luxurious.
His adoptive father is from an important house of knights working as a merchant.
In fact, the reason for adopting him was because despite being the son of a mistress, he was very smart.
His expression is serious all the time as he hates the dark side of nobility.
He dreams of creating a country where the oppressed have more rights than the oppressors.
Let the sword of justice cut down those who enjoy hurting others.
For that reason, Serge hated being a noble, he only agreed to go with his father to avenge his sister.
"I see, nothing really important."
His friend gave him the latest news, but Serge showed disinterest.
"If that's all you have to say, thank you. You can retire to the freshman party if you like."
Before Gunter turned away, he remembered something.
"That's right, I'd forgotten about this big scandal!"
Serge asked curiously, Gunter told him.
"You see, this happened recently..."
I walked with Lily straight to the party room.
Our hands were clasped together, before we got there we would let go.
It would be so annoying if they found out about us.
Before we got to the door.
"That's enough!"
I heard some strange shouting.
"I can't take it anymore!"
When we walked in, for some reason a strange familiar scene was occurring.
In the middle of the room, there were the five capture targets and the villainess.
Cid was standing near the door, clenching his fists. I approached to ask him what was going on here.
"Hey, what's this ruckus?"
Without turning to look at me he said.
"That stupid half-brother of mine crossed the line!"
"What do you mean?"
I asked curiously, Cid answered me.
"Elize was with His Highness offering him a drink, but he refused. After a while, she asked him if he wanted something to eat and he also refused. But, a few seconds ago, she asked him that, if he would grant her his hand to dance a piece, that's what started this."
(Are you telling me that he started a fight over a stupid thing?)
"Elize, I can't stand you anymore!"
"... But Your Highness, I was just trying to-"
The prince shouted at the villainess... I feel weird, it's like having deja vu.
"I know what you're trying to do hideous woman, that's why I can't take it anymore!"
Huh? What did she say?
"For that reason. everyone will find out what kind of woman you are!"
From my place, I watched as Elize's villainess's eyes widened like saucers.
"Your Highness, you will not mean!"
The prince smiled strangely.
"That's right."
"Everyone, listen up."
Silence haunted the hall.
Even the teachers themselves were confused.
"This woman who is supposed to be my betrothed is actually a greedy witch!"
... Witch?
"Your Highness, I beg you, please don't-"
"She is only with me for one reason only!"
"... Your Highness, I beg you, please don't say it."
Elize's eyes showed she wanted to cry at any moment while holding the prince's shirt.
"She desires the benefits of the imperial family! Do you know why?"
"... Your Highness, please-"
The prince's mouth made a crescent while Elize's red eyes became even redder from her tears.
"It's simple, your family fell into ruin!"
Elize's face was covered in tears.
While me, I knew nothing of this.
I looked at Cid to verify that what he said was true.
He nodded slightly, he knew it.
But wasn't this ever part of the game!
The Rosenberg Household was prosperous in the game and was destroyed only in the villainess endgame.
The villainess ending...
Don't tell me this is it!
"Just as you hear it! One of our seven duke houses is actually a ruined house with a gigantic debt!"
"Please... don't say anymore..."
"Worst of all, the one responsible for all this was your father! The former duke left his duchy bankrupt, and as part of the debt they have, the family had to surrender almost all their territory and move to the capital to prevent them from escaping like your other relatives!"
"Your Highness... I beg you..."
What a thing to say!
This is something that never came up in the game, let alone on the forums.
Is the reality of this world and the game taking another form?
"That's why I wouldn't go near the prince."
Lily said something.
"What do you mean?"
I asked her very curious. And she answered me.
"There were times when he would invite me to tea parties or go for walks with him. I did once, but after that I never wanted to go near him again."
The heroine didn't want to get together with Prince Charming.
But right now, there was nothing charming about this guy.
"We went out downtown, he was behaving strangely. He treated the girls in the cafe we went to as if they were vulgar women. In front of me, he started flirting with a girl. And even to a pregnant woman he said if he could do it with her. It was very unpleasant, every time he sent me a letter for a party, he rejected it under the excuse of having too much homework."
Hey, Lily... what you're saying is really scary stuff!
The main capture target!
The man who will become the white knight!
But most of all, the one who will be the next emperor is actually an asshole lout!
No, this is definitely not like in the juice.
"That's the reason fellows are that I can't stand having this woman! This money-sucking parasite by my side!"
Watch Elize who finally started to cry.
"Your Highness, you are wrong... you are wrong... I-"
"What am I wrong about horrible woman!"
His tone was very aggressive, this guy was not sane.
"Are you going to deny that you and your vile mother do not wish to pay her debt? It is for that reason that you want to stick by my side! You only care about money like a fortune hunter!"
Elize looked like a child while the mucus ran down her nose.
"... You're wrong, Your Highness... I and my mother don't wish for that... I really want to be by your side..."
Elize spoke like a little girl apologizing for breaking a valuable vase.
"I don't know what's worse, that you want to deny the truth or that you're defending your greedy mother?"
"I beg you...don't talk about my mother like that. You don't know what she and I went through..."
"Don't make me laugh. A fortune hunter is and always will be one! There's a reason your father abandoned them, why they're both hideous on the outside and on the inside!"
Elize ducked her head so no one would see her cry.
A great deal of fluids fell to the floor while she clutched her shirt.
The prince abruptly removed his hands and Elize fell to the floor.
"Your Highness... what have I done to you to make you treat me like this, did I do something wrong? I will change that, but please take that back. I will not bother you again if you wish."
Elize clutched at the prince's pants with one hand while trying to stand up.
"You're right. apologize like the horrible woman you are from the ground, hahaha!"
"Your Highness... I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I apologize. But... stop please, stop insulting my mother and my house, you can insult me all you want, but, not my family."
Now she looked almost like a dog while trying to cling to the prince, but he gave her a light kick to push her back.
Cid couldn't take it anymore and came out to defend Elize.
"Stop this nonsense at once Regulux! What the hell do you think you're doing!"
"Shut your mouth, you false prince!"
The third prince fell to his hand. This is no longer part of the game.
This is something bordering on impossible to believe!
"This is between me and this hideous woman! An impostor like you has no right to meddle with the third candidate for succession!"
Cid stopped instantly, bit his lip and looked down.
The influence of the third prince to the fourth is really great for him to do nothing.
"Elize, the best way to make me happy and take it back is simple."
The prince's tone was dark and something only a bastard would say.
"Bow down on your knees, beg forgiveness for being a horrible woman and then, break off our engagement. Only then will I take it back."
The lines and events are different, but without a doubt, this is the end of the villainess.
But, that ending was to happen at the graduation party when they have finished the academy.
Elize stared at the prince, a trace of darkness showed in her eyes.
She at that moment turned her head, our gazes met.
Seeing her face covered in tears and pain, a certain memory came to my mind at that instant.
"I'll look forward to Saturday, Razel!"
That little girl who would get joyful over a simple guest, had grown into a beautiful young woman.
Her beautiful face showed what she looked like in the endgame.
The face of a wrong end of a wrong life.
If she hadn't bothered the protagonist, none of this would have happened.
But, Lily told me that this girl never bothered her. She gave her advice to support her.
That's why I don't understand anything anymore.
This is supposed to be the world of that otome game.
The characters are the same.
The events are supposed to flow normally, but then.
What is this murderous rage I feel?
I watched as her mouth moved to say words that even if I knew how to read lips, I would have understood.
"Razel... you came at last."
Elize knelt down to strike a dogeza pose.
Her head was slowly lowering.
"Elize of Rosenberg Household..."
"I apologize... for being a horrible woman ruining His Highness Regulux's life."
She was saying that with a tone of sadness and sorrow.
I couldn't take it anymore and walked over to a table.
"For that reason... I want to..."
Before she could finish saying her lines, a plate was flying at high speed at the prince.
Lambert stopped it.
But it wasn't just one, almost all the plates flew straight at the prince.
"What do you think you're doing?"
Lambert was addressing the one who threw the plates.
That is, at me.
"I'm sorry. I wanted to kill a despicable fly, but I missed."
Everyone's gaze, including hers turned to me.
"... Razel."
Lambert from his position questioned me.
"Fly, are you making fun of us? It's obvious you were aiming at the prince, I could feel your bloodlust for a while now, but I didn't imagine it was you."
Oh, really?
"Is that so? Anyway, if that's the case I'm guilty. But you can't deny it to me, since, that big piece of shit only talks trash coming out of his grotesque mouth."
"... Are you out of your mind?"
Lambert said, in response to that, I thought for a moment.
I am a guardian in the shadows.
For some reason I woke up in this world.
A very dangerous world where the capture targets and the protagonist were supposed to save it.
But, that same protagonist mentioned that she did not want to be with the prince.
At the same time, the villainess was being bullied and scorned by her fiancée.
As a guardian in the shadows, there is only thing to do.
Kick this fucking piece of shit's ass!
Fuck the future white knight and the new emperor!
I'm going to be the one to take out the four demon kings so Lily won't have to go near these guys!
I will become so strong, I will be the only one to be called a demon king!
"Sure. After all, that stupid guy you call a prince dares to bother my childhood friend."
Elize- Eli's eyes, started to regain their sparkle when I said that.
"Are you out of your mind? This is the third crown prince you've disrespected, the execution of your family and yours is imminent!"
"Not if another member of the imperial family backs him."
Cid approached me.
"I, the fourth prince endorse whatever this boy says. At the end of the day, it's the truth that comes out of his mouth."
Suddenly, the other three chimed in as well.
"Prince Cid, His Highness Regulux did it because he couldn't stand this woman anymore, mind your own business."
Oscar was saying.
"It's true, no man likes to have a woman attached to him like a bug."
Bellange added.
"That aside, who are you to meddle with His Highness?"
Manifested Jake in a very smug manner.
My goal was to live these two years as a background character in the shadows and help in any way I can to save the world, but....
These guys are really jerks.
The kind of popular guys who don't recognize that they've done something wrong.
The kind I hate the most.
"I already said it, bunch of useless guys. Besides being idiots you're deaf, I'm her childhood friend and I'll defend her from assholes like you."
Goodbye, my life as a background character at the academy.
"I will tolerate no more disrespect to His Highness."
Lambert became serious.
He was looking at me with murderous intent, if Amy were here, this kid would have his head rolling on the floor by now.
"I came up with something better than fighting here."
Said the bastard prince.
"Let's have a duel, and not just any duel, a joust."
That... is just like it was in the game.
"The five of us against the two of you. The winner will wish anything for the loser. We'll go one on one, is that okay with you?"
Even the fighting method is identical.
I don't get it. What he does is not normal, but his lines are.
"Sounds good to me."
I agreed, but Cid...
"I agree. Regulux, I'll make you regret it."
It seems... I don't need to watch him anymore, he won't become the bearer of the cardinal sin.
I hope?
"Good. The duel will be next week. Since there's a holiday coming up and no school all week, it'll be the perfect setting for us to prepare."
I stared at him. Our eyes met firmly.
"With that said, let's go boys."
The bastard prince turned and walked off with his dogs.
Lambert sent me a murderous glare.
Truly, the worst enemy to face is him.
Lily ran over to help Eli to her feet.
Our eyes stared at each other.
She just said.
"Why are you showing up now?"
Truthfully, I don't know what to answer you.
But, we have to get ready for another week. And hit those idiots really hard.
The night in the capital was bustling.
Many people were strolling or shopping.
Their lives were quiet.
At a fried wings stall, someone was eating.
That person wore a hooded cloak to hide its face.
He bought several wings.
As he ate one of them as if it were the most delicious thing in the world, he said something revealing.
"I wonder if... in this world there will be reincarnates?"
The figure walked as if he were one of the inhabitants of this world, but he was not.
As the minutes passed, it faded away.
No one knew who it was, much less its purpose.
Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background volume 1 end.
Introduction Arc completed.
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Before I say goodbye, I leave you Rudel's art to promote that it is the turn of the favorite son to come out. Word Ixion/Saga Vol. 7 will start soon. ________________ My dear readers, greetings once again from your favorite author, Siegburn. There really is a lot to say in this volume. But what hasn't already been said? This volume was mostly about harem development. As you saw, Eli and Razel's relationship entered a new level. Eli the cuck XD. Well seriously now. This volume was exclusively about Razel's harem development. There were many times that my head hurt. Since I had to think of a "cute moment" between them and him. I sincerely wanted Emily and Clarice to be harem members in this volume as well. They are, they just aren't recognized by the others. The reason Christina took so long to join the harem is because I was thinking of an excuse/reason for a woman like her to stay with Razel. The only answer I could come up with
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In a remote neighborhood of the imperial capital, several men were gathering. One of them was walking with a group of escorts. It was Serge's father. One of his companions was speaking to him. "Chief, are you sure about this?" "There is no turning back Byron." "The revolution must begin bit by bit. Your son, Gunter was a victim of the corruption of this country." "If we want to avoid more innocent victims in the future. We must start small and start moving." "Today's guests are agents of the Unified Government, right?" "Is it safe to trust foreigners?" Serge's father hesitated for a moment then answered. "Currently we already know that the Black Crows are infiltrating the palace. Olgren was one of them so they have lost several of their cards." "That does not detract from the fact that the highest authority of this nation is not a member of them. Since, if the emperor truly knows everything, why doesn't he do something?" This man's question was a sincere one with an equall
Interlude ─ Master and Dog
Before Razel and Leila found Amy, they had an ideal master and "servant" moment. Leila took Razel to a park. "What are we doing here?" He asked "I want to walk!" Leila answered with sparkling eyes. "... Right now?" "Amy is waiting for us." "She's been waiting a long time for me to come and see her, but before that, Leila wants to walk with the Master." "We can walk another day, but not now." "I want to walk!" Leila showed her fangs, it was the same as any pet that gets angry at its owner when he lies to it. Razel sighed and said. "Fine. It'll be a short walk." "If we come to this park it's because you want to walk here." "There are a lot of people around here." It was a dog park where she brought him. Razel looked at Leila who handed him something. As he took it, he realized what it was. "... L-Leila... are you making fun of me?" "... Why would I do that?" "... Are you serious?" "It's a walk, master. Leila wants to take a walk with master." "Leila has been lonely
Epilogue (Volume 7)
In the garden of a large residence stood a man trimming some bushes. He was a big man, he was so big that he could be mistaken for a bear because of his beard and hairy arms. The man was Razel's father, Roland Bartlet. He was working. As he was the head of a small house of barons with no territory, he had to work hard to put bread on the table. He knows about his son's situation, it would even be normal for Razel to give his family a pension. But his parents said. "That money was earned by you. We don't want something you worked hard to get." The parents wanted their son to live comfortably. That's why they didn't bother him with petty things like financial problems that they don't have despite living on a daily basis. Razel's mom works part-time and the pay is good while his dad gets good money because his passion is making artistic decorations. The man who hired him was amazed at how he turned a small bush into a carousel. Or the big bush he was cutting was now a Pegasus.
Chapter 108 ─ Christina, Sword Princess
I still remember it like it was yesterday.My name is Christina Rosarina Hohenheim. The crown princess of the Elven Kingdom, Titania.A beautiful place located in the surroundings of a forest which is under our care a big tree.We call it the world tree, as well as the sacred tree.According to the stories my mother used to tell me.We elves are descended from her, the high priestess Anjelica.She was responsible for creating life on this planet and for planting that great tree.Before she died she charged her blood, my ancestors, to protect this place, in her exact words it was."This tree is the lung of this planet. You must protect it at all costs, if this tree perishes, all life in this world will perish as well."Because of those words the priestess was born.A woman who can hear the voice of the sacred tree and communicate with it.Likewise, there is a guardian, his job is to take care of the priestess and the tree.The surname Hohenheim is actually the name of my grandfather wh