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Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Ezra Vs Jasenki
When the people of Aranor had gathered in the town square they had never expected a quarrel to break out among such powerful noble families. On any other occasion, the townsfolk would have never allowed an outsider to drag Lord Sebastian’s name through the dirt, but things were different here since Lord Wilhelm chose to support the Rodels.Although the people of Aranor would have liked the election to reach a peaceful conclusion, the prospect of a duel between the two young rivals made them excited. A few months ago, no one would have bothered to support Ezra due to his disastrous training performance. However, a lot had changed over the past few weeks.Ezra had impressed the miners by slaying the Heragore hiding in the Kasari mines and earned the respect of the dwarves. And this was only the beginning of his heroic endeavors.By slaying the undead Behemoth and rescuing Count Gressil’s only daughter, Lady Tanya, Ezra had caught the attention of not only the commoners but the most aff
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Ezra Vs Jasenki (2)
Lord Cornelius put his finger on the trigger and started counting aloud so that everyone standing there could hear the timer.“Five….four….three….two….one!”On the count of one, he pulled the trigger, firing a magic round into the sky.Bang!As soon as they heard the gunshot, Ezra and Jasenki spun around and turned to face each other. Jasenki was a little slow to react, allowing Ezra to score the first shot. Ezra fired his enchanted six-shot revolver, greeting his rival with a hail of normal bullets.“Is that the best you got?” Jasenki mocked as he activated his Bulletproof Armor skill to block the bullets. “Come on, Ezra! Try again! Surely you can do better!”Ezra reloaded his revolver with magic rounds and unleashed six quick shots in Jasenki’s direction. The pale blue barrier erected in front of Jasenki buzzed and distorted as the magic rounds struck its mid-section. But Jasenki clenched his fist, pooling all his magic energy into his arm to fortify the shield.Once more, Ezra’s s
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Ezra Vs Jasenki (3)
Jasenki pooled all his magic power into his right hand and transferred it into the gun, gradually charging the blunderbuss rifle. Its muzzle flashed as it reached its magic threshold, and he fired without a second thought.A massive fireball the size of a melon was launched in Ezra’s direction. “Get down!” Lord Cornelius shouted before ducking like a timid hare. The rest of the crowd shrieked and scampered to safety.Swoosh!As the magic fireball struck Ezra, it erupted into flames, spewing embers in every direction and engulfing him in dense black smoke.“Ezra!” Lord Sebastian shouted.Aurelia could not hold back any longer and rushed to her brother’s aid, but Lord Cornelius got in her way, stopping her in her tracks.“Let me go! Get out of my way!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.Lord Cornelius spread his arms apart and shook his head. “I am sorry, but I cannot let you do that. No one is allowed to interrupt the duel. It is against the rules.”“Screw your rules! If you don’t get
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Winner takes it all
The crowd erupted into cheers, with Ivan shouting at the top of his lungs and pumping his fist in the air.“I told you Lord Ezra was going to win! He is going to become the best Gunner in all of Valaria someday!” the dwarf cried out ecstatically.“He is truly a force to be reckoned with,” another lauded.“We should have never doubted Lord Ezra after he won the hunt,” another added.Even with all the cheers and shouts of support around him, Ezra’s uncle did not seem too pleased by the outcome of the duel. “I swear that cripple could not even hit a sack of grains before. How did he become so powerful so suddenly?”Lord Sebastian and Aurelia applauded the loudest, their faces colored with proud smiles.Aurelia walked up to Ezra and shook him by his shoulders. “You did it. You really showed that proud dog where he belongs. It was a stunning performance, brother. Your powers are really at their peak.”“But it’s not over yet. Jasenki and his family still have a lot to pay for,” Ezra replied.
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System The rise of Lord Ezra Romanov!
Ezra’s demands stunned the Rodels, shocking them into silence. Ten thousand Sovereigns was no small amount even for a factory owner, and on top of that, Ezra had also asked for the motor wagon which had cost Lord Lucius well over five thousand Sovereigns.What was even more unbearable was the humiliating idea of walking all the way back to Stonewell City like desperate commoners. It was an affront to their pride and an insult to their family legacy.“We are not peasants,” Lord Lucius muttered, clenching his fist and glaring at Ezra. “You cannot treat us as if we were commoners. Your poor town should be grateful for my visit!”“You should be grateful if I let you walk out of here with your clothes still on your back,” Ezra whispered back in a cold voice, his eyes staring into Lord Lucius’. “Your power and your money mean nothing here. This is not Stonewell. This is my home. And you are an unwelcome guest.”Lady Lillian could not stand her husband being insulted like that, but looking ar
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System From enemies to allies
Lord Sebastian took charge as the new mayor of Aranor with Aurelia at his side as his chief aide. The town was now firmly under Lord Sebastian’s command, but he still could not make any major civil or military decisions without the support of the three noble houses.After the Great Rebellion, during which the commoners sought to overthrow the landed gentry, the king was compelled to make several changes to the administrative setup. The old feudal system of government with the king as the head and the nobles under this command had worked fairly well for over five centuries. But now, Valaria had adopted a pseudo-democratic form of government. Even though the nobles retained their positions, the administrative officials were now chosen through elections.However, since the nobility still held on to their lands and titles, they exercised considerable power over the cities and towns, and not even the mayors and ministers had the authority to pass new regulations and decrees without consult
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System A message from the capital
Magaravia, the capital of the Valaria, was six hundred miles away from Aranor, and the only way anyone could get any messages delivered from that far was by using teleportation portals or avian familiars. The Red-tailed Falcon which had brought them the scroll with the royal seal was also one such familiar spirit summoned by the court mage. After delivering the message, the bird disappeared into a wisp of red smoke, leaving behind a tuft of spotted red feathers.Lord Sebastian split the seal with a paper-knife and unfurled the scroll. It contained a message straight from the Chief Gunner of Magaravia.With quick and impatient eyes, Lord Sebastian read the note, and as he reached the end, his brow furrowed, and beads of sweat gathered on his forehead. “What does it say?” Lord Wilhelm enquired.Handing the scroll to Aurelia, Lord Sebastian replied, “The mining villages near the capital were attacked by wyverns last night. Fifty people have been killed and thirty injured. The Imperial M
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System A two-handed policy
The alarming news from the Capital put everyone on their toes. The appearance of a Fell Dragon was a sign of the changing times and the terrible things to come.So far, Lord Sebastian had not received any new reports from Count Gressil, which meant that his forces had either not found anything interesting at the ruined shrine of Zepheroth or their attack had been thwarted by the cultists.The undead threat had become too great to ignore after the Dewdale infestation. And things became even more distressful after the wyvern sighting over Ashgrove.Everyone was now looking up to Lord Sebastian to decide what approach Aranor would adopt to deal with the undead threat.“Now that Magaravia’s concerns have been addressed, we should focus on our own town,” Lord Wilhelm said, breaking the tense silence in the room.Lord Sebastian nodded. “Since Jasenki and Iraka spotted an Undead Wyvern flying over Ashgrove, it is enough reason to believe the undead forces are growing stronger by the minute, a
Latest Chapter
Cruel forgiveness
Lord Lucius heaved a sigh of relief but still kept his sniper trained on Ezra. “You know, the good ones don’t always win. This is a cruel and unfair world. But at least you tried,” Lester scoffed in his arrogant voice as his war axe grated against the wet floor like a long-handed scythe. “Your father was too self-righteous for his own good. He should have just taken the hint and stepped down while he had the chance. It would have certainly saved us all the trouble of killing him.”Those cruel words stung Ezra’s heart. Once again, he was reminded of that fateful day when he had lost everything. But instead of trying to lash out or curse Lester, he remained as calm as a monk.“My father trusted you. We thought you actually cared about the people of Aranor. But you really just care about filling your pockets,” he spoke in a cold, emotionless voice.Lester chuckled and grabbed his war axe with both hands, raising it above his head. Cracking his shoulders, he stretched his arms back to lo
Dark awakening
Ezra’s life flashed before his eyes as he stared down the brass barrel of the enchanted hand cannon. Even with his left lung blown out, he still held onto his dying breath, refusing to yield.“Your family should not have insulted my wife and daughter. Look what you made me do?” Lord Lucius grumbled, his voice laced with the malice bubbling inside his heart as he gripped the trigger. “The Romanov name shall never be heard again.”Crack!Suddenly, the sky lit up with streaks of forked lightning, and a thunderous roar shook the ground. Blinded by the flash, Lord Lucius missed his shot. Boom!As the cannonball exploded behind Ezra, the dark gray clouds rumbled and burst open at their seams, showering the city with magic rain.A misty blue haze swept the streets of Stonewell as the downpour intensified. Drenched in the magic rain, Lord Lucius lost control of his powers, and his enchanted hand cannon exploded in his face.“Damn it! Summon Owlbear!” Lord Lucius exclaimed, grabbing his fros
A fallen warrior
The Primal Demon was a hulking mass of muscle and rage, obedient only to the Lord of Decay. Its sheer size was enough to make any army turn pale and flee in terror, but the Imperial Troops were surrounded by ghouls on all sides and had nowhere left to run.“The demons walk among us now. Ishani has abandoned our world,” Marquis Desmond spoke in a cold voice, his eyes glued to the colossal brute glaring at them.“Run back!”“We can’t kill that thing!”“Move!”Panicked voices rang out across the battlefield as the Imperial Swordsmen ran back, fleeing from what looked like certain death.Swish!The Primal Demon swung its burning meat cleaver, slashing a wide arc through the terror-stricken crowd and slicing the swordsmen in half.Blood and guts splashed out in the air as horrified screams echoed into the night. With each swipe of its flaming cleaver, the demon mowed down dozens of terrified soldiers who tried to run away.“Summon Spectral Companion!” Count Gressil called out to his Spectr
All hell breaks loose
Outside the walls of Stonewell, the Imperial Army was nearly spent from the endless fighting. The ghouls and resurrected skeletons kept coming even as the soldiers killed them in hundreds. “I don’t think we can hold them back much longer,” Marquis Desmond relayed in his hoarse voice, his throat sore from shouting commands and organizing his troops. “These things just keep coming. There is no end to their numbers.”“Don’t give up just yet. Ezra needs us to hold the line and keep them distracted,” Aurelia replied, firing a firebolt from her musket. It burned through five packs of ghouls and cleared a path to the Infernal Gates. “Those Lich Kings are doing all the summoning. If we kill them, there will be no one left to raise the dead again.”“The problem is getting close to them,” Count Gressil said, riding down from the frontlines. “We tried shooting at them, but they are protected by unholy barriers. Not even my enchanted bullets could get through.”While the three of them were busy
Mirror Mirror…
Fighting demons was nothing new for Ezra. He had single-handedly vanquished a Flame Demon barely a few weeks back and then held his own against an even stronger Abyssal Demon. However, the Shadow Demon blocking his path presented a whole different challenge.To make matters worse, Vorus had already enlisted the help of a dozen more cultists to empower his spell and prevent the dark barrier from shrinking further. Now, even with one of the dark towers disabled, the spell’s influence continued growing stronger by the minute.Ezra could feel his muscles turning stiff as the decaying influence of the dark spell slowly sapped his strength, wreaking havoc on his body.The Shadow Demon noticed Ezra’s hands trembling as he leveled Lord Sebastian’s enchanted musket against his shoulder and took aim. A ring of blue light appeared in front of the barrel, and as Ezra pulled the trigger, a bolt of forked lightning erupted from his rifle. It crackled through the air and zapped the Shadow Demon, bu
Rotting away
Destroying the tainted crystal disabled the dark tower, severing its link from Vorus. With just two dark towers empowering his spell, the dark barrier shrunk back to the walls of Stonewell, weakening in intensity.Ezra breathed a sigh of relief as the decay slowed down, giving him just enough time to drink another Rapid Rejuvenation potion.Although it wasn’t a permanent solution, the magic brew helped Ezra buy just a little more time for himself.“One down. Two to go.” As Ezra looked outside, the shrieking of wyverns alerted him. The dark ones had heard the explosion and were now circling the skies around the tower.Flying out of there was only going to land Ezra in more trouble, so instead of taking the quick way out, he jumped down onto a broken ledge and rolled onto the rubble to cushion his fall.It wasn’t the smoothest path, and it tore Ezra’s jacket and bruised his legs, but he managed to get out of the tower before the necro bats swarmed in through the hole in the wall.Ezra’s
Shadow of the saboteur
Vorus’ mastery over dark magic, combined with Stonewell’s advanced technology, allowed him to amplify his spell, increasing not just its area of influence but its power as well.Encased inside a dome of decay, Stonewell remained impervious to all attacking forces. The Imperial Army fighting outside was forced to back away and adopt a more defensive approach as the dark barrier expanded, engulfing a good quarter of the vast plains.Even the elves under Flavius’ command ran back to escape the effects of the spell.Ezra, however, had no choice but to push through the city while struggling with the constant life drain. Every second he spent inside the dark barrier leeched an hour from his life, making him age unnaturally.Although Ezra had only been inside Stonewell for a couple of minutes, he could already feel his limbs growing stiff and his skin turning wrinkly and soft.“Why don’t you just attack and kill Vorus directly? Why go through all the trouble of sabotaging the dark towers and
Rot and Decay
Ezra moved like a shadow, his boots kissing the cobbled road noiselessly as he sneaked up to the walls of Stonewell. A barred iron gate guarded by Elite Gunners obstructed his path while an army of Skeletal Archers kept watch from the battlements above.Even though the night was blindingly dark, the faint light from the spectral lamps hanging from the wall flickered in the soft-dying wind, illuminating the city in an eerie glow.In the past, a traveler could hear the grinding of factory gears and the crackling flames of the blazing furnace even from outside the gate, but now this once bustling city had fallen into a deathly slumber. The only sounds that reached Ezra’s ears were the wailing of banshees and the distant howls of feral ghouls.No living creature could survive within the walls of Stonewell while the dark barrier was active, yet Ezra was puzzled to see two human Gunners guarding the gate.“This doesn’t make any sense. How are they fighting the curse?” he mumbled in confusi
The infiltration plan
The Imperial Army advanced like a well-oiled machine, gradually pushing back the undead and clearing a way to Stonewell. The cavalry units rode down the lowly ghouls while the riflemen continued targeting the Slashers.Even the Skeletal Warriors found it difficult to penetrate the defensive circle as the Imperial Swordsmen hacked and slashed through the undead attackers, covering all sides.Count Gressil and Marquis Desmond acted as commanding officers, organizing the whole offensive and charting a course through the madness. Their strategy of supporting the melee attackers with ranged gunfire worked wonders against the undead. However, the tides of battle turned once again as Vorus sent out his fliers to engage the enemy.Dark Harpies and Tainted Beholders flew out of the clouds, catching the human troops by surprise. The riflemen were too busy dealing with the Slashers and this sudden aerial assault left them defenseless.Flocks of harpies swooped down like eagles and plucked the s