A fatal negotiation
Ezra stood there all alone against an army of undead led by Ramel. But he knew he could obliterate the skeletal horde in the blink of an eye. The only thing that stopped him from attacking was the gun pointed at his father.

Lord Wilhelm and his son were holding Lord Sebastian hostage, and Lester and his adventurers had their guns and crossbows pointed straight at Ezra.

The only one Ezra could count on in such a situation was his sister. But she had been led far away from Aranor by the Headless Horsemen.

Lord Wilhelm had carefully planned every single step, and now his deceptive schemes had finally come to fruition.

“Give up now, brother,” Ramel spoke again, his lips curving into a sly grin and his eyes gleaming with a malicious delight. “There is no way you can win. Aranor’s fate has been sealed, but there is still time to save father.”

“He is your father as well!” Ezra snapped back, turning the Shadow Cannon toward his brother. “Is this how you intend to repay him for raising you and
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