Ezra stared at the objectives flashing on his system screen and smiled. Completing shooting objectives was one of the fastest ways to increase magic power and obtain special perks which boosted one’s special skills or sometimes even modified them in unique ways.
“I just need to kill ten Gloops and there are twelve of them here. This should not be too difficult,” Ezra mumbled to himself as he prepared to take his first shot.The smaller Common Gloops were relatively harmless creatures and could be killed even with a slingshot. However, Ezra was mainly concerned with the two larger ones accompanying them.Bloated Gloops were the overgrown adults of the Gloop colonies and were much more resistant to normal projectile attacks. The good thing was, every Gloop variant was vulnerable to magic and Ezra had just loaded his gun with magic bullets.As Ezra tried to curl his fingers around the grip of his revolver a sharp pain flared up in his right arm, causing him to grit his teeth.“I can…do this,” he muttered as he desperately tried to clench his fist and hold the revolver tightly. But just as he raised the gun to his eye level, his arm started shaking.Ezra’s nerves and tendons had been damaged in the accident, which was why every time he tried to lift heavy objects or raise his arms above a certain height, the pain became unbearable. To keep his revolver steady, he had no option but to use his other arm for support.Holding the gun with both hands, Ezra took deep breaths and relaxed his strained muscles. But the revolver kept swaying, making it impossible for him to line his eyes with the iron sights.Ezra tried his best to line up a straight shot before firing, but his trembling hands made him miss once more.Bang!The first shot missed its mark by four inches, and the loud report of the revolver being fired alerted the Gloops.As his nerves got the better of Ezra, he panicked and fired the rest of the rounds without adjusting his aim. And just like that every shot whizzed past its intended target.“Damn it!” Ezra cursed his luck as he stared at the smoking revolver in his hand. He had emptied all five rounds without hitting a single target and in doing so had drained the rest of his magic power.Ezra now realized that shooting at live targets was still beyond him. Even after practicing for a month against the training dummies, his aim hadn’t improved much and he was still nothing better than a lame rookie.“If only…I could feel the gun,” Ezra lamented as he tried to feel the revolver’s grip. But the damaged nerves on his arms had almost completely ruined his sense of touch.Aggravated by the sudden noise, the Gloops turned around and their eyes immediately fell on Ezra. The slimy blobs started bouncing higher and emitting shrill squeaking noises, which indicated that they had turned hostile.“I guess I’ll just have to fight you pests barehanded,” Ezra said, holstering his empty revolver.Just then, the eye on the back of his right hand popped open followed by the appearance of the mouth under it. The lips parted slightly and Marlin spoke in a disappointed voice.“Are you training to become a sharpshooter or a brawler?” he asked.“I am training to become the best sharpshooter in all of Aranor!” Ezra retorted, taking offence to the ridiculous question.Marlin however, sniggered back at him. “Then why would you abandon your weapon? You want to become a gunner, not some street-fighter.”“It’s because my hands haven’t healed yet and I cannot even hold a gun properly,” As Ezra spoke those words, the aggravated Gloops started heading toward him.“Use the other gun!” Marlin urged. “The Rodel Gray-back Six-Shooter is an enchanted weapon. Even a blind man with three fingers can fire it accurately!”Ezra had never fired an enchanted weapon before but he doubted it would make any difference. However, he decided to give it a shot anyway.Pulling out the enchanted six-shooter, Ezra held it with both hands. Almost immediately, he felt a gentle warmth seep into his palms, and for the first time in many weeks he felt the touch of metal upon his skin.Unlike the other guns he had tried holding, this one didn’t tremble within his grasp and he could feel every groove and every curve on its frame.The glyphs carved onto the gun started glowing, and as they brightened, Ezra felt his trembling hands relax. He aimed for the smallest Gloop in the group and fired.Bang!This time the shot pierced the slimy blob and punched a hole between its eyes. The Gloop wobbled on the ground before exploding into a gooey mess.“I did it! I didn’t miss this time!” Ezra rejoiced as he stared at the smoking revolver in his hand.It had been over two months since he had last killed a live target and even though it was just a Gloop, Ezra felt the adrenaline rushing to his head.Four other Gloops rushed at Ezra, but he did not panic like before. Without taking his eyes off the pests, he fired the rest of the rounds in quick succession.
Out of the five bullets, four hit their targets, eliminating the advancing Gloops.As the four Gloops exploded upon death, their magic essence was absorbed by Ezra whose magic power was currently at zero.[Magic power partially restored!][Current magic power: 20%]“Alright, let’s try something different now.” Ezra used his magic power to refill the six-shooter with magic bullets.Seeing their kin exploding into bits would have scared of most low-level monsters, but the Common Gloops weren’t the brightest little pests. Instead of scattering away, they chose to rush at Ezra all at once.Ezra took a deep breath and steadied his aim before firing five more shots. Since the Gloops were bouncing in a clustered formation, it made them easy targets. The magic bullets struck them with bursts of energy, instantly vaporizing them.[10 Common Gloops killed!][Shooting Objective completed!][Reward: Magic power permanently increased!][Magic power completely restored.][Current magic power: 50%]“Finally! It’s been such a long wait!” Ezra pumped his fist ecstatically. His magic power had just increased by 21% and all it took was completing a single shooting task.But before Ezra could celebrate, the Bloated Gloops caught him by surprise. The larger of the two spat a sticky green blob at Ezra, which coated his face in slime, leaving him temporarily blinded.The other Gloop quickly joined the fight, spitting another slimy blob at Ezra which knocked the revolver out of his hand, leaving him disarmed and vulnerable.Related Chapters
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Tricks of the trade
Ezra backed away with unsteady steps as he heard the sloshing sounds getting closer. He tried to open his eyes, but the sticky slime coating his face obscured his vision. Everything in front of Ezra was a blurry mess, and while the slime wasn’t toxic, it had a rotten stench which made almost made him throw up. “I should have been more careful,” Ezra mumbled as he tried to clean the greasy mess smothering his eyes and nose. One of the Bloated Gloops stayed back and prepared to regurgitate another slimy bolus while the other one bounced across the stony ground and headed toward Ezra.After struggling for a while, Ezra finally managed to wipe away the slime covering his upper face. As he reopened his eyes, he saw the Bloated Gloop’s mouth stretched wide open, ready to pounce on him.“Magic Burst!” Ezra pointed his left palm at the Gloop and shouted.A blast of magic energy shot out from the middle of his palm and pushed the Gloop back, creating some much needed distance. Before the Gl
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System A new ability
Ezra smiled with satisfaction as he flicked open his system panel and reviewed his new stats. The enchanted firearm had made his life a whole lot easier, allowing him to complete shooting objectives with ease. Within just a few minutes, Ezra’s magic power had increased by almost 50%. It was a great start, but he knew he had ways to go before he could awaken his true potential. Having dealt with the Gloops, Ezra felt confident about facing what lay ahead. “Just need to destroy the crystal, and then I can finally get out of here,” Ezra spoke confidently as he headed down the corridor. The corrupted crystal turned a shade darker and started vibrating as Ezra walked closer. He was within a few feet from the crystal when suddenly a low droning sound caught his attention. Ezra turned around and immediately spotted the culprit. It was a peculiar creature that seemed to be a strange fusion between a bat and a mosquito. The flying menace had thin, membranous wings covered in rusty brow
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Soul Drain
Ezra clambered back to his feet as the Stirges pulled away from him. There were claw marks and cuts all over his neck and arms, and he was bleeding from multiple orifices. But even in this weakened state, his resolve remained unshakeable. As Ezra stood up straight, the spectral wolf growled and took its position by his side. Almost immediately, a golden panel of light flashed open before his eyes. [New ability acquired: Soul Drain.] [Soul Drain (Level 1): Allows the spectral wolf’s master to directly drain the souls of low-level creatures around him in a 100-feet radius. This ability can be used once every twenty-four hours and does not expend any magic power. All souls drained from living beings are directly transferred to the master’s inventory. Caution: Soul Drain can be blocked by magic barriers and wards. It does not work against high-level creatures and the undead.] Ezra had watched his siblings use the powerful abilities granted by their Spectral Companions during training s
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Reinforcing loyalties
The next few days passed rather peacefully, with no word from the Rodels and Lord Cornelius. People soon stopped discussing about Ezra and moved on to the next spicy gossip about the arrival of a new firearms merchant in town. Aurelia kept quiet about the incident inside the training dungeon because she knew if their father had caught wind of their secret training session, he would seal off the basement to ensure Ezra’s safety. However, she hadn’t swept the matter from her mind and was doing her best to gather information. Ezra, on the other hand, could not have asked for a better training experience. Having awakened his Spirit Companion and earned its loyalty, he felt a lot more confident. His next goal was gathering the crafting materials needed for customizing his enchanted revolver and locating a Gunsmithing workbench. Ezra spent the following two days reading about different types of enchanted firearms and the most commonly available enchanted bullets. *** A lot had changed
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Exotic potions
As Ezra and Aurelia walked out of the mansion, they were greeted by the sight of a clear blue sky, and the gentle gaze of the autumn sun warmed their cold bodies. The town of Aranor looked as charming as a wood elf’s abode with the Dogwood and Red Maple trees donning new cloaks dyed in scarlet hues. Even the air was light and soothing as the wind carried with it the songs of distant robins. It had been quite some time since Ezra had taken a stroll down the streets. But it wasn’t because he was too lazy to walk or thought too highly of himself to mingle with the commoners. It was simply because he felt insecure with all the gossip around him. However, now that Ezra had Aurelia by his side, he felt a lot better. “I must admit father hasn’t let the years catch up with him. He is still as clever as always,” Aurelia said as she fixed her glove. Ezra had always regarded Lord Sebastian with respect, but he didn’t understand why his sister was praising him on this occasion. “What makes yo
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System An insatiable hunger
Ezra thanked his sister, and together they left the potion store in high spirits. Aurelia was happy to see her brother finally enjoying the sun and engaging in other activities rather than pouring over his books and overthinking about his future. They were walking through the town square when suddenly Ezra felt a tingling sensation in his right arm. He understood that the cursed eye was about to manifest itself at any moment, and if anyone saw that on his hand, he would become the talk of the whole town again. Ezra knew he could not take any chances and immediately stopped in his tracks and shoved his right hand inside his pocket. “Sister!” he called out unusually loud, even though Aurelia was barely a few steps ahead of him. Startled by Ezra’s panicked voice, Aurelia turned around with an anxious expression on her face. “What is it? Are you okay, brother?” “I’m fine. It’s just that I think it’s best if you’re not seen together with me. You know how the townsfolk always think we ar
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System The Merchants’ Guild
A noble being refused entry into an establishment by a mere commoner was unheard of in all of Aranor, and this left Ezra shocked and confused. Gathering his hurt pride, Ezra looked straight at the guard, his eyes blazing with fury. “Do you even know who I am?” “It does not matter. Only members bearing the guild pass are allowed to enter this establishment, so beat it, kid,” the guard replied, tilting his head to point Ezra in the direction of the tavern. Offended by his impudence, Ezra lost his cool and pulled out his enchanted revolver. Pointing it at the guard, he spoke in a commanding voice, “I am Lord Ezra Romanov. Get out of my way, or I’ll drop you where you stand.” The guard never expected someone to pull a gun on him. And though he too, was armed with a flintlock pistol, the sight of the enchanted firearm in Ezra’s hand made his hands turn cold. Raising his hands, the guard whimpered, “You are making a big mistake here. Even the nobles aren’t allowed to enter without permi
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Special delivery
The merchants present in the guild’s meeting chamber exchanged curious glances with each other as Ezra left the room. A local trader stepped forward with a frown on his face and asked, “Why did you say that we would support the Romanovs? Lord Wilhelm has promised to give us interest-free loans all year round, and he has close ties with the Duke as well. Why didn’t you get Lord Ezra arrested for barging into our guild house and threatening us with violence?” Yarpin smiled at this as though it was the silliest thing he had ever heard and replied, “What do you think that would have accomplished?”As he turned to face the trader, a devious grin flashed on his sly face. “Getting the little Lord arrested would be a temporary solution. Either Lord Sebastian or his sister would have showed up to free him. My goal is to permanently get him out of our hair.” “What do you mean?” the trader asked nervously. Yarpin placed his hand on the trader’s shoulder and whispered in a cold voice, “Lord Ez
Latest Chapter
Choose your fate
“I never really thought the boy had it in him to keep going after he lost his home,” someone observed in a calm, benevolent voice. “I must admit his resilience is quite impressive for a mortal. Were it anyone else in his shoes, the ending would have been a lot different.”“I knew there was something about him right from the day he was born. Alas, his mother never got the chance to see him grow up,” a feminine voice stated wistfully. “The question remains, what must we do with him now?” the male voice questioned.“I think it is time to leave the choice in his hands,” a second feminine voice spoke aloud. “Wake up, my dear child. Your mortal troubles cannot touch you here. Wake up and choose.”Groggy and disoriented, Ezra slowly parted his eyelids and immediately squinted as the bright white light flooding the room smarted his eyes. Still dizzy and weak, he somehow rolled over and gasped.“Where am I? What happened?” “You are safe inside the Hall of Wandering Souls,” a measured feminine
Sins of Thy Father
“The hour of darkness descends upon this world like a shroud, and the bleeding moon beckons the Lord of Decay to reclaim his lost domain. Come forth and ascend the throne of darkness, my Lord!”Ezra’s heart pounded inside his chest like a caged animal, and his head throbbed in pain as he heard muffled words shouted in the distance. Lying in a bloody puddle on the black marble floor, he parted his droopy eyelids and saw Lord Wilhelm standing behind the altar and Lady Lillian facing him on the other side.Though Tanya’s face was hidden from view, Ezra could see her supple white fingers tingling as her delicate arm dangled from the stone altar. She was still alive, but Lord Wilhelm was already anointing the ceremonial dagger forged from infernal obsidian and preparing to plunge it into her heart.“You…cannot do it. You need the crimson moon to…summon Zepheroth,” Ezra said, fighting the pain.“The hour of our Lord is nigh. And all celestials shall obey his will,” Lord Wilhelm continued cha
Heroes never win
The enchanted nock gun vibrated with elemental energy as Jasenki loaded it with enchanted rounds. The glyphs carved into its stock shimmered and dazzled as he aimed at Ezra.“Scream for me, Ezra!” Jasenki yelled, pulling the trigger.Bang! Fwoom!A fiery barrage lit up the dark pavilion as fifteen fireballs erupted from the silver-dusted barrels. The first hit burned Ezra’s left sleeve, setting his tattered leather jacket ablaze, and the rest of the fireballs charred his white shirt, burning his skin.“This gun was forged by the best Gunsmiths in Stonewell, and enchanted with the rarest of ancient glyphs. No one can withstand its power!”Jasenki reloaded his weapon and fired again, unleashing another flaming barrage.But this time, a barrier of flames erupted around Ezra, cocooning him within an elemental shell.All fifteen fireballs exploded into sparks as they collided with the flame barrier, leaving Ezra unharmed.“Damn you, Ezra. Keep trying your tricks and see how long you can su
Lovers in Crime
Ezra looked at the two Spectral Companions hovering behind Jasenki and Cecilia and realized these spirits weren’t obtained from their ancestral artifacts. “I see you have abandoned your family relics,” he said, carefully analyzing the two specters with his Dragon Eye skill. “These spectral entities are gifts from the Lord of Decay,” Jasenki replied, raising his head with arrogance. “I bet you have never encountered anything so powerful before.”“Go on, Ezra. Call your little Spectral Basilisk, and let us see if it can stand up to our companions,” Cecilia mocked, casting a disdainful glance at Ezra’s tattered brown jacket and muddy black boots. “You still look as beggarly as before. I suppose some things never change. I am so glad I rejected you when I did.”Suddenly, Ezra’s eyes glinted, and his pupils brightened with a bright blue flame that blazed with magic energy. The scar on his chest glowed through his shirt, revealing his true power.Reaching inside his jacket, Ezra pulled out
Hour of Judgment
Following the glowing trail left behind by the Spectral Beholder, Ezra avoided the rot vines squirming in the mire, and the Medallion of Purity hanging over his chest shielded him from the swamp's corrupting influence.Dark geysers erupted around Ezra, spewing molten tar several feet in the air and filling the swamp with a sulfurous haze. The choking odor brought tears to his eyes, but he pushed on through the vaporous veil.The Spectral Beholder led Ezra to a small patch of dry land surrounded by rotting oak trees. As he stepped onto the elevated mound, he spotted a fiery blue orb floating in the distance.Ten more orbs appeared out of thin air, floating through the foggy darkness. At first glance, they looked like glowing power crystals, but as Ezra took a closer look, he realized these orbs weren’t floating crystals or fireflies, but Elven Wisps.The Elven Wisps were unique spectral entities only found in the Violet Everglades. Unlike Banshees and Spectral Wraiths, the Elven Wisps w
Lady of the Swamp
A weary traveler lost inside the Violet Everglades was an easy prey for the creatures of the dark, and Ezra had just encountered one such nefarious entity. But instead of fear, his eyes lit up with a strange hopefulness.“You called out to me in Tanya’s voice, so you must have seen her passing through. Point me toward the Fountain of Chaos, and I won’t kill you,” he spoke in a cold, emotionless voice, without even turning to look at the creature creeping toward him.The creature laughed at his words and rushed through the darkness, moving like a shadow to play with his mind. Her voice echoed from different directions as she disappeared like smoke and danced around Ezra.“You are in my home, youngling. The dark ones told me you’d be coming,” she cackled. “But you won’t be walking out alive. So, forget about your friend and save yourself if you can!”As Ezra stood there motionless, a howling shadow rushed past him and gathered on a dry patch of grass overgrown with violet tulips that glo
The upturned black carriage slowly sinking in the mud, had turned into a feasting ground for the necrophages prowling nearby. But these slimy creatures neither resembled Ghouls nor Drekavacs. At first glance, it was easy to mistake them for Merfolk due to their scaly bodies and fish-like gills. However, their sharp black claws and long white fangs gave away their real nature.About thirteen of them were gathered around the carriage, fighting for the best share of the food and tearing out lumps of flesh from the dead horses lying in the mud. Seeing no human bodies around, Ezra concluded the cultists must have ditched the carriage upon entering the swamp and proceeded on foot from this point onward.“The cultists are already here. We should be careful,” Ezra cautioned the Count as he slid out of the saddle and dismounted from his horse. It was far too dangerous to ride any animal into the swamp, leaving him with no choice but to walk.“We are losing time here. Let’s go in and kill thos
The Everglades dilemma
Marquis Desmond volunteered to stay behind and defend Stonewell while Count Gressil and Aurelia joined Ezra, ready to venture into the Everglades and rescue Tanya.However, as soon as Flavius heard their plan, he immediately objected to the idea.“The Violet Everglades is a perilous swamp haunted by malevolent specters and damned elven warriors who were cursed to roam this world forever. Chaos magic flows in its murky depths, twisting everything it touches and distorting the surroundings. Aberrations and magical anomalies are as common in the Everglades as trees in a forest. It is not wise to willingly venture into that death trap.”“The cultists have Tanya, and they are going to sacrifice her at the Fountain of Chaos. I don’t care about the dangers!” Count Gressil retorted, his fatherly feelings pushing all thoughts of caution out of his mind.But Flavius, being a distant guest, could look at things objectively without getting overwhelmed by his emotions. He looked calmly at the Count
Pieces of the final puzzle
Ezra rummaged through the pile of ashes on the ground, hoping to find that one elusive clue that would lead him to Tanya. But all he managed to get his hands on was a pile of disjointed bones buried amidst the heap.“God, how I wish you were here with me, Marlin. I could really use your help.”The thought of summoning Vorus’ departed soul to this mortal plane crossed Ezra’s mind for a moment, but as he looked at his shattered Mystic Lamp medallion, he remembered the necromancer had destroyed his old relic, vanquishing the Tainted Djinn.“Damn it, Vorus. You are a pain in the behind even after your death!” Ezra clenched his fists, anger, and frustration surging in his heart. Even after killing all three necromancers, he had learned nothing about Tanya’s whereabouts.As Ezra’s pocket watch ticked the minutes away, his heart raced faster and faster. He knew he barely had a couple of hours to locate Tanya and free her before the other cultists sacrificed her.The sound of heavy footsteps m