Attack on Silver Springs
The look on the Elite Guard’s face was enough to convey the seriousness of the situation. The governor immediately sent for the Captain of the town guards to organize a defense.

“We should help them out. Silver Springs will be reduced to rubble if the Elder Lich decides to cast his spells,” Count Gressil said, turning his Elite Guards. “Get to the gate and help the town guards reinforce the wall. Keep an eye on the horde, but do not engage unless I give the word.”

The Elite Guards bowed to acknowledge the orders and rushed off to assist the town guards.

“Count me in as well. The crypt can wait for now. We will come back for the atlas once the Elder Lich has been dealt with,” Ezra declared, ready to join the fight.

But surprisingly enough, Tanya called them back, stopping them from walking away.

“We need to retrieve the map right now!” she exclaimed in a frantic voice. “The undead are not attacking this town on a whim. They know the Atlas of Altamir is here and will do their worst to ca
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